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Everything posted by jesuralem

  1. Hi there, is there a live instance or a demo of this somwhere. i may have several use cases for this but i am not sure i can achieve what i want to do. My idea would be to display pages DB records on a map with the users able to browse the map and access records. it would eb great if DB catgeories could have their own map with only the entries from the category, and even a small map block on each entry page...
  2. For a photo centric app, the ability to show exifs seems essential to me. Also a video competition with either uploaded video of embeds from usual platforms would be nice.
  3. Hey that's me! It's been a while since we had a competition though. I am still a bit frustrated that few missing features aren't added by Andy... Most of the links shared here are dead so it seems there are not a lot of us still using this app, it's a shame as it could really be amazing...
  4. I am on 4.6 and it works ok for me. I haven't tested all features though.
  5. I did the same migration 2 years ago, i have to say i don't regret it at all. I had a few minor issues with the converter but the support team solved them quickly an ddon't even remember most of them.
  6. Yes, suprisingly for a minor upgrade... The upgrader says my custom.css is incompatible but it kind of hard to understand why... It would be nice for the custom.css if the upgrader could tell which part is incompatible...
  7. My server has 12 cores and 32GB of ram, although abviously maybe apache and php configs may not be optimal. @redmak, would you share your settings and/or your host provider ? 🙂
  8. i don't know how many posts you have on your forum but i have "only" 85 000 members and the rebuild is going to take 3 days. I hope you are not in a rush 🙂
  9. OK good to know. I hope i won't have to rebuild too often when i will try and implement custom badges...
  10. support advised me to switch tasks to cron, it seems to be a bit faster but i still have a few days ahead (my estimate was 7 days and is now between 3 or 5).
  11. After the upgrade everybody was a "newbie" so i am rebuilding the achievements manually, is it normal that it takes forever ? I have a reasonnably large board (1.3 million messages) but hte "core-comment" will take almost one week at the current rate...
  12. You should read this topic : We haven't heard from @newbie LAC for a while. We can only hope he is fine or getting better.
  13. I noticed that also, i believe the best option would be to use icons instead of text buttons.
  14. Do you have an idae about when 3.0 might be released ? i really have no use for commerce so it maker this app king of expensive if i have to buy commerce just to use it.
  15. I installed it on my test board, it works but i had to clear the system cache to get it to work.
  16. I really hope we will have some good news from @newbie LAC. Has anyone upgraded to 4.6 with Enhanced Advertsiements installed ? I don't see why it would work but it would be nice to have confirmation :).
  17. It would be great to have a 4.6 version. I have to say i am very disapointed by the lack of evolution of the app, it could be almost perfect with a few new features but it clearly doesn't look like a new version will ever be released. I even offered to sponsor the new features...
  18. I honestly don't give a sh*t about what editor is used as long the user experience is satisfactory, and I think it is at the moment. Of course if migrating to V5 requires as much work as migrating to another editor IPS should definitely benchmark all options and I have no reason to believe they won't. But it is really their problem in the end.
  19. Hi, I am very interested in this app but i have absolutely no use for commerce, do you have a new timeline for the roadmap ? Thanks.
  20. I am using the 4.4 translation on a 4.5 forum, you can check my site of you want to see by yourself but honestly it is largely satisfying. The main things I identified are timeline stuffs like "xxx moths later" between the posts. My forum : https://www.plongeur.com/forums
  21. For instance, when i go on the "registrations" list. IPs are sorted by "most used" so the list basically never change. It would be nice to add a "last used" column with the date the IP was last used, this way we could have a view of recently detected duplicate. Same could be said with the other listings of the app. At the moment, i just don't use at all the app listings as i used them at first and now they are always the same. The app stays very usefull as i check new members IPs and Devices and i can see easily if they are already used by other membres.
  22. @Andy Millne, you never answered about my display issue, nor for the feature requests... it is to bad your support is so slow because the app is great and could be even better..
  23. Hi, I love this app but i really think it could be better. At the moment the listings are almost useless to me, mostly because i have an old community with a lot of inactive members, so knowing a member that hasn't come for 10 years had 4 accounts doesn't really matters to me :). I really wish there could be a quick way to check if a new registration or a new post is made from a multi user device or IP. For instance three lists : - latests registrations : username - IP - number of other users with this IP - device - number of other users with this device - latests posts : link to post - username - IP - number of other users with this IP - device - number of other users with this device - latests connexions : username - IP - number of other users with this IP - device - number of other users with this device The idea expressed earlier on this thread to have a front end visiblity would also be great.
  24. I actually already have a dive centers directory but it is custom dev outside IPS. The tables are on the same DB so maybe i can manage something, who knows. Anyway, very few of the centers in the directory do use the job board so it is not a really big deal.
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