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FanClub Mike

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  1. Like
    FanClub Mike got a reaction from Marc Stridgen in The CSRF protection key did not match - Cloud   
    I have a member having a similar problem where they're constantly getting logged out. They're using Firefox as well, and they're on Rodgers Internet.
    Before are my enabled plugins and applications if you want to see if there's any overlap.
    - Topic Thumbnails
    - Font Awesome 6
    - Antispam by Cleantalk
    - Delete all system logs button
    - Legend News
    - Live Topics
  2. Haha
    FanClub Mike reacted to Daniel F in Sitemap for Clubs   
  3. Like
    FanClub Mike reacted to Como in The CSRF protection key did not match - Cloud   
    The past few days have been fine again. In my case, it would occur across browsers and computers.
    BY the way, I too have Antispam installed. I disabled that for a short time - it made no difference.
    I cleared the site cookies and tried an Incognito window, both to no avail.
  4. Like
    FanClub Mike reacted to Randy Calvert in The CSRF protection key did not match - Cloud   
    If I were to place a guess as to what happened...  it sounds like the user's site cookie was corrupted.  Uninstall/reinstall would have removed it for a new one to be placed.  
  5. Agree
    FanClub Mike got a reaction from Sonya* in Changing a club setting to 'Clubs to show throughout the community'   
    Hey Invision Team,
    I have a proposal for a settings change, which I think makes sense for sites that feature clubs. This is the current setting.
    Show Club Content Areas:
    Only within Clubs Throughout the community I have a setup that allows members to join numerous clubs and I would like to allow members to only see their club's content throughout the community. I think the simple approach would be to use a filter like this.
    Clubs to show throughout the community:
    Public Open Clubs member has joined Read Only All / None If this problem isn't unique to me, I think the flexibility here would add value to the clubs. Thanks!
  6. Like
    FanClub Mike got a reaction from Sonya* in Invision Community 4: Pages databases in Clubs   
    This is a very pleasant surprise and something that I planned on looking into in the future.
    Thank you. You all are amazing.
  7. Like
    FanClub Mike got a reaction from Matt in Invision Community 4: Pages databases in Clubs   
    This is a very pleasant surprise and something that I planned on looking into in the future.
    Thank you. You all are amazing.
  8. Like
    FanClub Mike reacted to jackflash in Upgrade from 4.2.4 to 4.7.15 Today - Went Flawless and Smooth!   
    Just a shout out to Team Invision:
    We upgraded a site running 4.2.4 (how old is that?) today to the current version of 4.7.15 and it went really smooth.  The site has about 20,000 members (not sure how many topics), but the upgrade didn't take long at all. 😍
    We have two big sites running 4.3.6, which we're going to upgrade this week too!
  9. Thanks
    FanClub Mike reacted to Matt in Invision Community 5: The story so far...   
    We have a few more things to announce, but we're just finalising our internal reviews. I want to do a status update on v5 early next week and outline the next steps.
  10. Thanks
    FanClub Mike reacted to Matt in Invision Community 4: Pages databases in Clubs   
    Finally, one of the most requested features for clubs in Invision Community is coming with our March 2024 release: Pages databases in Clubs.
    You may be surprised to see a new feature being introduced for Invision Community 4 during our flow of news for Invision Community 5, but as we're committed to Invision Community 4, we wanted to continue to bring optimizations and improvements to the platform.
    What is the benefit of this new feature?
    Clubs enable communities to host multiple micro-communities with many benefits. Clubs allow more specialized and focused discussions on specific topics. This can lead to higher-quality content and a deeper exploration of niche subjects that may get overlooked when posted on a busy forum. Clubs also offer the ability to tailor the community experience based on the needs of that community. That customization is what this feature focuses on.
    Pages is a powerful application that allows truly custom layouts for content areas. Simply by adjusting templates, you can create a news feed layout (it is what we use for this news blog area!) or something even more customized to your needs.
    The March 2024 release allows you to create Pages database categories directly inside clubs, including custom fields and templates.
    How does it work?
    Setting up your Pages database to allow clubs to use categories is simple. Simply allow categories to be created within clubs when creating or editing a database.

    Once that is done, club owners can add a Pages database category to their club in the same way they can add topics, galleries, etc.

    Once the Pages database category has been added, you can then add content as you would any other club area with the added features of Pages, including custom templates and custom fields.
    This example club uses a custom Pages database listing template to show the articles in a custom format along with custom field data.

    Likewise, viewing an article in this example club showcases the use of custom templates to present the content differently from the standard topic templates Invision Community uses elsewhere.

