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Release Notes v5





Posts posted by Wolfie

  1. The mail-per-hour should be a board wide setting. If set to 0, unlimited. Otherwise the number if the maximum number of mails allowed per hour. This way if bulk mail is being sent out and at the same time notifications or validation emails are being sent out, it will count everything so that limits aren't bypassed by mistake. I would imagine that it'd be possible to just put a timestamp with the number of mails sent out at that moment, then when the board needs to send out another piece of mail, it simply sees how many were sent in the last 3600 seconds and see how many it may send out.

    Would be nice if we could also change the default number of mails sent out per cycle for bulk mails. But since bulk mail shouldn't be used but so often, it's understandable if it's left up to being a code edit if the person wants to change it bad enough.

  2. Would be interesting to check what that members hosting company considers to be an email (ie each recipient counts as an email or if they only count the body).

    Either way, it would still be useful on large boards that want to get out bulk mail to all of its members when they have far too many to send out individual (personalized) emails. Even on small boards that just want to get the email out and done with and aren't worried about it being personalized to each member. Still have the same rules (pick and choose which groups to send to, etc).

  3. Vesperala doesn't like me. No matter what I say or do he becomes unhappy with me. I'll go cry in the corner and never reply to one of his posts again. :cry:


    -firstly I am a woman.

    -secondly, I do like you :) everyone knows that, but you don't... :blush: :ermm:

    -thirdly: please, smile :blush: I will upload that favicon in all my nightmares, if you don't :rolleyes:

    I think he was kidding with the crying bit.

    Don't you have a full backup of your board somewhere? Anywhere? Because you could always extract the favicon.ico from that backup to restore your current site.

    Also, to add onto what bfarber said, when you request an upgrade to be done to your board, make a backup of your data/board before you submit the request. That way if something gets overwritten that you wanted to keep, it's easy enough to recover. Doing that in addition to the permission settings (of 444 on the images you want to protect) will ensure fewer problems in the future.


  4. But its more settings to screw with. I made the switch from vBulletin in part because of the ease of use of IPB. When you start adding 3 more options for each setting you'll end up with bloated software, unmanageable code, and a lot of other useless trash (See vBulletin for reference)

    It'd be only one more option to an already existing setting. Of course, the existing setting could be changed to update views upon updating the number of replies which would just take care of the problem as it is. :P
  5. email limitation : solution needed

    Either an option in Bulk Mail or a separate Bulk Mail option (alternative) to cram groups of people into the BCC field of an email to be sent out instead of individual custom emails per member?

    I know that the downside would be not being able to address each member individually (ie, can't use certain tags to address a member), but the benefit would be that those with limited emails per hour or with slower boards could get more emails out and delivered using only one email per cycle to cover the same number of members.

    Could also be used when the admin isn't worried/concerned/interested in having each email to be personalized but primarily wants to just get the emails out a.s.a.p. or cutting down on the processing needed to complete the task. Could be extremely useful for boards with a massive number of members, if the admin is able to send a single email to 1000 members at a time (via BCC) instead of up to 50 personalized emails at a time.

  6. nice Idea

    :) must figure out now how permissions should be set.

    +1 for this. thank you

    444 would be ok? :unsure:

    Should be. So long as it is 4 or 4+1 (and not 4+2 or 4+2+1). 4 is read, 2 is write, 1 is execute. But since you don't need to execute a picture, no need for the 1 so 444 should be perfect.
  7. I have a simple enough solution. Remove the write permissions from all images that you don't want to have overwritten. favicon.ico (in root and admin folders), emoticons and anything else.

    That's my solution to the problem and it works beautifully. :D

  8. Why does every setting have to have 87 other settings to control that first setting in your mind? :P

    I'm just tossing out an alternative.

    Small boards (like mine), instantly.
    Medium boards, periodically or when a reply is made.
    Large boards, periodically.

    Would certainly get some people to stop fussing about how the view count isn't updating right before their eyes. :D

  9. That is the default option in IPB, however it causes increased locking to the topics table, a table that is hit on almost every page load already. Updating views on a delayed basis relieves a lot of SQL "pressure".

    Could the option be expanded into "Delayed based on schedule" / "Delayed based on schedule or reply is made" / "Instantly"?
  10. Well I had the idea and thought I'd toss it out. :P

    What about user submissions of emoticons, where a member can supply the image and suggested :tag: and then the admin either approves it (and it gets added) or not? Per group setting (obviously) and view the group can limit the kb and x/y dimensions.

