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Everything posted by DSystem

  1. You can show an ad only after the user has created a topic? Today I use this way but I do not have the expected result -> member.member_posts == 1 It would spend something like -> member.member_topics == 1
  2. Perfect !!! My script before: {{if request.app == 'forums' and request.module == 'forums' and request.do != 'add' and !isset(\IPS\Output::i()->hiddenElements['nbenhadverts_club_id'])}} {{$forumId = 0; try { $topic = \IPS\forums\Topic::loadAndCheckPerms( \IPS\Request::i()->id ); $forumId = $topic->forum_id; } catch( \Exception $e ) {};}} {{if !in_array($forumId, array(26,10))}}1{{endif}}{{endif}} Current Script: {{if \IPS\Output::i()->hiddenElements['nbenhadverts_node_class'] == 'IPS\forums\Forum' and request.do != 'add' and !isset(\IPS\Output::i()->hiddenElements['nbenhadverts_club_id']) and !in_array(\IPS\Output::i()->hiddenElements['nbenhadverts_node_id'], array(26,10))}}1{{endif}}
  3. Worked like a charm. 😎 Would not it be nice to have nbenhadverts_forum_id too? It would be simpler and I believe that faster too.
  4. I would not like to use variable "forumid" to specify all the forums where I do not want the advertisement. Would not it have another variable that could identify that we are in a club and thus not publish the banner?
  5. @newbie LAC In "Extra condition", A script will be allowed to not serve ads in Clubs
  6. @Gavpedz Welcome to the club! I've been waiting for a solution for a long time.
  7. Voltei! Seria nesta tela. Quando edito alguma resposta pronta.
  8. I found a bug When the administrator edits a private response. The response's author is changed to the administrator. Suggestion for improvement: When you have selected an answer ready to be placed in the post. Let it be added to typed and unsubscribed text as it currently is. It would look better, so we could use several ready-made answers in the same post.
  9. @steadyoptions Get used to it ... I'm waiting for him to solve another problem for 3 months.
  10. The old version should work for you (plugin) That's why it's important for developers to tell the markplace with which version their apps are compatible
  11. Ola! @Fosters This plugin is taking the content of emails from the application "AUTO WELCOME" -> https://invisioncommunity.com/files/file/7449-auto-welcome/
  12. @Fosters Help me please Problems in Background Processes !!! The Emailing inactive members task takes more than 100 hours to complete. Locking up other important tasks. This delay should be due to the large number of users I have. (+300,000 members) Would there be any way to optimize this script or decrease the priority of this task? Letting the others run. Any solution please ....
  13. Now yes!!! Thank you so much... Just a question: Priority 1 = High Priority 5 = Very low Right ?
  14. @BomAle In Priority Templates I can not change priorities. The menu closes very fast and when I can select it does not save the selected number.
  15. @Fosters Hello! Can you post here the images that do not appear in the marketplace? I am interested and acquire this application and would like to better understand its operation before purchase.
  16. I bought it to support the development. I believe it could be the way to improve the sending of IPS emails It would be nice if the application does not limit password recovery, account activation, and e-commerce receipts emails.
  17. Hello! I had the same error as @liquidfractal Unfortunately I could not figure out what was breaking everything here. After triggering IPS support I got this response.
  18. CSE google enabled ? DISABLED ?
  19. Hello! After the last update it is not possible to search other applications like downloads, products, albums and etc ...
  20. Having a blacklist would be more interesting for my community as well. ?
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