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Jim M

Invision Community Team
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Community Answers

  1. Jim M's post in Can´t change name servers was marked as the answer   
    Your domain registrar requires specific verification in order to perform the change. We are reviewing this on our end and will respond in your ticket.
  2. Jim M's post in Locked out of my website was marked as the answer   
    I just replied to your ticket 🙂 
  3. Jim M's post in how to make widget show only on 1 page was marked as the answer   
    The block/widget locations are related. Some are related to certain types, whereas others are on the whole application. For instance, when you place a block/widget on a forum topic, it will show on all forum topics. 
  4. Jim M's post in How can I change my domain? was marked as the answer   
    Can go to the Client Area > Manage Purchases > click your Cloud package > can click change domain. This will submit a ticket to us to further setup your domain.
    I can instead submit a ticket on your behalf to get the process going if you would like?
  5. Jim M's post in How to create a french translation ? was marked as the answer   
    Currently, the only way to create language strings for an application and reliably test those translations would be through owning the applications in questions that you want to translate for. Sorry I do not have better news at this time.
  6. Jim M's post in Breadcumbs and URL was marked as the answer   
    Pages would not add the folder or parent page to the breadcrumb structure, I'm afraid. The only situation where it does is when a Pages Database is involved and there are multiple categories.
  7. Jim M's post in 504 ERROR The request could not be satisfied. was marked as the answer   
    I actually just replied to your ticket. Please upgrade to the latest release as you are rather extremely outdated.
  8. Jim M's post in Vbulletin 4.x Converter was marked as the answer   
    Speaking with one of our developers, you should be prompted in the conversion settings which one you wish to bring over (avatars or member profile photos). Are you receiving the setting to do so?
  9. Jim M's post in Help!! All my Twitter style emoji change to question sign was marked as the answer   
    I would advise reaching out to your hosting provider if you do not have a backup. Unfortunately, once you converted to a non-mb4 collation, there is no way back as it has gotten rid of these emoji characters essentially.
  10. Jim M's post in Error on hitting the ship button was marked as the answer   
    There was a bug resolved in a patch that was related to sending emails with EasyPost. I have applied that to your installation for you. Could you please try again now?
  11. Jim M's post in No more support tickets? was marked as the answer   
    You should have received an email to the address on file detailing the changes coming from our hello@invisionpower.com email. Our staff are fully managing the Help & Support forum here. However, to ease the transition, we are still permitting tickets to be submitted till the new year in the Client Area -> Manage Purchases -> click your license -> Support Request.
    Our typical response times will be made available here on the forums as they were in tickets 🙂 .
  12. Jim M's post in Remove Orphaned Gallery Images? was marked as the answer   
    There shouldn't really be a need to do this as our software will purge those items automatically, e.g. when an image is uploaded but the user does not complete the process. There is a task which runs about every 24 hours to do this.
    There are some variations of images stored for gallery so you will see the number of images be larger than the number of images in gallery on the front-end of your community.
  13. Jim M's post in Lots of issues after moving servers was marked as the answer   
    The lock timeout, and server shutdown in progress are related to your server itself so asking for assistance from your new hosting provider would be advised.
    Call to undefined method stdClass::language() is typically a connection error in the database so checking the connection in conf_global.php (or the above with your provider).
    The first "OutOfRangeException" has some third party add-ons in the stack trace there so I would recommend disabling these and testing again.
    The final "OutOfRangeException" is referencing loading or an orphaned a failed promotion item from the database. Do you have the previous installation up and running to test? If you're not receiving the same error, I would suggest exporting and importing the database again as it seems something has gone awry with that process.
  14. Jim M's post in [Bug] Our Picks, IPS 4.6.7 was marked as the answer   
    Thank you for reporting this! I have moved this internally for our developers to review and investigate. If a release is needed, this will be made into a future maintenance release. Thanks again.
  15. Jim M's post in Domain was marked as the answer   
    If this is for a Cloud package, please submit a ticket and we can assist you with doing so 🙂 
