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Everything posted by opentype

  1. I don’t know if you can. It’s not a feature of my template, so there is nothing for me to support regarding this request.
  2. No. Nothing gets dropped from the index for not being in the sitemap. Or maybe we just have a language problem. You keep saying “cached URLs” and probably mean something else. Maybe you also don’t mean “loosing”. I don’t know.
  3. Not at the moment, no. All plugin settings are global.
  4. Not sure who you are addressing. I cannot provide a fix. It’s an IPS issue. We all have to wait until 4.2.7. It’s affecting my own sites as well.
  5. Yet, you mention a “decrease” in cached (you mean indexed?) URLs. How do you loose pages because of a slow sitemap creation? It doesn’t make any sense. By the way: Google will crawl your site anyway and discover new content. A sitemap is technically not even necessary. So I would be careful to blame problems with your site on the sitemap creation.
  6. I am also not sure what ProSkill is asking about for example. The original post is about the speed of generating sitemaps for large sites, ProSkill talks about “decrease in cached URLs”. Not sure what that is and how it relates to sitemap generation.
  7. I could investigate that, but frankly, as it comes from your custom.css it’s not really my job I’m afraid. Your theme overrides default settings, so any problems with that should be handled by your theme designer.
  8. It’s a block like any other. You just drag the database widget from the sidebar manager and pick the database. Nope. Combining the page templates and the block should work fine in general. Done that myself many times.
  9. It comes from this part in your custom.css. It sets the background to transparent. .ipsDialog .ipsBox:not(.ipsBox_transparent):not(.ipsModerated), .ipsWidget.ipsWidget_horizontal .ipsBox
  10. This is not a bug, but a very bad test string.
  11. Doesn’t matter actually. SuperList is a block template. For a typical use of SuperList you wouldn’t even expose the database page to your users and just use a block. So the database templates (front page/category/listing/record) aren’t relevant. If you do use them, you can show them however you like. It’s unrelated to SuperList.
  12. That’s not an option of SuperTopics at the moment I’m afraid.
  13. Yes, many. It’s an IPS bug. It will be fixed in 4.2.7. You will need to reinstall the plugin after the IPS upgrade.
  14. Interesting! I just activated it, but it seems to ignore social media signups. Is that intentional?
  15. Yes, as mentioned, make sure to pick a higher feed items value for a random rotation. Also, the site’s sidebar cache setting influences how long any block stays unchanged.
  16. @Virgo81 Thanks for the positive rating even though it doesn’t work for you very well . What theme is that? There is no floating bar normally, nor this image that is showing in your screenshot.
  17. Answered on the previous page: https://invisioncommunity.com/forums/topic/433864-pages-supergrid-support/?do=findComment&comment=2721176
  18. No. It’s just a template. It doesn’t add functionality. What is being fed into the template comes from the regular Pages block functionality. SuperGrid uses the Pages Record Image field. SuperTopics uses post attachments. Both use similar layouts. Not at this time I’m afraid.
  19. I’m afraid not. It doesn’t process the post content in any way. It just uses a core function to return images uploaded to the topic.
  20. A test URL would help. It shouldn’t matter how many images there are in a post or topic. It only matters that they are post attachments.
  21. Makes sense. I can do that when I upgrade the templates for 4.3.
  22. opentype

    Cookie Notice

    Not my product, but since I get similar reports for my plugins recently, I am curious: Care to be more specific about the “disappearing”? Settings be emptied? Set back to default installation values? Or what exactly is happening? Do you maybe have a caching engine activated?
  23. If you don’t have it in the menu yet and don’t want to type the URL, use this from ACP → Pages → Pages
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