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Everything posted by TDBF

  1. https://www.thedarkblues.co.uk/topic/29092-news-ticket-information-dundee-derby-sat-9th-april-2022/#comment-523755 User ID is number 1
  2. Topics which are created via Page app cannot be edited even by an Admin or moderator.
  3. TDBF


    Correct. Must have been a glitch in the Matrix last night. 🙁 I originally had the quiz category set as min 5 and max 5 answers and then changed it to min 2 and max 5 answers and I would get the not enough answers error. Just tried it again on a different category and works fine. I'm not sure why it would have done this, if it does it again I will do a bug trace on this. I created the quiz, the questions and answers and click on 'Allow play', however no Topic was created. I will test this laster and get back to you.
  4. TDBF


    Hi Adriano, I have found a couple of bugs and issues with this application: When moving quizzes, the last quiz information is not updated for the category, When setting the minimum and maximum answers for questions, only the maximum is taken into account. So if I set these settings to minimum 2 and maximum 5 and only add 2 answers there is an error stating that there should be a further 3 answers to be added to the question. I sometimes only want to add 2 answers for a True or False to the question and this bug prevents me from doing so. There seems to be an issue when adding a Topic to the quiz. Sometimes it will add a topic and sometimes it will not. The feature and pinned badges in category view do not align correctly, as shown in the image below: Kind Regards,
  5. Can I Second this please. I would have thought this would have been part of the export process since Pages templates would use CSS and JavaScript.
  6. Apparently not. Working on a Pages for the last couple of weeks and I wasn't able to use these theme variables in CSS. @Matt Any chance this could be fixed please?
  7. That is an image in the user signature and very much added by the user. You can disable signatures via the ACP. Nothing to do with Invision.
  8. Create Database Template: Edit Database Template: After Exporting CMS templates to disk: Field name's when saved to database table. Well, there's about an hour I won't get back 🤣 Hopefully this will be a bit helpful.
  9. This issue is both an annoyance and a bug, one affects the other imo. Application: CMD/Pages Bug: Renaming a template can cause duplicate of a Database template when it's imported via Themes Designer Mode or when creating another the Database Template with the same name. Not only does this bug break your own naming guidelines, but it can cause duplicates of the same database template which will lead to issues when deleting one of the duplicates within Database Templates window. How to reproduce. Create a Pages Database Template: Go to Themes ACP and click on the Designer Mode button, Enable Designers' Mode and Click Next and wait until all templates are exported to disk, Now disable Designers Mode and Synchronize the changes leaving the files on server, Return to the Pages Templates window and edit the Database Template previously created, do not edit the name, but just save the template name as is. Enable Designers' Mode and Click Next and wait until all templates are exported to disk, Go to the server where your IPB install is and navigate to /themes/cms/database directory and rename the Database Template you created previously so that it is all lower case, Now disable Designers Mode and Synchronize the changes leaving the files on server, There should now be two version of the Database template that you created. If you remove one of them, both will be deleted. Solution. The reason for this happening is two fold. When you originally create a database template, there are limitations places of the Database Template Name which are: Please use only a-z and 0-9 without any special characters or spaces. The title must start with a letter or underscore. When you edit a Database Template, the name will be displayed differently, it will be title case and without any underscores and I can save with spaces regardless of the limitations in place: Please use only a-z and 0-9 without any special characters or spaces. The group name must start with a letter or underscore. You can use an underscore, which will show as a space when viewing templates. The issue lies within the function databaseTemplateGroupOptions() (file: cms/modules/admin/pages/templates.php Line: 1004 😞 form->add( new \IPS\Helpers\Form\Text( 'cms_database_group_name', \IPS\cms\Templates::readableGroupName( \IPS\Request::i()->group ), NULL, array( 'regex' => '/^([A-Z_][A-Z0-9_\.\s]+?)