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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by ahc

  1. Ooo awesome! I was afraid I had deleted something important and would need to fresh install. I'll look out for the update notification in the ACP. 😉
  2. Hey aXen, me again. 😔 We just updated to 3.1.6 and now users can't switch between the light/dark theme, and the custom color they select reverts to default when they refresh or leave the page. I went in to look at all the changes from the last version, and I noticed you changed the coding for the cookies and whatnot. We used custom cookie names within the theme settings, so is this what is causing the issue? Do we need to revert the names back? I did choose all of the new versions of the templates and go back and add in our custom coding again. If the cookies are not the issue, I may have fudged up and removed something you added without realizing.
  3. Is it possible to add a functionality that allows members to filter topics based on the icons?
  4. That's interesting indeed. Maybe this will be the push Invision needs to stop using the outdated MassPay API and integrate the newer Payouts API which does allow individual payments. It's much cheaper and allows you to send payments to both PayPal and Venmo accounts which helps in countries that don't have PayPal available to them. Edit: It doesn't actually look like anything is changing, but I could be wrong so we shall wait and see. I read through the link and it looks like they're just explaining the guideline more clearly, probably due to some confusion with past clients?
  5. Glad to see you're back! Can't wait for this to be updated. It's such an essential tool for my community and we've definitely noticed a difference without it.
  6. We keep the theme updated as often as possible, so it would be the prior version number to the current one. I did manage to get this issue fixed by disabling rocketloader, so we'll be okay for now. I'm not noticing any slow page speeds, just a little odd that it started struggling with making sure the stored settings loaded with the page.
  7. Hey again Axen I just updated the theme to 3.1.4 and made sure this time to override any of our customized templates with yours since we had that minor userbar icon issue last time. I haven't gone in to re-add our customizations yet, but I have noticed that the light/dark toggle seems to be struggling a bit. Members who use the dark theme have noticed that when they visit the website, it loads the light theme first then switches to the dark theme and causes a bright flash of light effect which they aren't too happy with. Also, on some pages, it takes a good 2-3 seconds for it to switch to the dark theme as well. (I can reproduce this myself on my own account.) I had no reports of this issue prior to the upgrade today. Any idea what's happened? (I have cleared the website cache to make sure nothing was stuck.)
  8. Hello, We have a moderator group with the permission “View Reports” turned on, however, that group still receives an error when attempting to review any reports (Can’t be accessed by their account.) and they do not have the report icon in the userbar. Does this permission require other permissions to be turned on in order to work? First time in 3 years we’ve had this issue.
  9. Hello! Since Spanner's unfortunate passing, we've had to abandon a marketplace project he was helping us with and start anew, so I'm posting this request in hopes we can find a developer to work with us on a custom peer-to-peer marketplace application. I've looked through the provider's page, but I'm unsure of what limits each developer has when it comes to an application as big as we're requesting. I'm aware that there is a Classifieds app within the public marketplace, but it functions similarly to eBay, whereas we need a marketplace that functions closer to Etsy and Fiverr, where users can buy, sell, and/or auction physical products, digital products, and commissions with other members. Here is a quick list of the more important features we would need. If you're interested, I'd be more than happy to discuss even further in depth of what we're looking for so I can keep this request short and to the point. Listing-style selling with add-on pricing structure Ability for listing authors to create their own custom fields per listing to collect information from the buyer that is necessary to complete the transaction properly Ability to handle all payment transactions on-site using IPS Commerce/Nexus with ability to take different commission amounts for the website based on seller's usergroup Front-end notifications for majority of marketplace related actions Dispute system that allows communication between buyer, seller, and staff regarding any transactional issues Seller dashboard displaying sales and related statistics, listings (both current and expired), and customer history Buyer dashboard displaying recent purchases and pending invoices/payments Review system that allows both buyers and sellers to rate each other/leave comments about their experience Wishlist system that allows members to create different lists to save listings for later purchasing etc. We do not currently have a budget limit, but I would need estimates before work begins so that we can allocate funds properly. If you're interested in this project, please send me a private message and we'll go from there!
  10. Hm. I tried making a secondary group featured, but it wouldn't work. I don't have any other featured groups set up, just the one I was testing. It wouldn't work unless I added the primary group of the member's profile I was viewing. The primary group of this account is 4, which the block does show without issue when I set the group ID to 4. When I change 4 to the ID of the secondary group this account has, it disappears. There are no other featured groups set up, so nothing should be taking priority or overriding it. Am I still doing something wrong? I figured out the issue, it was 100% my fault and was a simple quick fix. Sorry for the bother!!
  11. Small request regarding Featured Groups, can this also include secondary groups? We use secondary groups to give people special permissions and titles more than primary, so it would be cool to be able to use this feature with them instead of keeping it off. Thanks!
  12. I don't know... Facebook is one of the most used websites in the world and is also one of the most cluttered websites in the world when it comes to links and features which are added to almost weekly it seems, yet people seem to manage just fine. I think you can have a lot of things if you do so in a way that doesn't make it frustrating trying to find something.
  13. Feature Request: The ability for admins to manually deactivate someone's account via a setting in the ACP. Sometimes people request account deletion and we deny it for legal reasons (Usually involved with DMCA), so we'd like to just deactivate it instead since 9 times out of 10, the member never comes back to do it themselves. Improvement Request: The ability to provide a reason when we reject someone's account deletion request. I thought this was already possible, but it seems it was my mistake as I can't find anywhere to do so when rejecting someone. It would be beneficial for them to know specifically why we can't.
  14. This is for custom notifications you push manually, not for automatic notifications. You'll want something like this:
  15. Hello @Fosters just checking in. Any ETA on when this will be upgraded? It currently does not work on 4.5 and is the last essential application we're waiting on an upgrade for.
  16. I'm literally scouring Invision trying to find the plugin that does this. Could I pretty please have a link? Thank you!! Also @DawPi Yes, having it send an inline notification that links members to the content that was moderated instead of sending a PM would be absolutely amazing. We used the Rules app to create various triggers to send automatic notifications for nearly every moderator action and we would jump on your app immediately if it had this functionality. Sending a mass of PMs for everything is very old-school (in my opinion) and not something a lot of people like, especially in communities where PMs are used to conduct business. Automatic PMs feel almost like spam when a quick notification is all that's needed.
  17. I send about 180k/m but it would cost more to choose the 100k plan and then be charged the fee for each additional email over that. A lot of our members prefer to get email notifications since they pop up on their mobile. Good alternative until our website's mobile app is finished and they finally get push notifications.
  18. No, still using our server. We send a lot of emails so even using Sparkpost, we'd have to use their $170/m plan to accommodate it.
  19. @breatheheavy SparkPost is compatible via SMTP only, but it used to be fully integrated just like SendGrid until Invision removed it. It's cheaper and more reliable in a lot of ways than SendGrid ever has been. I haven't looked too much into other options outside of SparkPost because we switched back to using our server which is doing okay for now. I forgot to also note that when I first created my SendGrid account, they suspended it a few hours later because they thought I stole someone's registered business information to sign up for an account without giving me the option to verify. It took several weeks for me to prove that I owned the business. SendGrid can shove it where the sun doesn't shine for all I care.
  20. We stopped using SendGrid for this reason. More than half of our emails were not being delivered because we kept being assigned IP addresses that were blocked by most of the top providers. When I sent in a ticket, they told me I would need to pay more money or just deal with it because they don't try to get their IPs unblocked. I dealt with it by deleting my SendGrid account. They got rid of SparkPost integration because of numerous issues and terrible customer service, but I actually had zero issues using SparkPost where I've always had those issues with SendGrid.
  21. ahc