    Allowing Pages database categories inside clubs brings the opportunity for more complex custom areas making use of multiple custom fields along with truly custom layouts using templates. This is a great way to bring additional areas, such as news articles, into your club areas to compliment discussions.
    We hope you enjoy this feature, and if you have any comments, please leave them below!

    View full blog entry
  11. Haha
  12. Like
    FanClub Mike got a reaction from Alexander Newman in Invision Community v4 vs v5 and hosted vs cloud   
    Hey Superaven. Welcome back to the fun! I also love the direction things are heading with Invision Community. I'll do my best to answer your questions, below, but in a slightly different order than asked 😁
    IC5 is still in development and not yet publicly available. It will be released this year, but may still be a few months away based on recent comments from management. There will be self-hosted and cloud plans for IC5. Some features will only be available on the Cloud plans Invision Community 4 will be supported until 2025/2026 according to the Depreciation Tracker. I'm looking forward to everything in the pipeline as well. Glad you're here for the next step / (r)evolution 😎
  13. Haha
    FanClub Mike got a reaction from Dreadknux in Invision Community 5: The story so far...   
    I can't wait to see what new pages are added to the story! 🙈
  14. Agree
    FanClub Mike reacted to Jim M in Google Ads integration   
    Putting it in the Google Analytics or Google Tag Manager integrations will place it in the Head.
    I would not advise implementing automatic ads from AdSense as they do create issues and go sometimes where they are not wanted. It would be advised to implement their manual placement ads.
  15. Like
    FanClub Mike reacted to superaven in Invision Community v4 vs v5 and hosted vs cloud   
    I thought I'd follow up to this thread since I did indeed make the move to Invision Cloud services. Its took a bit longer than I had hoped, which was almost entirely my fault.
    As feedback for Invision, it would be nice if after signing up, that there is a welcome message that specifically outlines the process and what to expect. Unsure if it was just me or if it's standard protocol, but I got an acknowledgment receipt and nothing else for the first day or two and then finally reached out to check in. After reaching out, I received the sort of introduction / overview I'd expect that summarized what I needed to do and some details about all the steps needed, as well as an introduction to the Invision Support member that would be helping me.
    Once I knew what was going on, I took my forum offline so no new data would be added and created the backups they asked me for, in the format they needed it in. This took me a bit since to sort though since it was a ton of freakin data and I'm somewhat rusty on my CLI prompts, which was necessary in my situation. The Invision Support person was super helpful and very patient, after I blew one migration window after another trying to add storage to my hosting environment so I could create the backup (450+GB) and then prepare it in the way they needed it done (>50GB chunks). Once that was done, I had to download all that data, as well as upload it to an intermediary storage so they could then access and move to the Invision Cloud infrastructure, which took quite aq while for me to get done.
    After I got the backups they asked for prepared and moved to the platform they needed, it all went surprisingly fast and from my point of view, appeared to be smooth and trouble free. I was concerned since my forum has data going back to 1999 and we've migrated forum system about a half dozen times since then. Also do to complications with my former host, my forum was woefully out of date and hadn't been updated in at least 2 - 3 years. Seems that wasn't an issue and they got my forum migrated and updated to the current stable release within hours or so of me passing along the backups. Soon after, I got some instructions on how to update DNS to point to my forums new home and a few minutes later, we were back online.
    All in all a great experience, even if we were down a few days while I got my end together. So far the forum seems extra snappy and I haven't seen or been informed of any issues, so looks to have been a complete success. I am excited to now have our community hosted on a platform that is tailor made for the software and community we're running and all of it seems to be offered at a very competitive price. I did search around and did my homework and have done everything from running my own server / network to co-locating to running my own server instances wit5h AWS and Liniode through to managed hosting and virtual hosting. Time will tell if uptime is awesome and support is responsive, but so far, so good. I'd highly recommend it to anyone and everyone that's running an Invision Community.
    That being said, a few suggestions for Invision from my humble point of view... As said in the start of this post, an auto response email along with the transaction confirmation (receipt) that has a welcome and clear explanation of what to do and expect is an obvious one. The instructions I received were pretty clear and complete, but perhaps a bit more insight and suggestion would be great. Perhaps better would be an auto degenerated DM message or link to a help desk or private thread so there's a running list of dialogue between a customer and Invision would be welcome. Its a scary thing to consider shutting down a community and moving it and the extra hand holding would probably be appreciated by anyone making the jump.
