Access Theme Templates
All Astronauts replied to Como's post in a topic in Invision Community 5: Beta Testing's Beta DiscussionTurn on advanced mode for your theme in question - this is in the ACP, not the front end. You have options to create new templates and to also insert stuff in certain locations in all existing templates. This system lets you insert pretty much anything, anywhere, as long as it is "around" and "between" template structures and not cutting/pasting portions of them. In short, you can add template stuff more or less anywhere now, but you can't hack at the templates (or remove stuff from templates) any longer. If you don't see a hook point in a place you need one just ask the staff (politely...). They are more than willing to stick them in where ever they are needed. BTW this applies to third-party apps as well. If you need a hook point in someone's app, just ask, it's just a boilerplate line of code to insert at that place in the template you need to hook into. Your custom fonts can be inserted by editing the the theme in the ACP and selecting header/footer - insert whatever you need there.
Steam Login
All Astronauts replied to Sunrex's post in a topic in Invision Community 5: Beta Testing's Beta Discussion@Aiwa did most of the Steam stuff (3rd party) for 4x. He's not really in the INVCOM business much anymore (day job has all the coding he wants/needs) so a year(?) ago he cleaned up his Steam stuff for 4x and posted it MIT free in his GitHub. He updated the library a month ago so maybe he's gonna keep a hand in after all? https://github.com/kacx9c/steam Would obviously need updating for 5x but you have a solid base to work with there. You want the login stuff specifically; alas he intentionally removed the login handler stuff though. For that you would need https://github.com/LavaToaster/IPS-SteamLoginMethod; while old as hell (but still working with 4x), would need migrating to 5x as well. But free so you aren't starting from scratch.
Support for Observance of Shabbat?
Plugin/App with a task that runs hourly would do it. For "reasons" imma gonna @Esther E. <whistles while walking away...>
Beta 4 and Vaseline
All Astronauts replied to Dreadknux's post in a topic in Invision Community 5: Beta Testing's Beta Discussion
- Will final release have an upgrade for older versions of Invision Community?
All Astronauts replied to Sinistra Sensei's post in a topic in Invision Community 5: Beta Testing's Beta DiscussionThere was a nice comment thread with screenshots here: But comments have been disabled so those 60 responses are not accessible. You can see the initial first version screens there though. There have been other threads here and there that popped up talking about the old days but you'll have to search for those yourself. Honestly, just google for various INVCOM versions and look at the pic; probably the easiest way forward.- Will final release have an upgrade for older versions of Invision Community?
All Astronauts replied to Sinistra Sensei's post in a topic in Invision Community 5: Beta Testing's Beta DiscussionI can't speak for the entire dev community but I, and I imagine nearly all the regulars, have a large archive of INVCOM versions going waaaay back. Tag someone to help; paid work of course. You'll have a dance of upgrading to 4.2 (that's where I would start), and then 4.5, then you'll need to make server adjustments for PHP requirements, possibly before the 4.5 upgrade, then you'll be clear. A slog, but a small one.FeigelInc started following All Astronauts- V5 Release Question?
- Beta 3 is here! Spooky!
All Astronauts replied to Matt's post in a topic in Invision Community 5: Beta Testing's Beta Discussion- Embed Allowed Domains
All Astronauts replied to 2TonWaffle's post in a topic in Invision Community 5: Beta Testing's Beta DiscussionSome embeds are managed internally in Invision Community with the Parser code; this is necessary if the actual embed requires "massaging" or has additional features that can be played with (YouTube shorts is annoying, X/Twitter you can play with light/dark on the fly when it comes in, some try to insert JS libraries which won't survive the content parse clean-up unless it is set explicitly as an iframe, and so on.) Oembeds will still work if you only have the domain whitelisted and you paste a link into the editor or use the link button, but you get the generic box with the generic site image and link instead of what is actually being provided. The globe button is what forces a "clean" iframe on the provided link and lets it all through as-is. If, using the above example, IPS inserted the captivate.fm stuff directly in the Parser code for direct management, just pasting the link into the editor would deal with it (after they manage how to allow it to insert), just like YouTube and all the rest. That would mean direct and constant upkeep on IPS's part and there are a lot of oembed services and sites people will clamor for inclusion. Chef's kiss perfect would be, as I stated above, pasting a link, and if it is on the whitelist, just giving us a globe/iframe button right there on the link rather than having to explicitly use the link button on the editor itself (I'm thinking of how I'll have to train users to use the link for iframe control after they have gotten so used to just plastering in You Tube and so on directly into the content editor) Current parser loadout for directly supported oembed services (the ones you just paste the link into