$/i' ), function( $val ) Issues Group Name Change: \IPS\cms\Templates::readableGroupName( \IPS\Request::i()->group ) Is the first issue. This changes the group variable from 'my_template_name' to 'My Template Name'. On line 1026: This line here: $new = str_replace( ' ', '_', $values['cms_database_group_name'] ); Should be changed to $new = str_replace( ' ', '_', mb_strtolower($values['cms_database_group_name'])); As you can see from this part of the function, $new is not set to be lower case as it should be which when saving the field to the database and this can cause conflicts with importing later. if ( $values = $form->values() ) { $new = str_replace( ' ', '_', $values['cms_database_group_name'] ); if ( $new != \IPS\Request::i()->group ) { \IPS\Db::i()->update( 'cms_templates', array( 'template_group' => $new ), array( 'template_location=? and template_group=?', 'database', \IPS\Request::i()->group ) ); foreach( \IPS\cms\Templates::$databaseDefaults as $field => $template ) { \IPS\Db::i()->update( 'cms_databases', array( 'database_template_' . $field => mb_strtolower( $new ) ), array( 'database_template_' . $field . ' =?', \IPS\Request::i()->group ) ); } unset( \IPS\Data\Store::i()->cms_databases ); $this->findAndUpdateTemplates( $new, \IPS\Request::i()->group ); } \IPS\Output::i()->redirect( \IPS\Http\Url::internal( 'app=cms&module=pages&controller=templates' . ( isset( \IPS\Request::i()->t_location ) ? '&t_location=' . \IPS\Request::i()->t_location : '' ) ), 'saved' ); } Sorry for the long-winded approach to this issue. 😋
  10. You could have an issue with your constant.php file and datastore entries. I had the same issue last week and it was due to an issue with my constant.php and corrupt datastore entries. Marc fixed my issues, maybe he could let you know what he did to fix mines and to see if that solution works for you.
  11. *Warning RANT* Tonight I decided to update all my database templates for this application mainly due to upgrading to PHP 8 and all the changes done to the templates over the last few updates. Every time I go to do work on this, my heart always sinks because I detest working on the templates via the admin area. The first thing to happen tonight, I reverted one of the templates and it was gone, deleted, *poof* without a warning or anything. This is usually the point where I say to myself; (Insert some swear words) it would be easier for me to write an application which would allow me to convert all my databases over to WordPress (I have done this before). However, I detest WordPress more mainly due to its lack of actual template system (The irony is not lost on me here) and not being able to tie users across both CMS's without jumping through hoops and costing a fortune. I honestly have a total love hate relationship with this application. I love the power of it, but I hate the MANY bugs, flaws and the implementation of the templates area within the Pages ACP. I have 100's of different templates for many different databases, and it is a PITA to navigate all because someone thought it was a neat idea to order them in order by the date the templates were last modified 😕 !! Template Ordering This is the default ordering of Database templates is to display templates by last edited. While this might be okay for a few templates, it's a bloody nightmare when you have 100's of different templates. This is the default ordering for just the Database templates: This the order after I wrote a plug-in to order database templates in a more readable form. This is what I would have to content with when dealing with the default order in a working environment. There is no structure this at all and it's just a complete an utter eye sore and total mess. If you are wondering why there are spaces in my template names, it's because I changed the code to allow this. This is the database templates ordered in a more readable order by name. Parent Category for Database Templates. Adding new Database templates is a nightmare as well. Instead of just being able to copy the default or a user database templates all in one go, I have to do this separately for Category List, Feature Lists, Recording listings etc etc. It is so time consuming having to do this over and over. I would prefer to create Database Template Category and select all the different Template types for that Category using a multi-select option for this. For example: This way, if I need to copy database templates, then I just need to copy the parent and the children in one go. Any one who has worked with the template system, knows how badly thought out this whole part is. Trying to copy, move, save, rename, export and import templates is a total nightmare. Template Naming Also, the naming of templates goes against what you already have as the defaults database templates. You do not allow spaces in template names, yet your own templates uses them. Spaces are used for readability purposes, if you can use spaces in Theme Templates why change naming convention here? Updates and QOL life changes. This application has had no real love at all. It's basically the same as it was when version 4 was released. The only changes have been bug fixes and changes forced due to the core changes. I have seen many topics with feature requests to this Application and they go ignored time and time again. The engine behind this application is really powerful, yet the front end templates are a complete and utter joke and have no value in the real word. If I wanted a forum clone, I would have used my forums instead. Out of the box, this application is disappointing. If it were not for people like @opentype doing a lot of good work with his templates etc, people would have dumped this application a long time ago as it is not what people expect from an Article Management system. Will you give this Application some love and attention please! My apologies for the rant...... I would rather have my nails pulled out one at a time than work on this application.
  12. TDBF

