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Posts posted by sychn

  1. 6 hours ago, Nathan Explosion said:

    @sychn as per PM, here's a different way of doing what you are trying to achieve using this:

    1. ACP -> Customization -> (Editor) Toolbars
    2. Click 'Add Button', and go to the 'Custom' tab
    3. Populate the fields as you wish, but adhere to the following specifics:
      • Enable 'Use option?'
      • Enter some text in the 'Option label' field (example: 'Link')
      • In the HTML field, enter the exact code from the codebox provided in this post
    4. Click 'Save'
    5. You will now have a new button in your "Buttons not on editor", which you can drag and drop around the available editors
    6. On the front-end, click the button, paste the link into the provided dialog box field, and click OK


    	<video controls="">
    		<source src="{option}">{option}


    Thanks, Nathan. I have tried but the problem seems still the browser. I have tried different codec like H.264, but still no play button worked.

  2. On 8/7/2023 at 5:05 PM, Marc Stridgen said:

    Suggestions arent usually something that would be added in the next release, a sthese take time to be developed. Could I please clarify here what you mean by list view? Overview and view categories are the 2 available views at present

    Could contain: Page, Text, Computer Hardware, Electronics, Hardware, Monitor, Screen

  3. 16 hours ago, Marc Stridgen said:

    Suggestions arent usually something that would be added in the next release, a sthese take time to be developed. Could I please clarify here what you mean by list view? Overview and view categories are the 2 available views at present


    I meant it would be nice if I can set the default view of the gallery items in the ACP. The current default view is 'Show as thumbnails' which not show enough information to the users and some of them don't know to 'Show as list'. I remembered this feature appeared in the very previous versions.


    Could contain: File, Page, Text, Webpage

  4. Hello,

    I mis-uploaded an upgrade pack to a wrong site, and I recovered with the original files, but when I login to the ACP every time, I got this error page:

    Could contain: Page, Text, File

    If I continued the 'Complete Upgrade', it showed a file check error, but all the files have been recovered with the original ones:

    Could contain: Page, Text

    Does anyone know how to fix it?


  5. 22 hours ago, Afrodude said:

    It's not a bug. This is how it works. 

    You can fix your issue by warping your text with this code.

    <div class="ipsBox ipsPadding">新站上线前,旧站继续运行并保留所有功能</div>

    Also, before you do that make sure from group permissions "Can post HTML" is toggled on.

    Then you will have access to the source option where you can add HTML codes. 


    Thanks, m8, now I know how it works. 😁

  6. On 3/21/2023 at 11:27 AM, teraßyte said:

    If you have only ~80 topics, and you don't mind your members having to re-register their accounts, it's indeed faster to start from scratch with a fresh install.

    You'll lose less time re-posting the topics yourself than going through the upgrade process twice.


    I've done my fair share of legacy upgrades from 2.x to 4.x, and for 80 topics it's not worth the hassle if there's no other data you care about on 2.x. 😅


    On 3/21/2023 at 4:49 PM, Afrodude said:

    Also, if you really care about saving those topics, you can save them and then repost them again. After that use those plugins to change author and date of the topics to the original ones.

    Like this as @teraßyte suggested after you start fresh. You can still save those 80 topics, yet it will take some time to repost them and then change author and date to the original ones.


    On 3/21/2023 at 8:16 PM, Marc Stridgen said:

    The license itself you can indeed renew if you wish. There is no direct upgrade path though, as mentioned above

    Thanks for the suggestions. I have renewed the licnese and installed lastest version, I will repost the topics. 😁

  7. 3 hours ago, teraßyte said:

    Wow, 2.3.5 is really old at this point. Direct upgrades from 2.x to 4.x aren't supported anymore, unfortunately. You'll need to upgrade to 3.x first, and then to 4.x.


    3 hours ago, Randy Calvert said:

    I can see that as being just plain PAINFUL.  You're not only going to have to address database conversion, but also having  a separate hosting environment that has the system requirements to run the old 3.x version in order to step into the 4.x version later!

    Thank you m8s. Maybe upgrade from 2.x to 4.x is not a good idea. 😂 It seems building a new site is easier. (I have only 80 topics in the 2.x board)

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