Blog RSS feeds should auto set featured image
Mass Moving select content on multiple pages
i could swear i used to be able to check the boxes on the side of forum view and go threw multiple pages and it would maintain the checked boxes from the previous pages. but now it deselects them, is there something wrong with my site or am i thinking of vbulletin or xenforo?
a real home page? it's possible ?
my home page in pages https://www.mymilitia.com
4.5 CTE Proposal
Please create a IC 4.5 Community Test Environment to allow the theme and add on devs to be able to have their applications and plug ins ready day one. we are awaiting the new version but know once it comes out we have to wait x amount of time for the great 3rd party devs to respond accordingly Open it up to them now please! @aXen | 1s2k and @Adriano Faria and @TAMAN and @onlyME These 4 guys should be hired on at Invision Community anyway, you can trust them with a CTE please consider if you agree please comment below
Moving blog entries - Bug?
why can i not move blog entires to blogs i don't own? This creates issues when a user asks for his blog to be moved. I take it this was an oversight?
Club Categories ( Support Topic )
Club Categories ( Support Topic )
Blogs - Show Subscriber Count
Blogs - Show Subscriber Count
There should be an emphasis on how many subscribers a blog has
Send thread to blog?
Thank You!
Send thread to blog?
@Adriano Faria want to take this one on? I would like a Copy to blog option on thread tools
Blog RSS feeds should auto set featured image
when using an Atom/RSS feed any image on the feed should be auto set as a featured image
Send thread to blog?
Send thread to blog?
isn't there a way to change a thread into a blog?
Videos Support