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Release Notes v5





Posts posted by Wolfie

  1. I cannot, and will not, do beta tests on a live board. I exclude myself from the beta testing because all I will most likely do is (first figure out how to use paypal sandbox) then do what everybody else has been doing, fooling around clicking on stuff.

    You could always set up a test board and fiddle with that and see if you can find any bugs. :D

    I'll make a wager with you. I pick from now until the year 2050. :lol:
  2. My hosting company limits my SQL database to 100mb each and I'm sure some other hosting companies do the same thing. So the idea I had is to allow the admin to make use of multiple databases. The idea would be to branch off large database hogs into another database such as the skins. Currently I can only imagine having a main database and then an alternate for the skins, but I imagine that it could be done for other things as well.

  3. :) is not too funny to see you always laughing at people that do not translate everything well.

    Perhaps we are not very good at English, but we can speak something else that you cannot even read.. :)

    Not laughing at the person, laughing at the confusion. I try to find the humor in things, helps me to smile more which leads to a more positive attitude and a positive attitude is a good things to have.

    I try to understand what the person means, regardless of how they say it. When I think I understand, I try to rephrase it and see if that's what was meant, to be sure. That way if someone else is having a problem understanding, when they get to my post and see that's what they meant, it will help to get the idea across better. Likewise, if someone else figures it out and restates it, it helps me to understand what the person meant.

    As a point that I sometimes make to people (this works best for those who understand English and it's structure):
    Tha perpus ov werdz iz to commoonekayt a thawt. (The purpose of words is to communicate a thought.)

    In other words, it doesn't matter how someone spells it or says it, so long as the idea makes it way across, the goal is accomplished. So I don't go saying "You said it wrong so you must be stupid" or anything like that. At times, I may give the person some guidance on how it's said or what to say, but I never judge a person for trying. :)
  4. Okay so per user, would have something like:

    Receive PM's from:
    (_) From everyone except those you have blocked
    (_) Only from Admins, friends and users in the same user group as you.
    (_) Only from Admins and Friends
    (_) Only from Admins.

    It should be set to "Everyone" by default, with an option in ACP to change the default setting.

  5. So I make

    I Make Mask FR and Group Francais with specifically rules. Can close topic, can send private message can view Gallery

    After I Make Mask US and Group English with Same rules.

    6 month after I change value of Group Francais and I want copy this same value in Groupe English.

    Okay so what you're wanting is to make it so that if someone speaks French, they would be a in a French group, but someone who speaks English would be in an English group, but have same 'abilities' and settings as each other?

    If so, that's simple enough. Create both groups with 'dummy' settings, where neither group gives them anything other than the name of the group and a related permission mask (FR for French and EN for English, for example). Next, create a group named "Privileges" and set that to be what you want both groups to be able to do. Then just set each member to have Privileges as a secondary group.

  6. AdminCP > Forums > Topic Multi-moderation

    You can set this up so that the topic is marked as "Solved", closed and moved to the forum or your choosing.

    He means for regular members to be able to do that, not just moderators.

  7. I second that :P :lol: Sorry I was trying to type to fast.

    No biggie.. Just might be easier for people to find if they are looking for the topic. Especially if they do a title search for documentation.

    I'd like a detailed description of what each permission setting does for the acp restrictions.

  8. I cracked up laughing when i saw title!

    I know a feature request for IPB.. Laughing gas! If your board is having an all out war among the members, you can inject laughing gas on it so that people will start lightening up and being nice to each other. Or inject it into only certain topics or on certain members profiles.

  9. I beg to differ. IPS sucks.. They are mean and take forever to release things.

    Not to mention how they do evil things like fixing bugs, listening to our feature requests and concerns, and not to mention the ultimate in punishment, they let us play with the beta releases!


  10. Hey, hey, let's back off of Archon Neo. If he wants to wait for subscription manager, it's his prerogative. :)

    It's all cool. I was just pointing out the flip side of things for him. Never once insulted him for his decision because it's up to him. :)
  11. I had renewed an IPB license for the same reason, so when it expired and IPB3 still hadn't been released, I waited a short while before renewing it again. Oh well, it allowed me to make sure things were up to date.

  12. I'll be renewing my license *after* the subscription manager is released.

    The problem with that is that you can't participate in the beta testing, so if there's a bug that is yet unfound that you end up finding after the final is released, it's a bug that could have been fixed before final.

    That and I'd expect final to be release before October (ie, August or September). Of course, I'm trying to over estimate a bit here, but even if it were to be the end of September, your license would still be valid. Heck, at this point, anytime this year and your license would still be valid.
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