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Izaya Orihara

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  1. What a lovely addition. Will be purchasing asap!
  2. Thank Goodness there is a Credits/points add-on for IPb4 2016 is definitely starting right. I haven't read every single post so I apologize if I repeat any suggestion that has been made. I will still be buying this add-on however it would be awesome to have many of the same features found in the older versions of Ibeconomy and Icredits from ipb3.4 Such as Lotteries Raffles Credit System(Allowing users to get credit cards) Checking/Savings Welfare As well as an overall store for customizable items and actions @Mike John
  3. ​I second that idea as well Also is it possible to get a DAILY post count added? If I am not mistaken(correct me if I am wrong), that feature is gone on 4.x? I know on IPS3 we could see the daily posters.
  4. Sure why not
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