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Everything posted by Makoto

  1. Makoto

    Radical Tags

    Hey Ernest! Thanks for the feedback! Adding support for multiple prefixes is unfortunately not available yet and will be a bit tricky to implement, but it's something I'll add as a feature suggestion and look into. Prefixes are a core IPS feature and IPS expects these to just be a single string, not multiple items, so re-engineering the platform to work with multiple prefixes will require some craftyness, but I'll look into ways to potentially make this work. This is something I can't promise a timeframe on unfortunately, however. I like your suggestions regarding updates to the basic editor though! I'll add this to the feature list for 1.6.0 and you should see it in the next release.
  2. Makoto

    Radical Tags

    Hey @Giray, There was a bug in the initial 1.5.0 release but it has been fixed with 1.5.1, please be sure to upgrade and let me know if you continue experiencing issues! @sonimik1 / @breatheheavy Be sure to upgrade to 1.5.1 when you can too! Sorry for the inconvenience!
  3. Makoto

    Radical Tags

    Once 1.6.0 is nearing completion and this feature is ready to roll out, I'll be sure to mention you here! I'm not sick anymore (finally!) and mostly caught up on everything, so if all goes well I should hopefully be able to make some progress this week!
  4. Makoto

    Radical Tags

    Also if you've enjoyed the application, reviews on the marketplace are a huge help and greatly appreciated!
  5. Makoto

    Radical Tags

    Build 1.5.0 is ready for release and will be on the marketplace soon! I'm going to work on implementing tag/prefix permissions for 1.6.0 and see what other ideas I can come up with while doing that. If there's any other suggestions or additional features you'd like to see added, please let me know!
  6. Makoto

    Radical Tags

    Hey @Sergey_SV! I'm happy to announce that the next release will include support for a tag cloud widget! Tags are all linked and clickable (which directs you to the tag search page), and it even has a nice loading animation that you can use (or disable if you prefer). Not at the moment, but this is a good suggestion! I've already laid some of the groundwork for this that should make it possible to add this as a feature hopefully in 1.6.0 (the release after this one).
  7. Makoto

    Radical Tags

    Small feature preview for 1.5.0, Something I noticed with IP.Downloads is there's no way to set tags or prefixes for auto-generated topics at the moment. You can only add a manual "prefix" to the topic title itself. So, 1.5.0 will give you the ability to set these yourself if you so wish!
  8. It will, yes! You can see a demo of how the application works here: https://www.taiga.sh/discord-chat/ It doesn't natively integrate with IPS, so your members will just be chatting as guests (and in the neat future it will have users login with their Discord accounts instead), but it can be used seamlessly.
  9. Makoto

    Radical Tags

    @EmaxDev / @Ernest_Defoe I'm sorry for the inconvenience, the application should be back up and available for purchase now! (It went down temporarily as I had to renew my IPS license today is all)
  10. Makoto

    Radical Tags

    Hmm, at the moment this is currently not compatible with club forums, but I will add this to the feature suggestion list and will mention you whenever progress is made on it!
  11. Makoto

    Radical Tags

    That is correct, yes! Any node that implements tags should be customizable, excluding Gallery as the gallery uploader is a bit unique in how it handles file uploads. I believe you can still set default tags/prefixes to gallery categories but it won't modify the upload form to require prefixes or so on at the moment.
  12. Makoto

    Radical Tags

    Thanks for the report! I'll look into that
  13. Makoto

    Radical Tags

    It will allow you to do both, yep!
  14. Makoto

    Radical Tags

    @djpretzel @RoleplayUK @Gabriel Torres Topic multimod support has been implemented and will be available in the next release! You should see this release pushed to the marketplace within the next 24-hours.
  15. You can use your own bot if you self-host the chat client, but can you elaborate on what you mean by using your own discord channel and such?
  16. Makoto

    Radical Tags

    We don't have a tag cloud widget implemented yet, but will work on adding one soon!
  17. Thing is my sender reputation with Sendgrid was a solid 98%-99% and I still had issues. May just be bad luck on my part, but two weeks with constant support tickets coming in about Hotmail clients not getting validation e-mails made me cut ties only two months after signing up with them. Amazon SES is definitely cost effective and their deliverability rates may be better, I don't know. It's really hard to find good data on raw delivery rates between these services outside of what's anecdotal. GSuite I think is amazing for standard notification e-mails for medium to large forums but definitely is not a solution if you need to batch out 10k+ e-mails in a single day. That said, I do 100% support adding native Amazon SES integration into IPS, as it is a very reputable solution especially for corporate/enterprise clients and does deserve its own spot beside Sendgrid.
  18. I moved to GSuite myself from Sendgrid. Paying $20/month just to get issues with Hotmail e-mails being blocked because of IP reputation issues caused by other clients, and I'm sure not paying $100/month just for a dedicated IP so I can avoid issues I had less often sending mail locally from my server. Google Suite seems to just work. You also get to set an avatar for users that use the GMail app to see. I considered Amazon SES before moving to GSuite but never have tried it, so not sure how the deliverability is in comparison. The main limitations with GSuite are that it's a little more of a pain to set up, it requires SMTP (there's no API, though I mean, it's Google, so even their SMTP servers are reasonably fast) and there's hard-capped sending limits (3,000/day was the old advertised limit for G Suite but I've seen posts suggesting it can be up to 10,000/day).
  19. Unfortunately the only way to be sure of the specific cause of the error you are getting is for a developer to reproduce it on your server environment and see what errors are being logged at the server level. If you haven't already, submit a support ticket so support can take a look at it, but it's likely going to come down to a server environment specific issue that needs to be addressed.
  20. Makoto

    Radical Tags

    I'm fighting a bit of sickness right now while trying to balance a few projects, but updating this is high on my priority list, so hopefully I'll have something within 1-3 weeks!
  21. Makoto

    Radical Tags

    Fair enough! I hear you. I'll work on getting support for saved moderator actions implemented in the next release.
  22. Hey @Paul E., So I can get a better idea of the problem, is there any way you can send me a screenshot demonstrating this issue?
  23. Makoto

    Radical Tags

    Awesome, glad to hear it! Please let me know if you run into any issues and I'll be happy to help!
  24. Makoto

    Radical Tags

    Hi @djpretzel, The option to migrate will only appear if ATP is still installed and enabled. If it detects an active installation and you haven't migrated yet, it should show an option to there. The "lowercase all tags" tool is unrelated and always displays.
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