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  1. Marc's post in Huge Google Ad on Top of every page was marked as the answer   
    Please check your google analytics code added in System>Integration>Google Analytics. You have added google ad code in there rather than your analytics code, which is what is causing the issue
  2. Marc's post in Convert UTF9 Error: Specified key was too long was marked as the answer   
    I would suggest first of all ensuring all your tables are INNODB, rather than MyISAM. 
  3. Marc's post in Displaying the wrong ads was marked as the answer   
    Taking a look there, you would need to contact your ad suppliler, as its their code which is determining how and when it shows. With what you have done on the software ad area, you have just set the ad to appear above the header
  4. Marc's post in TESTINSTALL - wrong license entered? was marked as the answer   
    That is already cleared, but isnt what is causing your issues. Your issue is that you have some CMS files and dont have others. You dont actually have pages on your license. You would need to do this from a fresh download, rather than the one you are using there
  5. Marc's post in Annoying mobile menu issue was marked as the answer   
    Of course, anything you add to the site outside of our normal functions has the potential to break things I suspect there that it's the static width you have set on that iframe, but would not be able to tell you for certain. It would be for you to take up with the ad provider. You can disable it for mobile using code as shown here
  6. Marc's post in Can't Create Support Ticket was marked as the answer   
    Indeed our official support is now in this area. There was correspondence sent out on this quite a while ago. Note, if there is private information, we can always create a ticket out of it, dont worry. 
    Anyway, on to the issue at hand there. Unfortunately there is no solution I can give you here that will allow you to use an older PHP version for the platform. You would need to reach out to your hosting company to see if you can set different PHP versions in different areas. This can often be done with htaccess files, but it will  depend on your particular hosting
  7. Marc's post in How to add member to moderation queue from frontend? was marked as the answer   
    As mentioned above, while not one click, you could set up a warning reason and action. Even if you wish for  it not to interupt anything that is already there, you could just set it higher than other actions.
    Go to Content -> Moderation  -> Actions Create a new reason there, and set the points to 100, along with whatever other prefs you wish it to add there Go to actions and create a new action that on 100 points adds moderation All done. You can then point at the user and give them that warning from anywhere you wish. 
  8. Marc's post in How to make private the IP's adresses was marked as the answer   
    You cannot make only specific groups IP addresses private. You can only control who sees IP addresses as a whole. Only moderators with the relevant access to see IPs will do so. You would control who can see IP addresses via moderator permissions. This would be the "can use IP tools" option.
    Please take a look at the following guide if you are unsure how to use moderator permissions
  9. Marc's post in Where to find local installation? was marked as the answer   
    As you have a cloud license, there is no downloadable copy of this to develop on. If you wish to develop for the platform, you would need to purchase a self hosted license for this purpose. 
  10. Marc's post in Display problem was marked as the answer   
    As mentioned in my first response, you should disable all 3rd party items to test. This is being caused by the 3rd party item "collaboration", which is named "Academy" on your site. When that is disabled there are no issues present
  11. Marc's post in Menu icons vanish when we resize the browser was marked as the answer   
    I have to admit, I would also put that in the realm of not being used as intended there. As you mention yourself, its intention is for view on different size screens rather than randomly resizing in different ways to see what breaks.
  12. Marc's post in Badges & archiving was marked as the answer   
    This is actually intentional. We do not include archived data in achievement point counts at the present time.
  13. Marc's post in How to control ACP Theme in 4.6.9? was marked as the answer   
    The ability to change the ACP theme was indeed removed when we updated it.
  14. Marc's post in Whitelist IPS IP Addresses was marked as the answer   
    We are unable to use key access for SSH at the present time as part of our standard support offering. We require password level access in order to assist.
    With regard the upgrader, you would need to ensure your server can access remoteservices.invisionpower.com at all times. While of course you can check the IP that is using at present, there is no guarantee that will always be the same, so you should be whitelisting that domain. 
    I have sent you a PM with other IPs relating to staff access
  15. Marc's post in Ads not working? was marked as the answer   
    This is because "BMW Club" is not added there. The way it works is if 'any' group in there that is not selected is a group that user has, they will not see the add. This is so that you can create groups you can add to people to exclude ads showing
  16. Marc's post in Custom Profile Date Field was marked as the answer   
    Unfortunatly not, no. You would need customisation in order to achieve this. Its actually being stored correctly as per design of the software. If you wish for it to be converted elsewhere for display, you would need to perform that conversion
  17. Marc's post in Javascript in Calendar events shows up in local Calendar was marked as the answer   
    Thats not something that is possible at the present time.
  18. Marc's post in pasting a post URL will not retrieve the same post content was marked as the answer   
    No, that is by design. The embedding pulls out a sample of that topics content, not a sample of a specific post. When you copy a link to a specific post, its actually a topic URL (with page if needed) with an anchor to move you to the correct post in that topic.
  19. Marc's post in Quote in editor was marked as the answer   
    That is correct if you manually add a quote using the editor. You could do it manually in HTML should you wish to do so, but that would be the only way
  20. Marc's post in Possible to do a DNS A Record? was marked as the answer   
    The items requested in your ticket have now been added 🙂 Enjoy
  21. Marc's post in OutOfRangeException: (0) was marked as the answer   
    As mentioned by my colleague, you should not be reinstalling the software., If you are moving the site, you should be doing this in the manner described here. Its likely this is causing your issues
  22. Marc's post in Manually edit rank was marked as the answer   
    First of all, very sorry to hear of the loss of one of your members to this horrible disease. Certainly that is no age for anyone to pass away.
    With regard the rank, the simplest way to do this would be to increase that members points to higher than the highest rank. You can do that manually from their account in your ACP by selecting "Manage points" under the Rank section of their account, then selecting Edit points at the top.
  23. Marc's post in 1 x Renew: Chameleon Dark // ipsfocus.com was marked as the answer   
    There is no way in which to change this at the present time. Only PayPal is accepted in the marketplace
  24. Marc's post in Pages URL? was marked as the answer   
    Go to Pages->Page Management, and you will see that item there. Just click  the pencil icon at the side of it to rename
  25. Marc's post in Delete MySQL orig_ tables? was marked as the answer   
    Incidentally, the admin CP support area would prompt you if you have these and is a one click process to remove them. Just adding in case anyone sees this in the future.
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