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Everything posted by Makoto

  1. Hey abo! This is still planned, I'll try and start working on this soon!
  2. Makoto

    Radical Tags

    I've literally replied to you within minutes asking you to provide me with login credentials so I can look into the issue and have it resolved for you and you refuse while simulataneously saying I'm offering you no support. I'm not sure how me asking you to just let me access your installation so I can fix the issue for you is too much effort, but if that's the way you feel I can't do anything about it. However, it does not mean I am not providing support. The only reason you're not getting support is because you're refusing to let me offer it. My offer still stands. If you want help, my support line is open. But if you're just going to sit here and insult me and say I'm not offering support when I clearly am trying to, I'm not going to respond any further. Sorry we couldn't work things out. Be safe and have a nice day.
  3. Makoto

    Radical Tags

    As noted above @BankFodder I am happy to look into the issue you were experiencing and will have it resolved within 24-hours. However, at this time, you have refused to allow me the benefit of even attempting to work on the issue in question. Regarding the compatibility issue you were experiencing with Advanced Tags and Prefixes, I had that fixed for you within hours, as documented above, The only reason I was not able to respond to your second support query within 24-hours was, again, as I have tried to explain repeatedly to you both above and in private, was because my apartment complex was broken into and looted over the weekend and during this time I had more pressing matters at hand such as keeping myself safe and trying to help my city rebuild and survive. I am sorry that a mere 48-hour lapse in response has made you feel the need to resort to immediately demanding a refund and insulting me, but I am afraid I am simply in no mood to deal with it at the moment. If you would like me to help you get up and running and resolve any issues you are experiencing, please send me a message with the required details and I will have you up and running within 24-hours. There is literally nothing more I can do for you at this point. I am sorry.
  4. Makoto

    Radical Tags

    This application has 52 clients that are using the application without issue. I do extensive testing on every release and do everything in my power to ensure it is stable with each and every release. The issue you are experiencing is likely server specific or a conflict with another third-party application. The application is not buggy for most all clients, I am sorry you are personally experiencing issues. I offered to look into the issue for you and resolve whatever issues you were experiencing. I would have had this done for you the next day, but as my city was literally nearly burned down that night I had other pressing matters on my mind at the time, so I'm sorry I wasn't able to immediately respond to you within 24-hours as I normally try and do. The last bug you experienced was caused by Advanced Tags and Prefixes, not my own, and I fixed that for you. Please provide me with AdminCP access in a private message and I will have this issue addressed for you today. Thank you for your patience and understanding.
  5. Makoto

    Radical Tags

    Hi @BankFodder I am sorry for the delay in getting back to you. I am currently in one of the cities across the U.S. that has seen increased levels of violence, rioting, and looting as of this weekend, so have been unable to do much work out of fear for my own safety. I am happy to look into the issues you were experiencing as mentioned above and will get them resolved for you, but I cannot provide a refund for the application.
  6. Makoto

    Radical Tags

    Sorry, I moved my IPS installation to a new domain. https://invision.taiga.sh/forum/4-delectus-et-qui-corrupti-maiores-hic-nulla-quia/
  7. Makoto

    Radical Tags

    I will look into this for you in a bit. Does the error go away when using the default IPS template? Regarding some posts missing prefixes, this would likely be an issue with Advanced Tags and Prefixes not storing the tags/prefixes correctly when you migrated, so they ended up being lost. I'm not sure what exactly is the cause of this, but as I mentioned previously, Advanced Tags and Prefixes seems to end up causing some entries in the core_tags table to be NULLed.
  8. Unfortunately there is not. As an alternative option you could move the user into a custom group that does not have permission to submit deletion requests after they've been warned, but there's no way to programmatically disable deletion requests if a user has warnings at the moment.
  9. Makoto

    Radical Tags

    Did you have Advanced Tags and Prefixes installed previously? Can you please send me a private message and set me up a temporary AdminCP account so I can review this? I should have it fixed for you within a few minutes.
  10. You can absolutely do this, yep! Just need to set up moderator permissions so only members in the administrator group have access.
  11. Yeah it doesn't really work well with IPS at the moment, and the mod_pagespeed project hasn't seen development in quite a while now. I can post the configuration I currently use later though I don't think its changed too much. I've mainly just disabled image filters as I use Cloudflare now and it takes care of that for me.
  12. Makoto

    Radical Tags

    Please send me a PM here with temporary AdminCP credentials and/or FTP access and I'll look into this for you immediately.
  13. I don't use that setting anymore. Causes too many reflow issues and is highly inconsistent. ymmv though.
  14. Makoto

    Radical Tags

    Sure! You'll just need to use the advanced editor and write up a bit of custom HTML for that. I can provide you with a demo on how to do this if you'd like.
  15. Ah sorry, I'll take a look at that for you this week and see what I can do about that for you!
  16. Hey @Paul E., Can you download and upgrade to the latest release and see if this resolves the errors you are experiencing? Thanks for your patience throughout this investigation!
  17. Right, we figured it out, it was my fault 🙂 I'll have this fixed in a maintenance released shortly @Paul E.
  18. Ah, okay. I don't mean you need to disable it permanently, just for a brief moment while you run the task for testing, but if it only happens at random intervals it would probably be hard to reproduce anyways. I'll try and see if I can maybe reproduce this locally.
  19. Hey @Paul E., I know you mentioned you couldn't provide ACP access for debugging, but were you able to try simply temporarily disabling Adriano's app and then manually running the process task for Account Deactivation and see if the error persists? You can manually run the task by searching for "tasks": Then in tasks, search for the process task, If you get an error even with Adriano's application disabled, then it's likely something I need to address. If it only occurs when both are enabled, it's a conflict we'll figure out together.
  20. I believe so. The LOCATION_UNKNOWN error means IPS can't determine where the current session location is, which Account Deactivation should not ever alter this data. Can you try disabling linked accounts temporarily, then run the task manually and see if the error persists?
  21. @Paul E. This looks like it may be an issue with Linked Accounts rather than Account Deactivation, but I can take a look at it if you'd like. I'll just need you to shoot me a PM with a temporary AdminCP account. It might be worth contacting Adriano as well and see if he can look into the error in question.
  22. Hey @Paul E., Can you send me a PM here and set me up with temporary AdminCP access on your forum so that I can investigate this further for you?
  23. Makoto

    Radical Tags

    Hey @christopher-w! Can you send me a PM and set me up with a temporary AdminCP account so I can review the above issue for you further? Sorry for the inconvenience and the delayed response!
  24. No, it's normal for those tables to grow in size according to the size of your community. They're not logging tables, they contain actual data. Your search index will grow according to how much content you have on your site, not much you can do about that other than move to Elasticsearch and have all your search data stored there. But you'll still end up needing to store about the same amount of data in memory when going that route. Reputation index is just records of who has given reputation on your site. That is rather large, but that likely just means the reputation system is very heavily used in your community.
  25. You're welcome to refer to my guide on setting up and optimizing Nginx/PHP-FPM here: It's a little dated, so just use php7.3 or php7.4 in place of php5. Don't try and use php5 anymore. If you want to throw some support my way, I do have a small Patreon you can use: https://www.patreon.com/makotodev
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