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Pablo BJB

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Posts posted by Pablo BJB

  1. Huh, you are very quick to determine that this is not a security concern for your software, by providing one possible explanation. :) I was hoping for a more caring attitude for your customer from 2010. and at least some questions/hints on what should we investigate, which would help in the end to explain what actually happened.

    By looking at the IP addresses used in that account its obvious that when a person was using the account, his IP addresses are geolocated in Serbia, Europe (as my forum community is mostly located in ex-Yugoslavia region) and only when a spammer used his account, IP address location is in USA. That kind of proves that a spammer was using this account and not the person who regularly uses that account. 

    It is possible that this persons password is leaked somewhere else and used, but is rather unlikely since this problem I am facing is happening on several legit accounts. 

    I will look into this issue with my sys admin, since it seems that I won't get any help from you guys.


  2. Hi guys,

    I run a self-hosted instance at https://forum.bjbikers.com. For a couple of days now we are seeing that bots are able to log in as existing forum members and then post their spam as new topics. My forum was on the previous v4.7.14, but today I've upgraded it to the latest v4.7.15. This has happened 4-5 times with different accounts.

    Here's the activity log for such an account:

    Could contain: Text, Page


    Does this happen to anyone else? Do you have any advices on what should I do to prevent this from happening in the future?





  3. Hmm yes, that seems to be the culprit. I had the unlimited option checked for the maximum allowed dimensions, while I had a 1000x750 dimension for the display image.

    Could contain: Page, Text, File, Webpage

    I've changed the maximum dimensions and now original is not saved. Also the filesize of the resized image is calculated in the user storage quota. 

    Thanks, guys!

    BTW, is there an option to reprocess existing images? 




  4. Hello, 

    I'm running a self hosted community for a while now (https://forum.bjbikers.com/) and I am looking into how forum is handling image uploads, since my forum members are running out of storage quota.

    My forum instance is using ImageMagick for compressing uploaded images and it is working just fine, meaning that compressed images (.thumb. files) are much smaller in filesize and the forum is using those ones instead of the original files inside posts and topics. 

    However, what I am seeing is that even though the forum is using the compressed image, original is still kept and also the filesize of the original image is counted against the user quota. Why is that?

    Is there a way to configure the forum so that after it creates a compressed version of the uploaded image, it:

    1) removes the original file,

    2) uses the filesize of the compressed image against the user quota?


  5. Hello,

    Thank you for this plugin, I am about to set it up in my community. However, I do not see how to define the sidebar of the forum index page. I can't do it manually by dragging and dropping blocks, as they would stay visible in per-forum sidebars which I want to configure specifically per forum. 

    How can I set up blocks in the forum index sidebar, without affecting the per-forum sidebar configuration?



  6. Hi, 

    Is there an option to force which currency is being displayed by default, in a multi-currency setup?

    I have a system with two currencies, the first one is a local currency (RSD) for items I am selling (forum merch etc.), but the second one is for community members and their adverts (EUR). However, the first currency is being shown by default in the Classifieds homepage. 


    Ideally, I would like to specify which currency should be used for adverts and only that currency would show up to my members as a price (to specify a price and view a price as part of an advert). Or, in case of a multi-currency advert, if a person specifies just one price and leaves 0 for the second currency, then for that advert the specified price would always be shown. 




