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Everything posted by Hisashi

  1. Excellent professional, works within the stipulated deadline and provides great support. If you use IP.Pages, be sure to purchase the "Favorite Page Records" feature from the developer store, your users will thank you.
  2. @Marc Stridgen Use Markus Jung to verify this issue, as he is having the same issue and is a cloud client.
  3. If it wasn't activated by default (which I don't remember), the trigger for causing this is when you click on "Enable" to only see the settings, when in fact you haven't really activated it.
  4. It's not necessary, as I said before, I cleaned the HTML template. I recommend testing this with someone else, it seems to be a bug.
  5. It's not activated, I at most clicked to see how it worked, but at no point did I activate it.
  6. I didn't find an option for this, so my solution was to clean up the HTML template. core > front > hive > followButton
  7. I haven't enabled hive in my community, why is this button showing?
  8. I updated again, now officially the main site and it generated the same error. But everything is working normally.
  9. You have send rss with your user key with permission, in public rss this is not displayed. https://www.uncrownedaddiction.com/forums/forum/9-serious-debates.xml/ I don't know if this is important to you, but now your key is exposed in topic.
  10. I saved a chart, it looks like no errors on that. Should I assume that everything is working perfectly?
  11. It exists, only empty. In 4.7.8 database is also empty.
  12. The system is not generating any other error, it only generated this one at end of the update.
  13. Hello, I just updated my site on 'test domain' on same server, and generated this error log at the end of update. Type: upgrade_error Error (1054) Unknown column 'chart_timescale' in 'ips_core_saved_charts': changeColumn ["core_saved_charts","chart_timescale",{"name":"chart_timescale","type":"ENUM","length":null,"decimals":null,"values":["hourly","daily","weekly","monthly","none"],"allow_null":true,"default":null,"comment":"","unsigned":false,"auto_increment":false}] --- #0 /home/.../public_html/test/system/Application/Application.php(1618): IPS\_Log::log('Error (1054) Un...', 'upgrade_error') #1 /home/.../public_html/test/applications/core/sources/Setup/Upgrade.php(511): IPS\_Application->installDatabaseUpdates(107700, 0, 10, true) #2 /home/.../public_html/test/applications/core/sources/Setup/Upgrade.php(326): IPS\core\Setup\_Upgrade->step1(Array) #3 /home/.../public_html/test/applications/core/modules/setup/upgrade/upgrade.php(47): IPS\core\Setup\_Upgrade->process(Array) #4 /home/.../public_html/test/system/Helpers/MultipleRedirect/MultipleRedirect.php(93): IPS\core\modules\setup\upgrade\_upgrade->IPS\core\modules\setup\upgrade\{closure}(Array) #5 /home/.../public_html/test/applications/core/modules/setup/upgrade/upgrade.php(77): IPS\Helpers\_MultipleRedirect->__construct(Object(IPS\Http\Url), Object(Closure), Object(Closure)) #6 /home/.../public_html/test/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php(118): IPS\core\modules\setup\upgrade\_upgrade->manage() #7 /home/.../public_html/test/system/Dispatcher/Setup.php(220): IPS\Dispatcher\_Controller->execute() #8 /home/.../public_html/test/admin/upgrade/index.php(34): IPS\Dispatcher\_Setup->run() #9 {main} The only thing different I noticed was this here. In other places it appears to be displaying normally. (4.7.13) Everything seems to be working normally, so I don't know if I should worry about it.
  14. It could be something like this, just an idea
  15. I saw it on your website, one thing I noticed, the comments bar is a little above the description/title of story on mobile, maybe it would be interesting to change the design.
  16. The user who posted receive notification of comments? Including reactions?
  17. The question is, is this a bug or has it been modified to be like this?
  18. Why are hidden posts searchable for users with view permission and scheduled/unapproved posts aren't?
  19. Awesome! I'll wait for the next news so, I have some ideas for that, if you're interested in listening.
  20. Ads between stories is possible? For example, every "x" story, show an ad.
  21. Is it already possible to program the self-deletion of the file on the server after the expiration period of story?
  22. Perhaps this would be the perfect time to come back with the "Requests Forums"? @Matt Honestly, I feel it's too intrusive to have to message each developer. Creating a topic telling about your project and letting a developer be interested in it is more pleasant for both sides.
  23. This is interesting, could publish some guides for customers to identify malicious codes in third party applications. Of course, this requires some experience, as it is not literally exact, but some information would be a good start.
  24. @Lindy I sincerely see other ways for you to do this. As I said earlier, the marketplace is a great showcase that connects developers to IPS customers without leaving here. Having this removed makes life difficult for your clients in trying to find resources quickly without having to go to thousands of developer websites. My idea is, remove the paid market and keep a free market so that developers can maintain this showcase, so they start offering two versions of the product. A free one, where the user could get it directly from the IPS website, and the paid (full) version that would be described within the product and the user would be redirected to the developer's store. Where he would have all financial responsibility for the product. Example 1 Example 2 IPS could go another route, which in this case would be to charge a small fee to developers who publish resources with a limited free version. And keep the market for developers who support the community with completely free resources. Many of these resources are made with good heart and are freely available in the market, such as translations that connect people all over the world, and all of these will be "lost".
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