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Sledge FTB

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Posts posted by Sledge FTB

  1. 18 minutes ago, Randy Calvert said:

    in that case I would find a new shared host. That’s scary based on the power that file contains!!

    Not necessary. A a lot of shared hostings are running in boxed/virtual environments. For example if the kernel is running on CloudLinux with proper use of CageFS. In such case you can't affect other users on the server with your php.ini and/or any of those "dangerous" PHP functions (or, more important, the other users on the server can't affect you with those ).

  2. Are you sure it is still running @jesuralem? Can you see it in background processes?

    As we can't (reason why I'm here). The recount has finished, but front-end isn't showing them. Tried it twice by now.

    Front-end profiles keeps showing "Ranks are being recalculated. We'll show your current rank here soon" and no badges are shown. In the admin panel, users are distributed over badges and ranks, All background processes are completed and the re-count button is available again.

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