    Reading Time

    I already did this Daniel. I was going to release it to the public, however due to a hard disk failure, cloud sync error and a drunken night in where I feed large quantities of alcohol into my floppy disk bay, I lost all the code. You know, all the normally excu... issues we developers face daily.
  13. Marc, Thank you very much you are a gem! Thank you, Much appreciated, this install is from 3.4 and has a lot of entries from that version.
  14. Actually, I would prefer someone to have a look at this or I will lose over 12 hours of posts. Even if I upload a previous version, I still get the upgrade notice and if I upload the latest version I get the above error. I have updated my test site with no problems, with the exact same update and files.
  15. I'm going get my hosting company to revert to the latest backup and take it from there.
  16. Marc, I updated from the admin area, and did not do update manually. As far as I am aware, this would have been the latest version. If the latest patch was less than the time from when I posted, then it is the latest patch. I have downloaded the latest version from here, uploaded it and still getting the same error.
  17. My live forum is currently down due to an issue with the installer. Can I have some assistance please? if ( \IPS\STORE_METHOD === 'FileSystem' ) { $config = json_decode( \IPS\STORE_CONFIG, TRUE ); $path = str_replace( '{root}', \IPS\ROOT_PATH, $config['path'] ); if ( !is_dir( $path ) or !is_writable( $path ) ) { \IPS\Output::i()->sendOutput( \IPS\Theme::i()->getTemplate( 'global', 'core' )->globalTemplate( \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->language()->addToStack('upgrade_error'), '', \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->language()->addToStack( 'create_conf_global', FALSE, array( 'sprintf' => array( $path ) ) ), \IPS\ROOT_PATH ), 200, 'text/html', array(), FALSE ); } } The value $config is empty.
  18. I have reverted the files to the previous version, still getting the upgrade lock, how do I remove this. There were no changes made to the database.
  19. Get this error when upgrading to 4.6.10. All files and folder permissions are correct.
  20. This is due to a disparity of the actual amount of comments and the comments count, especally if there are posts from a person/persons block in that topic. The comment count function does not work as expected, as calling the function resyncCommentCounts() without removing the blocked person posts will return the wrong result and count. Hence why there are more pages than comments. I have PM'd Miss_B regarding this issue, but received no answer of yet. 🙂
  21. When you have create a theme from a parent theme, the ordering of themes in not respected in the front. This is my ordering in the ACP: Themes This is the ordering when I click the theme link to select a theme. As you can see, the ordering below is not the same as I have chosen in the screenshot above. This only happens when you create a child theme from a parent theme.
  22. Marc, this has nothing to do with caching or 3rd party items. 🙂 A couple of members I have spoke too who have this problem, have stated that they aggressively clear their cache and cookies when their browser closes, their device caching is cleared or an extension which does this for them. Since the only check for a device is a random 32 char string saved within a cookie, this will be problematic when users remove their cookies before returning to the forum to sign in. Hence the reason why some of my members receive the new device emails all the time and others do not. As the 'Send an email when a user logs in from a new device' setting is global and members not being able to opt out of these emails, I will have to disable this setting for the time being. I cannot have my members spammed with this email every time they sign-in and my server will be more happy about this too. Appreciate your help as always. 🙂
  23. We moved to this server about 4 months ago, and this issue has been going on for as long as I can remember. It's not specific to the server we have now. I do wish however that there was an 'opt' option for this feature available to our members, that way they can choose whether or not to receive these emails.
  24. I cannot turn off LiteSpeed as that is enabled by the hosting company by default. I will turn of Opcache and IPS caching and get back to you.
  25. The only caching we use is Php's OPCaching. The server has LiteSpeed caching enabled, but it's not used as there is no option for LiteSpeerd within IPS (Hint hint 🙂.) This isn't happening to all of our members, but does affect quite a few.
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