    Additionally, using a browser based upload system to upload chunks of backups in 50GB pieces seems like a bad way to do this. It worked, but https seems like not the best protocol to handle sustained transfers of this size. I'm fairly certain that Invision has a reason for this, but it would have made a ton more sense (IMHO) to use SSH to tunnel between the source and destination and then setup a CLI based SFTP session or rsync to move all the data. It took me hours and hours to download and hours and hours more to upload, with the transfer failing several times before I managed to get it done. Granted I had 450GB+ worth of files and database, so maybe it's just that most migrations are less data. I can't imagine what a forum two, three or times the size of mine would be like with that system. I suppose the upside to doing hot this way is that I have a local copy of the backup as well. In any case, it all worked so ultimately this is more a question / suggestion than any type of criticism.
    All in all, it was a solid experience and I remain pleased that I made the move. Hopefully it continues well and I'm really looking forward to putting more energy, focus and investment into our community and really excited to see what its like running our community on the upcoming v5 release.
  16. Like
    FanClub Mike reacted to Matt in v5 news coming soon...   
    New blog: IC5: Developer Center.
  17. Thanks
    FanClub Mike reacted to Jim M in Help with Rewrite URLs error and photo galleries looping   
    Thanks, I moved this to a ticket so that we can investigate this further. Please check your email for next steps.
  18. Haha
    FanClub Mike reacted to Jim M in License for free, is it myth or reality?   
    It is not common for us to give our software away for free, after all, we are a for-profit business 🙂 .  None-the-less, you're more than welcome to ask sales. You may get a nice, fluffy hug from Charles (which may be better than the software 🤣).
  19. Like
    FanClub Mike reacted to Matt in v5 news coming soon...   
    New blog: IC5 Commerce
  20. Like
    FanClub Mike reacted to superaven in Using ICv5 as the basis for an app?   
    Makes sense, @Marc Stridgen and @FanClub Mike , thank you for the insights. I suppose we're left with not knowing until someone gives this a shot. I'll report back once I'm that far along, whether it works or not, so we can definitively answer this question.
    In the meantime, if anyone has any additional information or answers on this subject or any relevant experience on the app/play store(s), please chime in.
  21. Like
    FanClub Mike got a reaction from superaven in Using ICv5 as the basis for an app?   
    Creating an app and submitting to the app store is definitely on my roadmap for Fan Clubs, and I'd like to do the same for my other community as well at some point.
    I don't expect to get to that until at least 2025, however.
    If it's helpful, I have submitted a web app of my site to the Google Play store packaged as an APK site years ago with no issues. Back then I was on WordPress and I'm sure a lot has changed since, though.
  22. Like
    FanClub Mike reacted to superaven in Invision Community v4 vs v5 and hosted vs cloud   
    Ah, that's all great news. Thank you @FanClub Mike and @Jim M for taking the time to respond. Indeed, I think the "classic" moniker might have thrown me off, but likewise, so much seems to have changed in this last two years.
    Has pricing on the license to v5 been announced yet? I have the base system and commerce package and based off the blog stuff, was interested in gallery. Seems like its all rolled into one on v5, so I'd expect that license cost to reflect all the additions.
  23. Thanks
    FanClub Mike got a reaction from superaven in Invision Community v4 vs v5 and hosted vs cloud   
    Hey Superaven. Welcome back to the fun! I also love the direction things are heading with Invision Community. I'll do my best to answer your questions, below, but in a slightly different order than asked 😁
    IC5 is still in development and not yet publicly available. It will be released this year, but may still be a few months away based on recent comments from management. There will be self-hosted and cloud plans for IC5. Some features will only be available on the Cloud plans Invision Community 4 will be supported until 2025/2026 according to the Depreciation Tracker. I'm looking forward to everything in the pipeline as well. Glad you're here for the next step / (r)evolution 😎
  24. Like
    FanClub Mike reacted to Jim M in Invision Community v4 vs v5 and hosted vs cloud   
    Invision Community version 5 is not out yet. It will be available for both Cloud and Self-hosted (note the license name has changed to "Classic" which may be confusing you). Version 4 will be still supported for a 1-2 years after the release of version 5. Just version 4 will not see many, if any, new features. We want to make that transition period as easy as possible.
    Anything in particular making you nervous? Think the biggest improvement would be less to worry about. Don't have to do PHP upgrades, MySQL upgrades, etc... we handle that for you.
  25. Like
    FanClub Mike reacted to Marc Stridgen in Invision Community 5: Live Topic Improvements   
    Live topics is something already available to customers on our Creator plan and above. 
    We agree 🙂 
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