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  1. Marc's post in Group Promotion Rule Doesn't Carry Out On 1st Save was marked as the answer   
    Having looked into this, it would require substantial changes in order to implement this unfortunately. At present, if an admin is editing manually, they would need to make any changes to groups needed at that point in time. While this may be revisited in the future, this is not something likely to see change in the immediate future
  2. Marc's post in Frequent error since latest update (getBirthdays). was marked as the answer   
    There is indeed a patch for this one. Anyone else experiencing the same issue, please go to Support within your admin CP and apply the optional patch showing
  3. Marc's post in Cursed User?! was marked as the answer   
    I would suggest first of all checking your server error logs to see what the actual error is. If you are getting an internal server error, then this is where it would be logged.
    Also, disable all 3rd party items and test the same
  4. Marc's post in How to get to the Support Tool in AdminCP to restore a theme was marked as the answer   
    Excellent. Glad to hear things are working as expected
  5. Marc's post in Stop the login failed attempt emails was marked as the answer   
    There would be no way in which to switch these off, as these are a security measure.
    I have taken a look at your site there, and the reason this will be happening so often is that people know what to attempt login with, as you have login set to display names. You should set login using email instead, as there is then no known information in which to try.
    If you go to System->Settings->Login & Registration, you can edit the 'General' login there and change it to email only. If you have the converter login (you will only have this if you have converted from another platform) then change it there also
  6. Marc's post in Missing search lang keys and duplicate ACP search entries for solved was marked as the answer   
    This issue has been resolved in the recently released 4.7.3 version. Please upgrade to resolve this. If you are then still experiencing problems, please let us know.
  7. Marc's post in Upgrade hanging on unpack - taken site offline was marked as the answer   
    That is indeed the case, yes. Please let us know if you have any issues once you have upgraded
  8. Marc's post in Where is setting to prune old conversations was marked as the answer   
    Members->Member Settings->Profiles->Profile Settings
    There is a section there called "Conversations" which is what you are looking for
  9. Marc's post in OpenSearch 2.1 Supported, OpenSearch 2.1.0 Not Supported was marked as the answer   
    This issue was patched. If you go to the support area of your admin CP you will see optional patches available to apply there
  10. Marc's post in Problem with image block after installing new invision version? was marked as the answer   
    Please clear your browser cache and check this again. Im actually not seeing the issue on my end on your site. If you are then still having issues, I will need to know what browser and operating system you're using
  11. Marc's post in Upgrade 4.2.6 to 4.7.2 - Questions about files and folders was marked as the answer   
    You would simply upload all files and folders from the package, overwriting those which already exist. Some folders/files will be created so may not appear in the downloaded package.
    You need to download again if you ar enot seeing /admin/ in your download, as that should indeed be present
  12. Marc's post in uncaught_exception generated by guest after update to php 8.1 was marked as the answer   
    Im not seeing this happening when Im trying to test, and the errors themselves would indicate the file simply isnt there when the guests are visiting. Thats likely a timing difference between the file actually being written, and being able to read it. Please update to the latest release in the first instance and test. If you are then still seeing the same problem, try switching over to mysql for data storage. You can do this from System->Advanced Configuration->Data Storage. if its an issue with disk writing, mysql may well serve you better. 
  13. Marc's post in Locked Task: queue after update 4.7.3 was marked as the answer   
    Something is failing with an internal server error. Please could you check your server error logs for the corresponding error?
  14. Marc's post in Errors and warning after upgrade to php8 was marked as the answer   
    Kind of
    1. Someone is unsuccessfully trying to hack my website by forming invalid URL's?

    2. My invision community account or Mac has not been hacked, this was a mistake caused by me clicking the error urls?

    There is no way of knowing that. The only thing we know is they are under your account. Therefore you should change your password as originally mentioned
    3. Judging the logs there is nothing to worry about, my invision community is working correctly?
    Its correctly failing, yes. I suspect once you change your password, they will actually stop happening
  15. Marc's post in Stuck during 4.7.2 upgrade, cannot log into client area was marked as the answer   
    The area you have screenshot there you should be entering your site admin CP details, not your client area details. This is likely why you are having issues
  16. Marc's post in 503 error - Clearing cache fix this error ?? was marked as the answer   
    This depends on your hosting, and isnt a question we can directly answer. Usually those folder (not files) would be 777, however if using suPHP/suExec they would be 755 and will actually break using 777. 
  17. Marc's post in Upgrade test site from to 4.7.3 beta 3 was marked as the answer   
    You would need to contact the aithor of those items for assistance. we are unable to assist with 3rd party applications unfortunately.
  18. Marc's post in ipb badges was marked as the answer   
    Those are part of our default system. When upgraded from the old system, you will have been asked if you wish to keep your own ranks. If you chose yes, these wouldnt have been imported. 
    Should you wish to import the default sets of ranks, rules, and badges, the import files for them can be found in the following location in a fresh download
  19. Marc's post in Error When Upgrading to PHP 8.0 - Forum Not Loading was marked as the answer   
    This is indeed the firewall thing that is trying to run there which is a very very old hack. That code has been removed from your conf_global which means your site is now running. You do have recovery mode still enabled so you will want to disable that.
  20. Marc's post in I just deleted a spammer's comment in a topic, now the entire topic is gone! was marked as the answer   
    When you deleted the user, if you have left the default option for what to do with that users content, it would delete it
  21. Marc's post in disable reported Content was marked as the answer   
    There is no single button to switch this off, unfortunately. You can however remove permissions from people being able to report items. So on each of your groups, switch off the "Can report content?" option on the content tab
  22. Marc's post in Language - field priority was marked as the answer   
    You would need to select slovak in the top right of your admin CP. If you click on the menu next to your profile picture, you will see a language selection menu
  23. Marc's post in Badges broken was marked as the answer   
    This should now be corrected. Please check again now
  24. Marc's post in headerHTML editing in Theme was marked as the answer   
    Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention! I can confirm this should be further reviewed and I have logged an internal bug report for our development team to investigate and address as necessary, in a future maintenance release.
  25. Marc's post in PHP requirement error was marked as the answer   
    You can safely ignore that on the standalone requirement checker. That tends to only be used for fresh installs, in which should really be using PHP 8 at this stage
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