  7. Here's exception which I'm getting via email from the cron task:


    RuntimeException Object
        [message:protected] => LOCATION_UNKNOWN
        [string:Exception:private] => 
        [code:protected] => 0
        [file:protected] => /var/www/vhosts/my-forum-hosting/system/Session/Session.php
        [line:protected] => 61
        [trace:Exception:private] => Array
                [0] => Array
                        [file] => /var/www/vhosts/my-forum-hosting/system/Member/Member.php
                        [line] => 145
                        [function] => i
                        [class] => IPS\_Session
                        [type] => ::
                        [args] => Array
                [1] => Array
                        [file] => /var/www/vhosts/my-forum-hosting/system/DateTime/DateTime.php
                        [line] => 514
                        [function] => loggedIn
                        [class] => IPS\_Member
                        [type] => ::
                        [args] => Array
                [2] => Array
                        [file] => /var/www/vhosts/my-forum-hosting/system/DateTime/DateTime.php
                        [line] => 459
                        [function] => determineLanguage
                        [class] => IPS\_DateTime
                        [type] => ::
                        [args] => Array
                                [0] => 
                [3] => Array
                        [file] => /var/www/vhosts/my-forum-hosting/applications/calendar/sources/Date/Date.php
                        [line] => 201
                        [function] => strFormat
                        [class] => IPS\_DateTime
                        [type] => ->
                        [args] => Array
                                [0] => %S
                [4] => Array
                        [file] => /var/www/vhosts/my-forum-hosting/applications/calendar/sources/Date/Date.php
                        [line] => 168
                        [function] => getDateInformation
                        [class] => IPS\calendar\_Date
                        [type] => ->
                        [args] => Array
                                [0] => 1538385421
                [5] => Array
                        [file] => /var/www/vhosts/my-forum-hosting/applications/membermap/extensions/membermap/Mapmarkers/Calendar.php
                        [line] => 127
                        [function] => __construct
                        [class] => IPS\calendar\_Date
                        [type] => ->
                        [args] => Array
                                [0] => now
                                [1] => 
                [6] => Array
                        [file] => /var/www/vhosts/my-forum-hosting/applications/membermap/extensions/core/Queue/RebuildCache.php
                        [line] => 123
                        [function] => getLocations
                        [class] => IPS\membermap\extensions\membermap\Mapmarkers\_Calendar
                        [type] => ->
                        [args] => Array
                [7] => Array
                        [file] => /var/www/vhosts/my-forum-hosting/system/Task/Task.php
                        [line] => 47
                        [function] => run
                        [class] => IPS\membermap\extensions\core\Queue\_RebuildCache
                        [type] => ->
                        [args] => Array
                                [0] => Array
                                        [class] => \IPS\membermap\Map
                                        [count] => 39
                                [1] => 0
                [8] => Array
                        [file] => /var/www/vhosts/my-forum-hosting/applications/core/tasks/queue.php
                        [line] => 43
                        [function] => runQueue
                        [class] => IPS\_Task
                        [type] => ::
                        [args] => Array
                [9] => Array
                        [function] => IPS\core\tasks\{closure}
                        [class] => IPS\core\tasks\_queue
                        [type] => ->
                        [args] => Array
                [10] => Array
                        [file] => /var/www/vhosts/my-forum-hosting/system/Task/Task.php
                        [line] => 347
                        [function] => call_user_func
                        [args] => Array
                                [0] => Closure Object
                                        [this] => IPS\core\tasks\queue Object
                                                [_data:protected] => Array
                                                        [id] => 563
                                                        [key] => queue
                                                        [frequency] => P0Y0M0DT0H1M0S
                                                        [next_run] => 1538385421
                                                        [running] => 1
                                                        [enabled] => 1
                                                        [plugin] => 
                                                        [app] => core
                                                        [lock_count] => 0
                                                        [last_run] => 1538383808
                                                [_new:protected] => 
                                                [changed] => Array
                                                [skipCloneDuplication] => 
                [11] => Array
                        [file] => /var/www/vhosts/my-forum-hosting/applications/core/tasks/queue.php
                        [line] => 55
                        [function] => runUntilTimeout
                        [class] => IPS\_Task
                        [type] => ->
                        [args] => Array
                                [0] => Closure Object
                                        [this] => IPS\core\tasks\queue Object
                                                [_data:protected] => Array
                                                        [id] => 563
                                                        [key] => queue
                                                        [frequency] => P0Y0M0DT0H1M0S
                                                        [next_run] => 1538385421
                                                        [running] => 1
                                                        [enabled] => 1
                                                        [plugin] => 
                                                        [app] => core
                                                        [lock_count] => 0
                                                        [last_run] => 1538383808
                                                [_new:protected] => 
                                                [changed] => Array
                                                [skipCloneDuplication] => 
                [12] => Array
                        [file] => /var/www/vhosts/my-forum-hosting/system/Task/Task.php
                        [line] => 248
                        [function] => execute
                        [class] => IPS\core\tasks\_queue
                        [type] => ->
                        [args] => Array
                [13] => Array
                        [file] => /var/www/vhosts/my-forum-hosting/system/Task/Task.php
                        [line] => 217
                        [function] => run
                        [class] => IPS\_Task
                        [type] => ->
                        [args] => Array
                [14] => Array
                        [file] => /var/www/vhosts/my-forum-hosting/applications/core/interface/task/task.php
                        [line] => 62
                        [function] => runAndLog
                        [class] => IPS\_Task
                        [type] => ->
                        [args] => Array
        [previous:Exception:private] => 