the editor and it just works): $services = array( 'youtube.com' => array( 'https://www.youtube.com/oembed', static::EMBED_VIDEO ), 'm.youtube.com' => array( 'https://www.youtube.com/oembed', static::EMBED_VIDEO ), 'youtu.be' => array( 'https://www.youtube.com/oembed', static::EMBED_VIDEO ), 'flickr.com' => array( 'https://www.flickr.com/services/oembed/', static::EMBED_IMAGE ), 'flic.kr' => array( 'https://www.flickr.com/services/oembed/', static::EMBED_IMAGE ), 'hulu.com' => array( 'https://www.hulu.com/api/oembed.json', static::EMBED_VIDEO ), 'vimeo.com' => array( 'https://vimeo.com/api/oembed.json', static::EMBED_VIDEO ), 'collegehumor.com' => array( 'https://www.collegehumor.com/oembed.json', static::EMBED_VIDEO ), 'twitter.com' => array( 'https://publish.twitter.com/oembed', static::EMBED_TWEET ), 'mobile.twitter.com' => array( 'https://publish.twitter.com/oembed', static::EMBED_TWEET ), 'x.com' => array( 'https://publish.x.com/oembed', static::EMBED_TWEET ), 'x.twitter.com' => array( 'https://publish.x.com/oembed', static::EMBED_TWEET ), 'soundcloud.com' => array( 'https://soundcloud.com/oembed', static::EMBED_VIDEO ), 'open.spotify.com' => array( 'https://embed.spotify.com/oembed', static::EMBED_VIDEO ), 'play.spotify.com' => array( 'https://embed.spotify.com/oembed', static::EMBED_VIDEO ), 'ted.com' => array( 'https://www.ted.com/services/v1/oembed', static::EMBED_VIDEO ), 'vine.co' => array( 'https://vine.co/oembed.json', static::EMBED_VIDEO ), 'dailymotion.com' => array( 'https://www.dailymotion.com/services/oembed', static::EMBED_VIDEO ), 'dai.ly' => array( 'https://www.dailymotion.com/services/oembed', static::EMBED_VIDEO ), 'coub.com' => array( 'https://coub.com/api/oembed.json', static::EMBED_VIDEO ), '*.deviantart.com' => array( 'https://backend.deviantart.com/oembed', static::EMBED_IMAGE ), 'docs.com' => array( 'https://docs.com/api/oembed', static::EMBED_LINK ), 'funnyordie.com' => array( 'https://www.funnyordie.com/oembed.json', static::EMBED_VIDEO ), 'gettyimages.com' => array( 'https://embed.gettyimages.com/oembed', static::EMBED_IMAGE ), 'ifixit.com' => array( 'https://www.ifixit.com/Embed', static::EMBED_LINK ), 'kickstarter.com' => array( 'https://www.kickstarter.com/services/oembed', static::EMBED_LINK ), 'meetup.com' => array( 'https://api.meetup.com/oembed', static::EMBED_LINK ), 'mixcloud.com' => array( 'https://www.mixcloud.com/oembed/', static::EMBED_VIDEO ), 'mix.office.com' => array( 'https://mix.office.com/oembed', static::EMBED_VIDEO ), 'reddit.com' => array( 'https://www.reddit.com/oembed', static::EMBED_LINK ), 'reverbnation.com' => array( 'https://www.reverbnation.com/oembed', static::EMBED_VIDEO ), 'screencast.com' => array( 'https://api.screencast.com/external/oembed', static::EMBED_IMAGE ), 'slideshare.net' => array( 'https://www.slideshare.net/api/oembed/2', static::EMBED_VIDEO ), '*.smugmug.com' => array( 'https://api.smugmug.com/services/oembed', static::EMBED_IMAGE ), 'ustream.tv' => array( 'https://www.ustream.tv/oembed', static::EMBED_VIDEO ), '*.wistia.com' => array( 'https://fast.wistia.com/oembed', static::EMBED_VIDEO ), '*.wi.st' => array( 'https://fast.wistia.com/oembed', static::EMBED_VIDEO ), 'tiktok.com' => array( 'https://www.tiktok.com/oembed', static::EMBED_VIDEO ), 'm.tiktok.com' => array( 'https://www.tiktok.com/oembed', static::EMBED_VIDEO ), 'vm.tiktok.com' => array( 'https://www.tiktok.com/oembed', static::EMBED_VIDEO ), );- Embed Allowed Domains
All Astronauts replied to 2TonWaffle's post in a topic in Invision Community 5: Beta Testing's Beta DiscussionDon't forget Editor Permissions, last option (default is Never): The long-term dream for this would just be pasting a url into the editor directly and if the domain matches a white-list entry getting the globe option right there in the editor.- Is there a list of the functionality that is removed in V5 compared to V4?
All Astronauts replied to Jimi Wikman's post in a topic in Invision Community 5: Beta Testing's Beta DiscussionPretty sure we've had a two year (or longer) runway on this change. Was noted a loooong time ago this was coming. I've routinely pushed out messaging to users for just as long warning them.- App that can create dev folders for plugin and apps needed
FYI for v5 my dev mode toggle plugin and constants toggle thingy already has expanded error log display and dev folder download. HoWeVeR... @Esther E. will be expanding/improving dev mode with dev folder generation/downloads as well so for v5 this will be covered: my thing for release and built-in some vague time after this thing gets pushed out the door and they can start adding things in again. As for 4x it's CJ's stuff which should still be in his Github (easy Google search)- [v5B1][Install Selfhosted] Went perfectly
All Astronauts replied to Chris59's post in a topic in Invision Community 5: Beta Testing's Beta DiscussionAside from a few early quirks for self-installs amongst the dev group, I don't think there was any hitches on installs. Upgrades. That's where the fun is going to be* *for some values of fun. Fun may vary from place to place. Offer not valid when upgrading directly from version 4.2 or lower.- Webp upload test
@aia you'll get avif image support in v5- [4.7.18] Class must be declared abstract or implement method 'recount'
Not seeing it here, latest alpha, PHPStorm 2022.2.5, language level PHP 8.1 What language levels are you others at? - Will final release have an upgrade for older versions of Invision Community?