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Posts posted by MNOfficial

  1. 1 minute ago, Runar said:

    Since you’ve tested in Safari I assume you’re using macOS. Would you open Terminal and enter the following command?

    traceroute ddg.com

    Replace ddg.com with your own domain name, and paste the result here or send it to me me in a message.

    I will send it once it's done loading. It's doing it's thing.

  2. Just now, Runar said:

    Have you tried a different browser? And have you made any DNS changes on your desktop, such as pointing your domain to your desktop instead of your host?

    I've tried in Chrome (default), Chrome Incognito and Safari. All three fail to connect to the website. I've cleared cache/cookies, my DNS cache. Gone in to see if I have firewall settings (I don't), proxy settings (I don't).

    1 minute ago, Jim M said:

    It is worth noting that you are running your site over HTTP. "This site can't be reached" isn't normally the error you would get by attempting to access this but it could be your computer's firewall is blocking it or something similar. Just a thought... 

    From what I can see, I do not have Firewall on. The site loaded up last night then just stopped all of a sudden. Never had this issue for this long before. Sometimes it can be five minutes and that's it, and I always assumed that it was my internet going in and out.

  3. Just now, Marc Stridgen said:

    I am actually having no issues visiting your site by the way, so its very likely the issue is on your end there

    Seems to be the general consensus. Just absolutely no way of fixing it on my end.  I've done everything I can think of aside from flat-out buying an all-new system (AGAIN) and praying that works. I don't understand why this is happening to me. I really do not.

  4. Just now, Marc Stridgen said:

    Unfortunately, there isnt much else we can assist with, as the issue is not software related. That message means its not actually reaching your server

    So essentially I'm stuck without site access, then. I've done all online troubleshooting solutions and nothing is working. Ugh. Well, thanks for the assistance. I appreciate it.

  5. 3 minutes ago, Randy Calvert said:

    The server itself may be up, but something like a firewall (like cloudflare) or mod_security or anything else might be disrupting the path. Unfortunately this is not a solution in the software. 

    I don't have a firewall set up at all. I just don't get how it worked when I logged on last night and then just died out.

  6. I don't know if this is the appropriate place to put this, or even something I can be helped with... but since last night, every time I go to my community, I'm given "This site can’t be reached" and they talk about proxy and firewalls, etc, of which I have zero.  The site loaded around 8:45pm last night, and was off and on until 9:30pm when it went completely offline to me, and cannot reconnect.

    It works on mobile but not MY desktop. I've cleared my cache and browser history (big mistake as I don't remember passwords, haha). And I've done everything I can to get it up. What can/should I do? My host said it's up and loading, so... it's clearly a connection via my computer.

  7. On 5/24/2023 at 10:48 AM, Matt said:

    It looks like the key that our Giphy rep set up has now been blocked, likely because of the sale. I can reach out again but I think we'll just adjust the set-up to recommend you set up your own custom key.

    Dang... thanks for sharing this with us. Before setting up our own keys, should we wait for news/response on this issue?

  8. On 5/12/2023 at 1:03 PM, Nathan Explosion said:

    v2.2.4 is pending approval


    • fixed user account settings issue where "Display quotes as" setting would always display as "Fully collapsed" even though a different setting had been chosen prior to saving.

    @MNOfficial is it possible that while they say the following

    ....they actually haven't chosen "Fully collapsed" and saved the setting? Anyway...test it out after the above release; still an issue, provide steps to reproduce.


    I know I tried changing my setting to another one, and then returned to "Fully collapsed", and then it stopped fully collapsing, and they tried to same, as well. We'll see what the update does once approved! Crossing my fingers. 🤞🏻

  9. Since upgrading, I've had zero issues, but my co-admin has told me even with "Fully collapsed" chosen the quotes are not fully collapsed. I suggested they clear their cookies/cache to see if it fixes, but is there anything else you might be able to think of?

  10. 3 minutes ago, teraßyte said:

    You have to run those queries from SSH (command line). Don try to run them from phpMyAdmin, as they'll most likely timeout.


    If you're unsure how to do it, ask your hosting, as @Jim M mentioned above.

    I'm in-contact with my hosting as much as I can; guess it's the problem with big-time hosts. Ugh. TYSM to you @teraßyte@Jim M @Marc Stridgen & @Randy Calvert for your continuous help!

  11. 6 hours ago, Marc Stridgen said:

    Unfortunately there is only so far we can go to assist with your environment itself. You would be best to contact your hosting company at this point, as something is clearly off there. 

    Have you considered moving over to our cloud perhaps, so you no longer have to deal with these things?

    I have not considered it, no. I may look into it, as if it keeps from these issues happening further, then that would be ideal. Is there a cost to being on the Cloud? I know my hosting was renewed for one-year this past September, so I'm paid through September 2024.

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