    I think the point of my post was missed. [spoiler]Spoiler tags do not work here on Invision's forums anymore.[/spoiler] I am not talking about 3rd party communities. They do not have the spoiler button in the toolbar for me to utilize.
  22. ahc


    Since [spoiler] tags no longer work in 4.5, what can I do to have that functionality back? I'm talking about on here, Invision. I hate sending images because they take up a lot of space, and now that I can't use bracket tags, there's no way for me to spoil anything because they don't have the button in the editor menu.
  23. Thank you for the quick fix! I don't mind waiting for the new version to be approved.
  24. Thank you for the fix on the posts. We've run into another issue. Guests who try to register to our site receive an error after they submit their registration form. After long testing and troubleshooting, we've discovered that it only happens when this app is enabled. This is the full log from ACP: This is a very critical bug and we have to keep it disabled until this is resolved. The registrations will still go through, however, this bug allows them to bypass email verification and lets them have full access of the website upon leaving the error page. We made several accounts to test this: We used a mixture of real and fake emails. Notice how none of the accounts are awaiting email validation even though they should be. (The cancelled registrations were tests done while the app was disabled.) The test accounts are using fake emails and cannot validate via email, and the two accounts using real email addresses never received an email asking them to validate their account. None of these accounts should have access to the website and should get the "Please confirm your email" page when they log into the site, but I'm able to browse/use the site like a validated user when I log into them. When this app is disabled, registrations go through without the error and they are forced to validate via email as intended. Let me know if you need anymore information!
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