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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Pjo

  1. Hi In the ACP, I deleted the section and marked for the topics to be moved to another section (I know I could have done this in the forum, not in the ACP)... All tasks have been completed, but the last one stopped and there is an error:
  2. As usual, there aren't such obvious and basic options, but only you have to pay $40 for the plugin... 😄 YES
  3. This is the same application that blocked the update. Stratagem - the worst application. I will remove it. At this point, the problem seems to be solved. Thank you
  4. But when I want to enter the moderator panel (MCP) it displays error 500
  5. Fixed. I disabled the app that was blocking the update....
  6. Hello I can't update my forum... The update has crashed my forum and there is nothing I can do. There are no error logs. What am I supposed to do now? (EN: "this website isn't working"; "The server can't handle the task") Please help ASAP
  7. https://invisioncommunity.com/files/file/9366-slash-through-banned-usernames/ "Great plugin. Updated to 4.6" and 5 stars. Thanks @Marc Stridgen
  8. Hello! How to change stars count (opinion in marketplace)? I can't do it... https://invisioncommunity.com/files/file/9366-slash-through-banned-usernames/
  9. As a logged user I don't have access to half of the sections here - as a guest I do. 🙂 Guest: User:
  10. Pjo

    Warn Log

    WarnLog_moderate_content_until ? nothing here
  11. Hi, my suggestion is additional e-mail settings for the newsletter (bulk mail). Often, other solutions are used for bulk mail.
  12. I wrote PM in January and I still didn't get a reply.
  13. Hello I am looking for a plugin like https://invisioncommunity.com/files/file/6877-mail-bouncer-automated-bounce-management/ but which works with normal SMTP (not Amazon etc.). Often, users register an account on the forum through, for example, Discord / Facebook and if they have an inactive email address (on Discord/FB account), the email address is also incorrect on the forum (e.g. deleted email). As a result, my emails are rejected. What are you doing with it?
  14. Can I set the domain to two separate email hosting? For example Amazon SUS (for forum) and another mail service (for other mailboxes) - or Amazon WorkMail? Anyone use Amazon WorkMail for "normal" mailboxes?
  15. Yes, send and receive emails, for example for support mailbox
  16. Can I also use Amazon as normal mailboxes (not to the forum, e.g. support@domain.com, name@domain.com etc)?
  17. I also want to make mailboxes (e.g. support@domain.com etc.), which I will use on the hosting website or in the mobile application.
  18. Can someone recommend email hosting which has the appropriate emails limits and where I can have several mailboxes (not only for the forum)? Apart from the IP hiding issues.
  19. SendGrid is unfortunately not a solution for me 😕
  20. Offer with hide IP starts at $89,95/m. That's a lot for now.
  21. Hello Sorry if I wrote this in the wrong section. I have been managing the IPS forum for several years. I'm looking for a good email hosting (if it is important, I have almost 40,000 users, so I send a lot of messages per day). It is important that this offers to hide my web server's IP (in the header "received from") when sending messages via SMTP (the domain is managed by CloudFlare and the ip address is hidden).
  22. There is no other pluginon the market so similar. This is a suggestion thread, I reported a few of them. As you can see, someone liked it, so I don't know why you have a problem with me making a suggestion.
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