  16. Jim M's post in AdminCp was marked as the answer   
    It looks like you've also recently put into place a HTTP to HTTPS redirect but may not have updated our software to properly to reflect HTTPS. Please remove the HTTP to HTTPS redirect on your server and follow the guide here: https://invisioncommunity.com/4guides/advanced-options/configuration-options/using-ssl-https-r273/
  17. Jim M's post in What happened to the old support tickets??? was marked as the answer   
    Support tickets would be accessed through your email inbox now. I'm afraid, there are no means to view them in the Client Area any longer. We changed how our clients start support recently. As a self-hosted client, you should have received an email with information detailing those changes. 
  18. Jim M's post in [SOLVED] JQuery fails to load, breaking all other JS was marked as the answer   
    First, I would recommend disabling all third party applications/plugins to see if there is a conflict. From the error stack, I don't believe so but a good first step to confirm this is indeed coming from an issue rooted in our core software.
    Second, please check to ensure that the uploads folder and all sub-folders of uploads are writable on your server. This is generally 777 but if you run suPHP or suexec this is 755. Please also ensure that the correct user/group is assigned to all folders/files in your installation directory. If you are unsure how to perform any of this, please reach out to your hosting provider. Once this is done and all are set correctly, please clear cache by going to ACP -> Support (top right) and then on the right-hand side click "Clear System Caches."
    Please let us know if that does not help.
  19. Jim M's post in facebook account was marked as the answer   
    As mentioned in the message there, you would need to update your Privacy Policy to include the items they're wanting there. This, unfortunately, does not directly relate with technical components and is more legal side so I would recommend reaching out to your attorney if you have any questions on your privacy policy. If you have any questions on our software or the data points used in our software from Facebook, please let us know.
  20. Jim M's post in Forum too much slow was marked as the answer   
    Setting the storage engine to InnoDB will indeed help with performance. However, it may not be the end all bullet. You will want to talk to your hosting provider about changing your tables for you to InnoDB.
    I would also recommend disabling any third party applications/plugins and switching to an unmodified theme when evaluating performance. This will allow you to set a baseline for your performance on the core software and then evaluate the third party add-ons on top of it one-by-one. It could be one of these third party add-ons is not performing well on your server or is expectedly doing something that is a little more resource heavy.
    If none of the above helps, you will want to re-evaluate performance with your hosting provider with all third party items disabled. If the hosting provider finds something very specific which is a software error or slow query. We would require the proper logging to diagnose. However, generally, performance issues typically lie on the hosting side of things and they have the tools/resources to help you resolve them.
  21. Jim M's post in Switching from Invision Cloud Hosting to Self Hosted was marked as the answer   
    Correct. You would need to purchase a self-hosting license including all applications you wish to use. Then uninstall the applications you did not purchase. Finally, please submit a ticket and we can gather the backups for you. Once that is done, we would provide instructions on what would need to be done to restore our software from the backups we provide.
  22. Jim M's post in Need Help with Custom Block was marked as the answer   
    You will want to go to the ACP -> Pages -> Blocks -> Create Block -> select custom -> select Manual PHP as the content editor:

  23. Jim M's post in Weird forum permission 'read own topics' was marked as the answer   
    Glad to hear you were able to resolve your issue. Anyone reading this in the future, Joey_M was referring to the "Users can see topics posted by other users?" being set to disabled. Setting it to enabled will then let users see topics by other users. This is found by editing the forum's settings and it is under the "Permissions" headline:

  24. Jim M's post in Неверный лицензионный ключ was marked as the answer   
    Please be advised I have updated your license URL on file so please refresh the license in the ACP and you should be all set.
  25. Jim M's post in What happened to "Client Area?" was marked as the answer   
    Things seem to be working fine here when clicking "Support Request" in the Client Area. If you're not getting a popup modal with options for forum or submitting a contact request after clicking the Support Request button below, you may want to clear your browser's cache:

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