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Posts posted by OctoDev

  1. 10 minutes ago, emilhem said:

    You don't need the file when using NGINX.

    I'm experiencing the same problem when on my test install. On my production server it works as expected and I'm pretty much using the same config except that the test install uses a auth_basic on the whole site... (this could be the issue!)

    The following is the path that IPS is trying to access according to the NGINX logs. The post here says that it is invalid https://community.invisionpower.com/4guides/developing-plugins-and-applications/rest-api/sending-your-first-request-r167/


    The config I use is the one that @prupdated mentioned above, IE

    location /api/ {
      rewrite ^/api/(.*)$ /api/index.php;

    And that works?

  2. 5 minutes ago, Morrigan said:

    I see (just tested it out on my forum).

    For now I would recommend a work around of adding an additional condition to the rule until we get this fixed.


    Cheers, that worked! 

  3. 3 minutes ago, Morrigan said:

    @Jimmy Gavekort When do you get the error?

    Everywhere, matters on where I set the trigger to in the rules settings. If i set the trigger to update/create content - it will return that error.. I think @Kevin Carwile said something about the iAwards returning error..


    "Did you add any code to your api methods that halts execution and sends error output instead of simply throwing an exception that can be caught? It seems like that is what is happening." 


    Basically if i set the trigger to execute give award, when the user has over 25 reputation when the user posts a topic.. it will error and say "The user already owns this award" each time I create a topic.

  4. @craigf136 do you have no issue with automated awards, such as the one i posted? "This member already owns this award"? 

    That's what I get when creating new topics, and I match the award requirements - it tries to award me each time and returns error. Also is that Carbon Theme? looks sick.

  5. 7 minutes ago, craigf136 said:

    @Kevin Carwile - can you add into the Rules app, the option to remove an award as an action for iAwards? We currently only have the option to add, however, if a user is on tier 1 of post count for example and they have now reached tier 2. We would remove the tier 1 medal and replace with tier 2 (it would need to check that the member has the medal before removing it obviously).



    Great suggestion, was actually gonna ask for this too.. That way we can remove awards or replace another award.

  6. 1 hour ago, scaz said:

    Thanks raw for this application.

    I buy it. I have a problem, when I want install it, I choose the .tar file and submit, but install failed, I have a blank page on the installer. :( 

    Make sure you are using the latest IPS Version, worked fine for me. Check system logs? 

  7. 7 hours ago, EmpireKickAss said:

    Just an quick heads up, What's the right size image to upload? what size you recommend as to upload?

    I used 64x64 pixels, looks pretty good.

    It resizes automatically anyway, but that looks ok to me.

  8. 12 hours ago, Kevin Carwile said:

    @Jimmy Gavekort 

    Active record created/updated is going to apply to nearly everything in the system. Its basically an event that fires everytime the database is updated. Probably not what you are shooting for.

    For example, the rule you are trying to create is an active record. So your rule is probably trying to award you for creating a rule (ironic). You should pick something more specific such as "any content is created or updated", and then add a condition to that rule to check that the "new" variable is true in the event to further limit your rule to just when content is created.


    That error is being generated by iawards, but I cant tell you why at the moment. Rules catches all thrown exceptions so something like that shouldnt happen.

    Did you add any code to your api methods that halts execution and sends error output instead of simply throwing an exception that can be caught? It seems like that is what is happening.

    I'll have a look at your source code this evening and see whats going on here.


    Hey, ok. I changed the trigger to created/updated - however when creating new topics...



  9. Amazing guys.

    iAwards & Rules is the perfect combination to make your awards system complete, this is something that I've been wanting in YEARS on IPS.. Only seen automatic awards on XenForo working properly, finally we can do it on IPS too, with unlimited amount of options.


  10. 6 minutes ago, NoGi said:

    @Jimmy Gavekort how many times can the award be given to the same person? If it's more than once, you need to remove the restriction from the award under options.

    its only once, i already got the award so i dont know why it keeps saying that i already have it.. when editing rules etc

    yeah this is very annoying bug, needs to be fixed






  11. Bought it now, a little confused regarding rules though.. A example set of rules for those conditions would be awesome!


  12. Just now, craigf136 said:

    It's relatively simple to implement automation using rules, on pinned topic check if user has award if not supply pinned award.

    If user reaches 100 posts award

    if user reaches 100 posts, 10 reputation points, has donor award supply award (insert award name).

    The different scenarios are endless.

    You have it your self, any screenshots? Maybe I'm just too scared :p 

  13. 17 minutes ago, Kevin Carwile said:

    All of that is very simple to do since iAwards works together with rules. It was very smart to include the integration.

    @-RAW-, If you get me a release copy of the app, I can set up a simple rule for each of those scenarios and you can then bundle them in with the app so users can hit the ground running.

    Great, mind quoting me once it's done.. I assume once that's done, this will be simple? 


    Also, i for example had my forum running for some while. Are there any like 'cron' jobs to run and check each user for the requirements for each award, so basically if i set... profile views 100, get award.. then all with that will be awarded instantly? :) 

  14. 2 hours ago, -RAW- said:



    Amazing release mate, exactly what IPS needed.


    Hope to see some automatic Award features though:

    • If post amount is more than X.
    • If like/reputation amount is more than X.
    • If member has been registered for longer than X.
    • If member has more than X profile views.
    • If member completed specific profile fields.
    • If member uploaded header/profile picture.
    • If member made a post in a specific section (Example, introductions).
    • If member has more than X Amount of followers.


    Would the rules be able to do this? Example usage would be awesome! :) Love it.


    @Kevin Carwile ?

  15. On 15.10.2015, 14.53.38, Adriano Faria said:

    What's New in Version 2.0.1:

    • Added thousand separator on Number of times used field
    • Added pagination on IP Addresses Used tab in user profile
    • Added new setting to specifiy how many records will be displayed per page in user profile tab
    • Added link to ModCP IP Address Tools on IP Address too
    • Added the Update Check URL. It means that you will be warned on you Admin CP when a new version of this app is released.

    Works on 4.1?

  16. Just now, -RAW- said:

    To be honest i haven't even installed 4.1, but i can have someone check and post here if it does, if not i will do sone as i get home from work.

    chers, i have bought it just scared to install after bad experiences before with other plugins, running incomptiable version ;)


  17. On 20.7.2015, 20.12.36, Adriano Faria said:

    About This File

    This plugin will show user photo in online lists created by IPS widgets: Who's Online and Recently Browsing.


    • Due to the rework on plugin (every new resource has to be done from the scratch to run on  IPS4), a new purchase is required. Thank you for your understanding.

    works on 4.1?

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