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Everything posted by kmk

  1. I mean like 3D view of google map...how we can made 3D view hotspot? https://www.chiefarchitect.com/blog/3d-viewer-app/
  2. Recently purchased, I would like to use it to show architecture project, could you add support of 3D image?
  3. The app contain add in all widgets?
  4. I mean the inherent aspect...
  5. Thanks, you saved me... Is possible only hide description area when the grid card without description? or say, if the forum contain description show description, if not hide it.
  6. Just for sharing, cool and 💯 for take care user focus on content, something like Chrome, when scrolling down 👇 show navbar, when scrolling up hide navbar...
  7. After so many times, I have this to achieve what I want...please if anyone can correct something... html[dir="ltr"] .ipsList_inline > li:last-child, html[dir="ltr"] .ipsList_inline.ipsList_noSpacing > li { margin-right: 0; display: none; } .ipsType_minorHeading { color: rgb( var(--theme-text_light) ); text-transform: uppercase; font-size: 12px; margin: 0; display: none; } html[dir="ltr"] .ipsList_inline > li { margin-right: 15px; display: none; }
  8. html[dir="ltr"] .ipsList_inline > li:last-child, html[dir="ltr"] .ipsList_inline.ipsList_noSpacing > li { margin-right: 0; display: none; } .ipsApp .ipsSpacer_top, .ipsApp .ipsSpacer_both { margin-top: var(--sp-5); display: none; } .ipsType_minorHeading { color: rgb( var(--theme-text_light) ); text-transform: uppercase; font-size: 12px; margin: 0; display: none; } html[dir="ltr"] .ipsList_inline > li { margin-right: 15px; display: none; } I use above to hide elements of subforums of the forums index page, it work, subforums information are hidden. But the problem is the topic content disapeared too...
  9. .cForumGrid__last.ipsBorder_top.ipsPadding_vertical\:half.ipsPadding_horizontal { display: none; } I use above code to hide the last post element, by now I see it work, the last post item is already hide, anyone can correct me if I did something correct?
  10. Hello, could you add ability to add and change links items in the mobilenavbar? I would like just add the links items what I want...oh and made it sticky on top too
  11. Hi, just update my idea: 1. For Forums page and Subforums pages, hide last topic or post element. 2. For Forums and Subforums pages, hide Description area if they haven't contain descriptions.
  12. 1. What happens if I choose Easy mode? 2. If I create one Manual Mode, create another one Easy Mode under Manual Mode? I would like to know what benefits and disadvantages from this setting...
  13. There any css way to hide Description and topic or post elements of Forums and Subforums? 🤔 @Ehren
  14. Please consider to let us place widget where we can get and show Solved topics information. Inside the forum we need show the Solved topics statistics. - How many topics in a forum. - How many topics solved. - How many topics solved we want to show in the widget. Example last 10, so in the widget will show the 10 topics title and a button More. When we click to title it take us to the post marked as solved. When we click to More, it will expand to show all topics marked as solved according the date (because the parameter is by last date) . - In the widget show topics solved parameters apart of By last topics solved, by staff, by member, by title, and + by tags - Should be have a page to enlist all topics solved?
  15. How can I hide Search button from homepage? Or there options to change the Search position?
  16. I am using forum as an area of discussion for team work and projects, for moderate purpose I need ability to insert a post into a topic thread, or say move a post to another position in a same topic.
  17. PM send. Is possible pass me the template code changed and instruction here, then by any issue I can revert it, inclusive apply it again?
  18. Super clean and easy...thanks How it will be if we want the fluid option available?
  19. Is possible just assign a language for a group member, then another language for another group mebmers. Then each group only can see or use the language assigned. Group member of Spanish will don´t need to know or see the website is available for english language users, group member of enlish don´t need to know or see the website is available for spanish language users. If a group member is assigned with 2 languages, then they can see the language toggle option.
  20. Yes, will be excelent to control which post can be commented, it will help us to build a conversation thread very oganized. Or if you can give us commenting directly below of post, I think with this mode we can avoid to work on Per post control, because this intuitive conversation mode will avoid all my concerns. 1. Click Add comments will show us the editor to leave a comment. 2. Move the View Comments to below of the content, aside of Quote button. 3. If the comment is so long...apply truncate mode and show Read More button to expand the comment to next truncate limite.
  21. Hi @Michael.J After try building team conversations integrating postcomment in a topic, we found the comments wrapped into a button is not more intuitive than can see directly the comments below of each post, there any posibility to give us that option?
  22. kmk

    Radical Tags

    @Makoto please could you add widget of tags filter that let us enable or disable in specific forum or page? Due we use tags to organize all topis in a forum...we need that widget to enlist all tags, then we just click to tag, or tags to enlist related topics. A widget where we click one tag, it enlist topics that contain that related tag and more, if we click on 2 tags, it will enlist topics which contain 2 tags and more
  23. In the widget come with url option, that mean I just to place the url then it will show the images? But it does not work...
  24. Hi @Michael.J please could you add control where let us enable which post can be post comments? That should be admin, moderators or owner permission. We don't want all posts showing the View Comments button and the message Commetns are available for this posts. Will be make sense just posts which enabled by admin, moderator or owner can be commented and showing the button View Comments.
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