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Table "ibf_core_output_cache" over 100GB. Server slows down

Go to solution Solved by Marc,

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After upgrading to versions 4.3 to 4.4.x, I had periodic problems with the ibf_core_output_cache table. Everything worked fine for 2-3 months, then this table began to increase dramatically and the server was terribly slow because of it, because there were many requests to HDD and it did not have time.
I cleaned the table ibf_core_output_cache, started reindexing and everything was fine for a few months again. Then everything again.

This Sunday I upgraded to the new version 4.6.8 (from 4.4.x). Everything updated fine, re-indexing ended yesterday. But now I see that ibf_core_output_cache is growing again, and noticeably faster than before. If in the morning the table took 77 GB, only a few hours later it takes almost 100 GB. So +20 GB in just a few hours!
The site begins to slow down again, CPU load reaches an average of 20-30%. Although usually the average value is 5-10%.
I hoped that in version 4.6.8. they will fix the problem with ibf_core_output_cache, but the problem stays the same.
I use Redis on my server and have it enabled in the settings, but it doesn't help in any way.




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23 minutes ago, tolik777 said:

I manualy cleared it "truncate ibf_core_output_cache" via mysql console

I would advise against doing that. All that will happen is it will grow again if the issue is still present. We need to gain access when its in that state in order to ascertain the issue.

The likelihood is, its actually the MySQL instance that isn't releasing space, but there is no way of knowing this now its been truncated unfortunately.

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