  11. Send an email to the sales department and if your payment gets approved before they get the email, do NOT download the software. If they see you haven't downloaded the software, then they don't have anything to risk losing by giving a refund. But once you do, they can't know if you're going to keep a copy of it or not.

    Also, would recommend submitting a ticket (if you have access to do so). Try all available ways of contacting them to make sure they get a message a.s.a.p. :)

  12. If you wanted to see all posts of only one member (or a select group of members (by group?)) why not click a button (or something) that then loads that same topic but with only that member's (or group of members) posts. If you want to see all posts again (Normal) another (that isn't visable normally) button or link.

    That's what I said.

  13. Cluttering the post view? It's just one icon, two if you want to include a prev button.

    Just one example of how this could work, look at the blue green icon on the right

    (Note that there only moderators have this icon.)

    It does not even have be as prominent as in the example above but that's up to the skin designer anyway.

    I'm thinking about if someone wants to see all of one persons posts or go back and forth. Can be helpful if someone is offering help and you want to review all of their posts only, etc. If you're gonna have a next, may as well have a prev, and in that case, a filter would totally rock.
  14. Perhaps a slight rewording...

    Firstly, I was one of the first to suggest charging for the service for those who have lifetime/perpetual licenses, so that the service costs are covered instead of chewing away at IPS's budget. So please don't think I'm trying to get this for free.

    Standard license holders get the service free as part of their package. That's cool.

    Perpetual license holders only have to pay $20 additional per year to get the service added on top of their cost for support. Seems good.

    Lifetime license holder should get the same deal as the Perpetual holders. Otherwise, it's exactly like being charged for support which is already part of the package. So, $0/year for support plus $20/year for the service. Again, having to pay $30 additional ($30 more than a Perpetual holder) is a punishment to the Lifetime holders. If anything, charge $30/year for Perpetual and Lifetime holders.

    I don't. I think the way it is currently is fair. All license holders pay $50 a year to get access to the latest IPS services, along with Support and upgrades.

    Pretty simple really. :P

    Paying for support and upgrades, which is already included in my license, is fair how exactly? :blink:
  15. I know that there's no true way to make 100% certain that the user, even if at the same IP, is indeed the same person. Just would be nice if there was something that would help to make it a little bit tighter. Also, why are no cookies used? Could the session ID itself at least be stored, or a hash of it, which would be set to expire an hour (or however long the admin configures it for) after the last usage? No personal information such as a password or member ID, and in conjunction with IP checking, would make it very difficult for someone to hijack the session (albeit not impossible). Just bothers me that this leaves a gap in security.

  16. Very simple.. Via member group setting, a member of a group could add their own emoticons and names (although the names would be forced to be between colon's) that they could use when they make posts. The member group setting should be -1/0/# settable (-1 unlimited, 0 is off or not allowed, otherwise the # is the maximum number of personal emoticons they can have/setup).

    Each emoticon would either be a file they upload or a URL to the emoticon itself. The emoticons should also replace the boards default emoticons (perhaps setting per group if that group can override default emoticons). So if someone wanted to use their own version of a common smiley, they could.

  17. No, it is supposed to be a navigation tool, not a way to change how the page is displayed. The post(s) should still be viewable next to to the adjacent ones to preserve the context.

    Perhaps a 3 way system.. "<prev |filter| next>"

    Pop up menu so it doesn't clutter the post view.

  18. Nice to have:

    A button for every post that says "Find next post by this member in the current thread". Sometimes you want to basically follow someone through the discussion and such a tiny button would definitely help with this.

    How about clicking a button that would show only their posts in that thread, instead of "prev/next post" buttons?

  19. I wouldn't say thats possible, as far as I can remember, every OS that gets installed on to a pc or mac, has different serials, the OS matches your motherboard (not that sure though)

    You can detect what OS someone is using if you know how. You can't get the product key or something like that, but you can tell if it's Windows (98/ME/2K/XP/2003/etc), Linux, etc.

    Wolfie, there is a feature to match browser and OS in the admin CP, I believe, right below the "Match IP" setting.

    That affects the public end of the board, not the ACP itself.

  20. Not really worth it. OS, anyone can have the exact same OS as the admin of that side

    Site admin => Windows vista

    Hacker => Windows vista

    Matching browser and OS would help as far as intranets are concerned. Person on computer A is a dummy using IE, gives link to person B who is a smart person using FF, or person A is using XP and person B is using Linux. The overall idea would be to somehow match as much as possible (but without going nuts) the person using the ACP so that if the link is somehow shared in an environment where the IP matches, it would still ensure security.
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