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Posts posted by haqzore

  1. Well, to circle back on this incase anyone else makes the same blunder I did...

    I totally forgot I'd upgraded my shared hosting account several months ago. I switched to a VPS and split my domains each to their own cPanel.

    This resulted in each domain now having its own FTP login.


    What I forgot to do after the domain split was to go back & remove the backup directories of the once consolidated sites. So I forgot I split the domains, logged into my original FTP, found my Invision directories & thought I was in the right place. As was already identified... I was not in the right place 🙂

  2. Sorry, Marc, I am missing something that is likely very obvious.

    I can only find one location on my server with Invision files on it via FTP

    However, I do see, for example, ACP > Files > Storage Settings looks like a different path.

    Somehow my knowledge must have regressed, and I'm lost here. The path showing in ACP > Files > Storage does not exist in my FTP program.

    How is my site even functioning? Clearly I'm missing some basic stuff here... Apologies.

  3. 15 minutes ago, Marc Stridgen said:

    They should actually be below that list in another section showing you can install. If you are not seeing that, please ensure you access details on file are up to date so I can take a look for you.

    Thanks, Marc.

    There's nothing below it - that's as far as I can scroll.

    I think my access details in the Client Area are correct.

  4. I upgraded my license to Classic.

    Downloaded a new package from my client area.

    Uploaded via FTP, overwriting duplicates.

    Here is my /applications/ directory, with some of the new (for me) apps highlighted:


    Here is my ACP > Applications page, with no option to install new apps:

    Could contain: Electronics, Hardware, Page, Text, Computer Hardware


    According to this guide, I should have new apps showing here.

    I have:

    • "Checked for Updates" on the Applications  page
    • Refreshed license key (it shows all apps with a check mark)
    • System Support > Clear System Cache
  5. On 2/27/2019 at 2:30 AM, MG501 said:

    Would it be possible to make Request RSVP checked on by default? 


    On 2/27/2019 at 2:42 AM, Adriano Faria said:

    I can add it in a future version. In the meantime, use the plugin I linked you to in your other post. 

    Hi @Adriano Faria - is this available anywhere? I remember having this option at some point, but, don't remember specifically how or where. 

  6. 3 minutes ago, Daniel F said:

    Can you confirm that "Allow the topic starter to mark solved?" is disabled?
    If you don't see it, could you first toggle the  "Enable Solved?" setting, so that the second option gets visible? If it is enabled, please disable it.

    Could contain: Text, Page

    "Allow topic starter" was enabled. I have disabled this.


    Is this a bug? The way it is worded (as shown in your screenshot) makes it appear the first option is required before the 2nd would do anything. If "Enable solved" is OFF, I feel this should override the sub-setting for the topic starter.

  7. 1 hour ago, Martin A. said:

    Did you click the "Restart sync process" first?

    Also be aware that deleting the markers would put them in the deletion queue, if that is enabled. Go to your moderator CP and have a look at the "Deleted Content" page. From there you can permanently delete the markers. The default suite setting is for content to be "soft deleted" for 30 days.

    Its sorted now - thanks!

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