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  1. Marc's post in Missing lang string history_spam_defense_5 was marked as the answer   
    This issue has been resolved in 4.7.0 which has recently been released. Please upgrade to that version to resolve this, and of course, let us know if you are still seeing any issues.
  2. Marc's post in Deleting OAuth App doesn't actually delete it. was marked as the answer   
    This issue has been resolved in 4.7.0 which has recently been released. Please upgrade to that version to resolve this, and of course, let us know if you are still seeing any issues.
  3. Marc's post in What's the crack here then with most active in this topic? was marked as the answer   
    This issue has been resolved in 4.7.0 which has recently been released. Please upgrade to that version to resolve this, and of course, let us know if you are still seeing any issues.
  4. Marc's post in Forced anonymity doesn't work was marked as the answer   
    This issue has been resolved in 4.7.0 which has recently been released. Please upgrade to that version to resolve this, and of course, let us know if you are still seeing any issues.
  5. Marc's post in The scrolling attribute on the iframe element is obsolete. Use CSS instead. was marked as the answer   
    This issue has been resolved in 4.7.0 which has recently been released. Please upgrade to that version to resolve this, and of course, let us know if you are still seeing any issues.
  6. Marc's post in Exclude members awaiting validation from Members block was marked as the answer   
    This issue has been resolved in 4.7.0 which has recently been released. Please upgrade to that version to resolve this, and of course, let us know if you are still seeing any issues.
  7. Marc's post in Cannot Access ACP After Upgrade to 4.7 was marked as the answer   
    You had an empty string on your conf_global that was causing this on the following constant. This was resolved by my colleague in the ticket to get your site online.
  8. Marc's post in Disable Lazy load and rebuild, broken posts in database was marked as the answer   
    This one has now been patched. If you go to support within your admin CP, you will see a patch available there 🙂 
  9. Marc's post in Countdown Timer was marked as the answer   
    It doesnt actually seem to be a block in your case. You would need to check your theme as it looks like its in yoru theme there somewhere
  10. Marc's post in How do you use the French Translation? It's always older than what is installed was marked as the answer   
    You would not be able to install it from the marketplace once you have updated. You can only install items that are shown as compatible with your version of the platform.
  11. Marc's post in URGENT: Site stuck in upgrade to 4.7 was marked as the answer   
    It was not something in which we could easily share, however as my colleague stated there, we have added into the latest patched release something that will resolve the issue during the upgrade process
    I see your issue has also been resolved in the ticket on this one, so you should be good to go. Please let us know if you encounter any further issues
  12. Marc's post in forum not working after update to version 4.7.0 was marked as the answer   
    The issue on your site is being caused by the 3rd party item "(NB40) Pinned Posts 1.0.16" , which I have disabled for you
  13. Marc's post in Search index notice??? was marked as the answer   
    This is something that intentionally runs in the background. It can take time on larger sites. I See it started yesterday, and can take some time to complete. 

    Unrelated in this case, Martin 🙂 
  14. Marc's post in Failed update of 4.7 was marked as the answer   
    As mentioned, the upgrade simply needed to be run from /admin/upgrade there. This has now been completed for you
  15. Marc's post in Article Count is Not Correct in Pages was marked as the answer   
    That is the item count of articles currently available to view within that area. 3 of the ones you can see yourself are not visible to anyone else as they are scheduled and not yet published
  16. Marc's post in Cant download 4.7.0 was marked as the answer   
    Please try this again. Its likely its simply timed out. If you get the same issue again however, please let us know.
  17. Marc's post in Blank page when upgrading PHP version was marked as the answer   
    This you would also need to contact your hosting company about, as you are missing requirements
  18. Marc's post in PHP version upgrade problem was marked as the answer   
    Please disable all 3rd party applications, and then test again. We have seen quite a few sites where 3rd party items are failing on PHP 8
  19. Marc's post in Php 8 was marked as the answer   
    Please disable every 3rd party item on the site. There seems to be more than one item which is affecting the way your site functions.  You have quite a number of custom installed items there too, so it would be worth checking if there are updated versions of those
  20. Marc's post in Most recent upgrade failed... site is down. Hosted by you. URGENT was marked as the answer   
    I see my colleague has now corrected the issue for you and completed your upgrade. Should you require any further assistance, please let us know
  21. Marc's post in Update to IPS 4.7 gives me this error was marked as the answer   
    I see that you have restored to backup there and my colleague has resolved what seems to have been the issue on your database. Please let us know if you have any further issues of course
  22. Marc's post in How to restore to v4.6.xx? was marked as the answer   
    The answer to this would be not to upgrade until the authors update those applications to be compatible with the version you are upgrading to. What you have done here is upgraded on the same day as release, so the authors of your 3rd party items have had no time to check compatibility and release updates.
    I see you managed to get that sorted and no longer need a restore. Please let us know if there is anything else we can assist with
  23. Marc's post in You are not permitted to register a user account with this site. was marked as the answer   
    Its likely they are being caught out by the spam service. Have you tried whitelisting that user using the whitelisting tool? Please see the following if you are unsure how to do this
  24. Marc's post in how do i? was marked as the answer   
    In your admin CP go to the following
    Click on the edit icon for your theme and you will see a logo tab there
  25. Marc's post in Stripe Integration Holding ALL Payments was marked as the answer   
    These should retry. It looks like there was an issue with the blocking of stripe, which has now been resolved. We are also working on a solution to prevent reoccurrence of this in the future.
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