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newbie LAC

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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by newbie LAC

  1. I tested on 4.2.2 beta1 inbuilt widgets "Topic Feed" and "Post Feed" and topics and posts are displayed from closed club.
  2. Hello, How to reproduce the problem? Where was a problem with posts But this IPS issue
  3. Hello, What to add in "Add Club Feature" form? I added name only. Do you need description also?
  4. Hello, Not yet. You mean on ACP - Groups - %group% - Social - "Allowed content areas in clubs"? I'll add feature if it need
  5. As I said the widget works on customer forum. I made quick test on my dev board (IPS 4.2.1) and the plugin works without any issue. Anyway I'll fix bugs if someone found them.
  6. No. The plugin works with forum posts only. Need to rewrite the code. Something add, something remove.
  7. Hello, Not tested yet. But the widget works on DFORMS forum (v 4.2.1).
  8. Hello, If you have any issues with plugin please tell me. This will speed up the update because I will to know the bugs and how to reproduce them.
  9. Hello, Please ask your members how the link on the first unread post is looks.
  10. Hello, CSS selector [data-pageapp="forums"][data-pagemodule="forums"][data-pagecontroller="forums"] .cTopicList .ipsDataItem:eq(9) Position Insert advert after the chosen element(s)
  11. Don't mention my plugin. Use "Topic Feed" and "Post Feed" as examples. Topics are displayed from closed clubs in the "Topic Feed" widget. Posts doesn't displayed from closed clubs in the "Post Feed" widget.
  12. I don't know. I don't track bugs. You can submit a ticket.
  13. Confirmed. Topic from closed club is displayed in the widget. But post doesn't displayed in the widget. The same in inbuilt widget "Post Feed". So this is not a bug in my widget.
  14. Tell me the steps to reproduce the issue. Mine - I created an open (Everyone can see the club and its posts, but only members can participate. Everyone can join.) club - I created a topic - I added a post - I added a widget on index page Result
  15. I can't reproduce. Maybe your problem related with https://invisioncommunity.com/forums/topic/408449-nb40-recent-topicsposts/?do=findComment&comment=2685906?
  16. Hello, I've made quick test and the app works.
  17. Hello, You can change background via css Maybe I'll add default config on ACP plugin settings. Not sure what you mean. I see counters only. Please make screenshot bigger
  18. Hello, Use the same position Selector is [data-streamreadtype="unread"] [data-role="streamContent"] .ipsStreamItem:eq(4)
  19. Open applications/collections/sources/Category/Category.php and try to find public static $contentItemClass If you couldn't add /** * @brief Content Item Class */ public static $contentItemClass = 'IPS\collections\Item'; Ref https://invisioncommunity.com/developers/docs/fundamentals/nodes/containers-r2/
  20. Hello, 40? The setting means truncate on X lines. Not 40 chars/words.
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