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Posts posted by Bluto

  1. I don't own this, but looked it over and wondered if it was possible to have a switch which would allow the admin to switch between views and posts.  One of my sites has a lot of viewers but not a lot of posters.  Showing all zeros (posts) wouldn't look that great versus a few views which would make the thread look busy. 

    Just a suggestion.  😀

  2. I ran the initial re-index and received some errors:

    1.  Malformed kickbox validation response error (got about 4 pages of these errors)

    Malformed kickbox validation response: null
    #0 /home/nginx/domains/xxx/public/applications/indisposable/sources/Validator/Validator.php(51): IPS\_Log::log('Malformed kickb...')
    #1 /home/nginx/domains/xxx/public/applications/indisposable/modules/admin/indisposable/members.php(326): IPS\indisposable\_Validator->isDisposable('')
    #2 /home/nginx/domains/xxx/public/system/Helpers/MultipleRedirect/MultipleRedirect.php(92): IPS\indisposable\modules\admin\indisposable\_members->IPS\indisposable\modules\admin\indisposable\{closure}(81250)
    #3 /home/nginx/domains/xxx/public/applications/indisposable/modules/admin/indisposable/members.php(344): IPS\Helpers\_MultipleRedirect->__construct(Object(IPS\Http\Url\Internal), Object(Closure), Object(Closure))
    #4 /home/nginx/domains/xxx/public/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php(85): IPS\indisposable\modules\admin\indisposable\_members->reindex()
    #5 /home/nginx/domains/xxx/public/applications/indisposable/modules/admin/indisposable/members.php(29): IPS\Dispatcher\_Controller->execute()
    #6 /home/nginx/domains/xxx/public/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php(152): IPS\indisposable\modules\admin\indisposable\_members->execute()
    #7 /home/nginx/domains/xxx/public/admin_folder/index.php(14): IPS\_Dispatcher->run()
    #8 {main}

    2.  Resolve host (only 1 error)

    Could not resolve host: open.kickbox.com
    #0 /home/nginx/domains/xxx/public/system/Http/Request/Curl.php(415): IPS\Http\Request\_Curl->_execute()
    #1 /home/nginx/domains/xxx/public/system/Http/Request/Curl.php(291): IPS\Http\Request\_Curl->_executeAndFollowRedirects('GET', NULL)
    #2 /home/nginx/domains/xxx/public/applications/indisposable/sources/Validator/Validator.php(47): IPS\Http\Request\_Curl->get()
    #3 /home/nginx/domains/xxx/public/applications/indisposable/modules/admin/indisposable/members.php(326): IPS\indisposable\_Validator->isDisposable('ctm@droidnote.e...')
    #4 /home/nginx/domains/xxx/public/system/Helpers/MultipleRedirect/MultipleRedirect.php(92): IPS\indisposable\modules\admin\indisposable\_members->IPS\indisposable\modules\admin\indisposable\{closure}(12250)
    #5 /home/nginx/domains/xxx/public/applications/indisposable/modules/admin/indisposable/members.php(344): IPS\Helpers\_MultipleRedirect->__construct(Object(IPS\Http\Url\Internal), Object(Closure), Object(Closure))
    #6 /home/nginx/domains/xxx/public/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php(85): IPS\indisposable\modules\admin\indisposable\_members->reindex()
    #7 /home/nginx/domains/xxx/public/applications/indisposable/modules/admin/indisposable/members.php(29): IPS\Dispatcher\_Controller->execute()
    #8 /home/nginx/domains/xxx/public/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php(152): IPS\indisposable\modules\admin\indisposable\_members->execute()
    #9 /home/nginx/domains/xxx/public/admin_folder/index.php(14): IPS\_Dispatcher->run()
    #10 {main}

    Nothing happened which stopped the script, etc.  Everything seems to be working fine... just noticed the errors in the system logs and wanted to let you know.

    The above was a scan of about 100K members.

