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  1. OK, thanks everybody will take care of it with my host
  2. Mailchannels states that the emails are "missing message id header" so they do not generate the message id header as it is not there when they get the email. IPS software is the email client as it is the forum software sending out the email directly from the forum. Yes, using SMTP and all email settings for the correct code was supplied by the host server team.
  3. I really don't know what to do as I am getting my forum emails blocked by Mailchannels due to the emails having no "Message ID header" according to them. Why does the software not add a message ID header to the outgoing emails? I have asked this before and this has not been resolved and was supposed to be escalated to the developers? Can someone please advise how I am supposed to get this done or is the software supposed to do this? I have had this problem since upgrading to 4.7.16 recently. Thanks
  4. I have a plugin that was purchased from the marketplace and the dev will not respond to repeated requests for the file since the marketplace closed. Question...is there a way to download the files from my server (hooka folder, index.hml and settings.php) for the plugin and make it into an xml that will work like the original xml file did? Thanks
  5. Thanks Marc, I have never been in there before so no I have not modified anything there. Here is the latest response from Mailchannels... so where and what templates do I need to add a "message ID" to? It seems that the only bounced emails are the ones that a member is "following" a topic? All other emails seem to get processed just fine.
  6. no, I don't think so, which templates would I check to see? Thanks
  7. My forum is getting emails bounced by "Mailchannels" whenever someone is following a topic and I of course get notified by my server host that has occurred. This was happening with and now with 4.7.16 Here is their support response as to why that is happening Is there any way I can correct this myself? Where would I enter a message ID and what ID number would that be? Thanks
  8. I just updated my test forum and my live forum to 4.7.16. The test forum shows no compatibility problems at all but on my live forum it shows one app has a compatibility problem with PHP 8.1 which I am running. both forums are identical so kind of confusing. The app in question is working fine on both forums, so the question is...what happens if I click the "Fix It" button? Thanks
  9. No error last night so all is good! 😆 Thanks again
  10. OK, thanks guys, I won't know if I fixed it until tomorrow as the error email comes in the middle of the night, should be no problem though.
  11. Thanks Jim, I changed the cron to the 8.1 on my server. Question both my live and test board have been set forever to...."Run Automatically with Traffic (Default)" in the ACP, is that still OK? Thanks
  12. I upgraded my test board from to 4.7.16 and during the night I am getting this fatal error email from my host and I am running PHP 8.1... Fatal error: The task was called with PHP version 7.3.33 while PHP 8.0.0 is required. in /home/casitafo/public_html/invboard4/applications/core/interface/task/task.php on line 39 So before I upgrade my live board I would like to get this resolved, so can somebody tell me what is going on? I suspect it has something to do with an application and not a plugin but which one? Thanks
  13. Never mind, I forgot I had to add it to the custom.css file!
  14. Does anybody know how to change the Unread/Read topic buttons? I have a custom icon/image uploaded to resources but it is not showing named topic_button.png which worked on but not on 4.7.16? Thanks for any help
  15. So, I have paid for support all these years and now when I need some help I get nothing. Thanks, IPS
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