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Rafael Fischmann

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Posts posted by Rafael Fischmann

  1. I continue to see it happen every now and then, and I'm running the just-released version 121.0.

    As it's an intermittent issue, it's hard to simply disable extensions and try it again because pages do fully load most of the time.

  2. I dunno if it's related to the contents of this topic or not, but lately when browsing our community, pages don't always load completely in Firefox. They sometimes just stop loading blank or stop somewhere in the middle of the full page's load. I have to refresh a couple of times (preferably holding down the Shift key) for it to finally load completely.

    It doesn't seem to affect other browsers.

  3. 58 minutes ago, Jim M said:

    Would be very careful about doing something like this. Don't want to be overzealous in doing so or you may accidentally block legitimate traffic. Maybe that's a legitimate user using a VPN or a third party service you're running which runs in a datacenter or something else entirely.

    Yeah, I'm always afraid of blocking IPs. I only block the ones which are red flagged by https://www.abuseipdb.com/

  4. 1 minute ago, Jim M said:

    That would likely indicate that it is too easy to google or an answer that bots can calculate. It is not something you just set a question/answer. You have to test many and balance the results with spammers that get through and humans struggling to answer it.

    In my personal experience, the right question/answer challenge removes a great deal of spammers. However, no spam prevention is absolute.

    Even so, Invision Community's spam protection feature should be able to identify those spammers based on posts' content, how many posts they make in just a few minutes, etc. No human would post 100 new topics in less than an hour on a forum about Apple laptops mentioning girls in Abu Dhabi. Just saying…

  5. 3 minutes ago, Joel R said:

    Welcome to the spam waves! Many Invision Communities have been hit since spring with these massive spam waves.  It's been frustrating.  

    Some suggestions: 

    - in hcaptcha, make sure you switch to difficult mode.  

    - switch up and rotate your challenge questions.  In my experience though, this only stopped it for 1 or 2 days

    - you may want to turn on automatic moderation 

    - cleantalk plugin (which does have a small fee) does help tremendously but I also think it catches some false positive of actual users too.  

    Thank you, Joel. Really appreciate the tips/suggestions!

  6. 36 minutes ago, Jim M said:

    Looking at your community, you may wish to enact the Question/Answer challenge as well. CAPTCHA alone will not stop all spam but will help. Enacting the correct question/answer challenge, which is easy for your users but hard for bots/human spammers, will also greatly assist.

    We've always had those Question/Answer challenges, Jim. They're bypassing them somehow, and most of them are using Google's login as I can see.

    A couple of new ones from the past hour:

  7. For the past 3 days, we've been hit by more than one hundred spam accounts, which we've manually blocked.

    We've switched from Invisible Captcha to hCaptcha this morning, but I've already blocked a couple of spammers since then, so I'm not sure it'll do the trick.

    A few of those spam accounts were able to post hundreds(!) of spam topics on our community.

  8. Hi, I'm facing a similar problem and everything looks good on PHP 8.0: https://d.pr/i/z707Ug

    I can browse the Admin, plus my forums' homepage and forums, but not any topic. Blank pages all the time.

    Checked the logs and found this, don't know if it's related:

    [12-Jul-2022 08:49:24 UTC] PHP Fatal error:  Declaration of IPS\Theme\Cache\hook93::topic($topic, $comments, $question, $votes, $nextUnread, $pagination, $topicVotes = []) must be compatible with IPS\Theme\Cache\class_forums_front_topics::topic($topic, $comments, $question = null, $votes = [], $nextUnread = null, $pagination = null, $topicVotes = []) in /home/macmagazine/forum/system/Theme/Theme.php(951) : eval()'d code on line 7

    Any help, please?

  9. 40 minutes ago, Fosters said:

    It’s working and the IPS 4.5 version is also ready, we’re just waiting for an official RC candidate before we release our 4.5 versions to the marketplace. 

    Great news!! Please post an announcement here when the new version launches, I'll purchase it for sure.

    If I buy it now, will I get the update to 4.5?

  10. On 1/21/2019 at 4:31 PM, Faqole said:

    There is no reason for refund. The plugin works fine. 

    What do you mean "there is no reason for refund"? I can't even download it anymore. I've deleted it since that serious issue we've discussed.

    Why isn't it available for download? Have you given up on it?

  11. On 1/2/2019 at 1:53 PM, Faqole said:

    I can not reproduce that sir. In my testing it works fine with the selected forums. 

    "This file is no longer available for download, please contact the file author for further information."

    What happened?

  12. 6 hours ago, Faqole said:

    I have updated the plugin. Now the old topics will be hard deleted instead of soft deleted. 

    And you made sure it won't affect other forums anymore besides the ones I've selected in the plugin's preferences? That was the most serious issue.

  13. On 12/28/2018 at 10:03 PM, Faqole said:

    Can you post a screenshot of the plugin 's setting and a translation of the error message?


    I won't re-enable the plugin until you fix it.

    I've already pasted a translation of the error message above.

    1 hour ago, Daniel F said:

    This application is broken and inserts duplicate entries into the deletion log which literally is going to break your board. If you're using this app, I would suggest to disable it until the author releases a new version.

    He's referring to this support ticket I've opened with them: https://d.pr/f/PuCfu3

    I need your help to fix this issue on my board as well, ASAP.

  14. I have something very serious to report. I now know why that error occurred above.

    Although I only have 2 forums selected in which the plugin should run, it seems when I manually ran it today after the last update, it ran on my whole forums.

    I now have 336 pages of topics to manually restore.

    This REALLY sucks. I can't believe it.

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