  3. Thanks for the info!  Right now I use Outdated Emails which works really well.  Helpful when I get bounces back from SES.  I'll buy this in the next couple of days.  I'm getting hammered by disposable emails and bounces.

    Last question:  Is there a check on the post before you register form?  How about the contact form email? - I'm actually not too worried about these, just figured I'd ask.

  4. Does this app require a Kickbox subscription?  If so kickbox is very pricey (but very good).  Was curious if there was maybe an option for other services (if kickbox sub is required).

    What happens when your app finds an existing member who is using a disposable email address?  There is no information on that process.  Does your script require the existing member to change their email?  What happens if they decide not the change their email, can they keep posting or are they restricted until a valid email address is given?


  5. I just switched over to Redis for Data Storage.  With the addition of Redis I selected in the Advanced Configuration, "Use Redis to reduce MySQL overhead" which "Redis will be used for sessions and to manage topic view counters".  Ever since I added Redis, the Dashboard -> Online Number at the top of the page, shows 0.  The "Online Users by App" does show the online users per app.  Not sure if the Online Number showing 0 is related to Redis or not. 

    The Online Number was working prior to the addition of Redis.  There are no locked tasks.  I've run the support tool.  I'm using the current version of the app (16).

    Wanted to let you know.

  6. 8 minutes ago, Merezhko said:


    i don't see "Renew" button at iAwards page at the Marketplace.
    How can i upgrade my app to IPS 4.4 support? 

    And can i send money from Visa not using Pay Pal?

    Thanks in advance!

    Go to the marketplace and click on the manage purchases link at the top.  Once on the manage purchases page look for iAwards.  You'll see a renewal invoice link next to iAwards.  Click on that and pay for the renewal.

  7. On 12/18/2018 at 6:14 PM, NeedCoffee said:

    I suggested this privately, but I think it would be great if the plugin could actually prevent a post containing those characters from being accepted - i.e. entered in to our database. In our situation all messages on the forum must be written in English, using standard characters. We would prefer just block someone, with a friendly message, when they try to post, instead of taking the message and auto-banning the user.

    Have you considered purchasing Automation Rules?  Create a condition to search the title and content.  If something matches, delete the content display a message.  You can also do pretty much anything imaginable if the condition yields true or false.  Once you learn automation rules, you'll think you're Dr. Strange manipulating time and space.  

    If you purchase Automation Rules, PM me and I can give you the code for the rule or look for my posts on Kevin's (the author) support forum - I posted it there.

    Automation Rules is a little pricey, but totally worth it.

  8. On your plugin settings, I selected the captcha type.  For me I decided to go with reCaptcha v2.

    On my Spam Prevention -> CAPTCHA I have it set to 'none' since I'm not using captcha for registrations.  My understanding was that if one of the captchas is enabled in the Spam Settings -> CAPTCHA it would be active on the signup form.

    If this is the incorrect way to set it up, let me know.

    Otherwise, what I was trying to say was that it might be confusing to someone who doesn't know where to enter the key from captcha for whatever captcha if they have 'none' selected in spam settings.

  9. Works well, though a little confusing since I don't use captcha for user registration - so my captcha is off.  I use cleantalk which handles all the heavy lifting.

    But I guess the plugin reads from the Spam settings regardless if they're on or not.  Plugin seems to work with the info entered in the Spam settings from when I use to use captcha.

  10. I was getting an error.  I got the error on a thread I had deleted.  I get the below error when Live Topics is ON.

    Seems like a lot of triggers (in my error logs) are when member or guests his links for threads which have been deleted.


    Error: Call to a member function viewLiveTopic() on null (0)
    #0 /home/nginx/domains/zzz.com/public/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php(96): IPS\forums\modules\front\forums\hook1286->manage()
    #1 /home/nginx/domains/zzz.com/public/system/Content/Controller.php(50): IPS\Dispatcher\_Controller->execute()
    #2 /home/nginx/domains/zzz.com/public/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php(39): IPS\Content\_Controller->execute()
    #3 /home/nginx/domains/zzz.com/public/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php(146): IPS\forums\modules\front\forums\_topic->execute()
    #4 /home/nginx/domains/zzz.com/public/index.php(13): IPS\_Dispatcher->run()
    #5 {main}
    #0 /home/nginx/domains/zzz.com/public/init.php(537): IPS\_Log::log('Error: Call to ...', 'uncaught_except...')
    #1 [internal function]: IPS\IPS::exceptionHandler(Object(Error))
    #2 {main}

    What I get when Live Topics is OFF.

    Sorry, there is a problem
    We could not locate the item you are trying to view.
    Error code: 2F173/1


  11. 6 hours ago, Fosters said:

    I see.
    It seems that IPS4.3 runs this tests only for the content, but not the title. I'll see if I can improve this.

    I was working on an Automation rule and the output for the threads were, title, content (posts) and content() which was OP content.  It might be that it's only checking content (posts) and not checking the content() which is the OP post and like you said the title.  IDK, just throwing it out there.

    Also, I just had a member post a comment in a thread w/ Chinese and it was caught by your plugin.

  12. You're going to probably need something like below.

    The foreach is a loop that is going to grab each button.  Since you only want facebook, we're going to add an if statement that says, if, during the loop, facebook shows up, output that button.  Obviously, if you don't have the facebook button active the button will now show.

    Not sure about the $method->button()->facebook but it should be something like that.

    {{if $buttonMethods}}
    			        <div class='ipsGrid_span3 cSignInTeaser_right'>
    						<form accept-charset='utf-8' method='post' action='{$login->url}' data-controller="core.global.core.login">
    							<input type="hidden" name="csrfKey" value="{expression="\IPS\Session::i()->csrfKey"}">
    							<input type="hidden" name="ref" value="{expression="base64_encode( \IPS\Request::i()->url() )"}">
    				            {{foreach $buttonMethods as $method}}
                              		{{if $medthod->button()->facebook}}
    					            	<div class='ipsPad_half ipsType_center ipsPos_center'>

    Just remember, modify the template code now, modify the template code forever.  If you do modify the template code, before and after the edit put:

    <!--- MY MOD STARTS HERE -->
    <!--- MY MOD ENDS HERE -->

    Using the above allows you to search for "MY MOD" and that way you know where the edits are when you upgrade.

    Hope this helps!

  13. 4 minutes ago, A Zayed said:

    For now, you've to enter full url, I'l consider wildcards in the next version.

    I was just hoping to get the url, wildcard would be a total bonus.  

    I was just asking because I was curious.  Honestly, I really can't think of a time when I'd need to make sure a specific url wasn't embedded.  Maybe in the most extreme case.

    Anyway, thanks again for the addition!  ?


  14. @fosters

    Hi.  Not sure the plugin is moderating chinese content.  Spammers have been posting whatever chinese content they want without moderation.


    I'm getting posts with thread titles:


    UVM毕业证,+微信695640122 UVM成绩单,UVM文凭,UVM录取通知书offer,UVM学位证,UVM留学回国人员证明,UVM学历认证

    UH毕业证,+微信695640122 UH成绩单,UH文凭,UH录取通知书offer,UH学位证,UH留学回国人员证明,UH学历认证

    UH毕业证,+微信695640122 UH成绩单,UH文凭,UH录取通知书offer,UH学位证,UH留学回国人员证明,UH学历认证


    SUT毕业证,+微信695640122 SUT成绩单,SUT文凭,SUT录取通知书offer,SUT学位证,SUT留学回国人员证明,SUT学历认证

    Any idea why this is getting past the filter?

    I'm on v4.3.5

    Adding the Korean would really help out.


  15. 3 minutes ago, Adriano Faria said:

    Ok, I’ll add a setting. Currently you can edit a file to allow this. Let me know if you want me to show you how to do it. 

    Sure, I'd love the code.

    Thanks for adding the setting. ?

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