  8. Message field is rather empty...


    Here is the backtrace of the latest exception:

    #0 /var/www/vhosts/bjbikers.com/forum.bjbikers.com/system/Member/Member.php(145): IPS\_Session::i()
    #1 /var/www/vhosts/bjbikers.com/forum.bjbikers.com/system/DateTime/DateTime.php(514): IPS\_Member::loggedIn()
    #2 /var/www/vhosts/bjbikers.com/forum.bjbikers.com/system/DateTime/DateTime.php(459): IPS\_DateTime::determineLanguage(NULL)
    #3 /var/www/vhosts/bjbikers.com/forum.bjbikers.com/applications/calendar/sources/Date/Date.php(201): IPS\_DateTime->strFormat('%S')
    #4 /var/www/vhosts/bjbikers.com/forum.bjbikers.com/applications/calendar/sources/Date/Date.php(168): IPS\calendar\_Date->getDateInformation(1538382841)
    #5 /var/www/vhosts/bjbikers.com/forum.bjbikers.com/applications/membermap/extensions/membermap/Mapmarkers/Calendar.php(127): IPS\calendar\_Date->__construct('now', NULL)
    #6 /var/www/vhosts/bjbikers.com/forum.bjbikers.com/applications/membermap/extensions/core/Queue/RebuildCache.php(123): IPS\membermap\extensions\membermap\Mapmarkers\_Calendar->getLocations()
    #7 /var/www/vhosts/bjbikers.com/forum.bjbikers.com/system/Task/Task.php(47): IPS\membermap\extensions\core\Queue\_RebuildCache->run(Array, 0)
    #8 /var/www/vhosts/bjbikers.com/forum.bjbikers.com/applications/core/tasks/queue.php(43): IPS\_Task::runQueue()
    #9 [internal function]: IPS\core\tasks\_queue->IPS\core\tasks\{closure}()
    #10 /var/www/vhosts/bjbikers.com/forum.bjbikers.com/system/Task/Task.php(347): call_user_func(Object(Closure))
    #11 /var/www/vhosts/bjbikers.com/forum.bjbikers.com/applications/core/tasks/queue.php(55): IPS\_Task->runUntilTimeout(Object(Closure))
    #12 /var/www/vhosts/bjbikers.com/forum.bjbikers.com/system/Task/Task.php(248): IPS\core\tasks\_queue->execute()
    #13 /var/www/vhosts/bjbikers.com/forum.bjbikers.com/system/Task/Task.php(217): IPS\_Task->run()
    #14 /var/www/vhosts/bjbikers.com/forum.bjbikers.com/applications/core/interface/task/task.php(62): IPS\_Task->runAndLog()
    #15 {main}

    My community has rather small number of markers (<50), but a lot of members (>37k).



  9. Hmm now it seems that it was successful, when I ran it manually. I have upgraded my forum to the latest version on Friday, but I didnt upgrade member map until this morning. After I upgraded the member map app, it did get stuck again, but by running it manually it seems that it is running properly now.

    Here is the latest exception backtrace:

    #0 /var/www/vhosts/my-forum-hosting/system/Member/Member.php(145): IPS\_Session::i()
    #1 /var/www/vhosts/my-forum-hosting/system/DateTime/DateTime.php(514): IPS\_Member::loggedIn()
    #2 /var/www/vhosts/my-forum-hosting/system/DateTime/DateTime.php(459): IPS\_DateTime::determineLanguage(NULL)
    #3 /var/www/vhosts/my-forum-hosting/applications/calendar/sources/Date/Date.php(201): IPS\_DateTime->strFormat('%S')
    #4 /var/www/vhosts/my-forum-hosting/applications/calendar/sources/Date/Date.php(168): IPS\calendar\_Date->getDateInformation(1538294761)
    #5 /var/www/vhosts/my-forum-hosting/applications/membermap/extensions/membermap/Mapmarkers/Calendar.php(127): IPS\calendar\_Date->__construct('now', NULL)
    #6 /var/www/vhosts/my-forum-hosting/applications/membermap/extensions/core/Queue/RebuildCache.php(123): IPS\membermap\extensions\membermap\Mapmarkers\_Calendar->getLocations()
    #7 /var/www/vhosts/my-forum-hosting/system/Task/Task.php(47): IPS\membermap\extensions\core\Queue\_RebuildCache->run(Array, 0)
    #8 /var/www/vhosts/my-forum-hosting/applications/core/tasks/queue.php(43): IPS\_Task::runQueue()
    #9 [internal function]: IPS\core\tasks\_queue->IPS\core\tasks\{closure}()
    #10 /var/www/vhosts/my-forum-hosting/system/Task/Task.php(347): call_user_func(Object(Closure))
    #11 /var/www/vhosts/my-forum-hosting/applications/core/tasks/queue.php(55): IPS\_Task->runUntilTimeout(Object(Closure))
    #12 /var/www/vhosts/my-forum-hosting/system/Task/Task.php(248): IPS\core\tasks\_queue->execute()
    #13 /var/www/vhosts/my-forum-hosting/system/Task/Task.php(217): IPS\_Task->run()
    #14 /var/www/vhosts/my-forum-hosting/applications/core/interface/task/task.php(62): IPS\_Task->runAndLog()
    #15 {main}


    Probably the latest member map version resolved that issue..


    And the forum URL:


  10. Hello,

    After upgrading my IPS self hosted instance to 4.3.6 and member map application to the latest version 3.5.2, I'm experiencing issues with rebuilding member map cache cron job being stuck. 


    I did run them manually, but again it gets stuck on the next cron job. It also blocks other cron jobs to perform...

    Also, my member map shows 0 markers.

    Please let me know what should I check/do.



  11. Hello fellow forum owners, 

    I want to share details of my experience with the upgrade process, so that it can help others who might face same problems as I had. My forum has about 90k topics and 1.9M posts, dating from March 2005. till now (https://forum.bjbikers.com). 

    About 10 days ago I ran the upgrade process (it took about 9 hrs to finish) and even though I have followed the instructions precisely, I had to rerun it because charser wasn't converted properly. Second time I have ran the db convert utility from the command line and then it worked. Here is that screen and the cli command is the one at the bottom:


    Mind you though that this DB conversion utility did not look the same as in the screen above, IPS should update their Running the upgrade instruction page.

    After the upgrade process finished for the second time, my community was up, but the problems have just emerged in the form of background rebuilding stuff tasks. It was running those tasks very slowly even though I have used cron tasks. My community runs on a dedicated server with decent hardware (Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4770 CPU @ 3.40GHz, 16GB RAM, 2x2TB SATA HDD in RAID-1). However, cron tasks were doing very little dent to the background tasks progress, while at the same time my community was extremely unresponsive, with load times over 20 seconds. Progress for rebuilding posts was like 2 hours for just 1%. My sys admin has convered all tables to InnoDB, switched to the latest version of MariaDB, upgraded PHP to v7.0 etc, but very little improvement happened. It seems that Rebuilding Posts task is using disk extensively, which on my server was completelly stalling other db operations. Then we found the mysql setting which improved things significantly. 

    The param which improved the background task progress is the innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit, in conjuction with the update of innodb-log-file-size param from 1G to 256M. We changed the innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit from default value of 1, to 2. It improved write speed significantly, changing the progress from 2hrs for just 1% to 20% done in just 1hr. It did cause one db crash, but overall it was a life saver. Here is the info about that parameter from MySQL documentation.

    Now the community is running smoothly, but there are some issues with several users not being able to log in. Hopefully I will resolve this with IPS Support. 

    Just one final note. I am quite disappointed with IPS Support during this upgrade process. I have asked for their help in terms of advices, but all I was getting as their response were some generic replies like íts not us, its your server etc'. I understand that it was my server setting, but I was hoping that IPS support engineers could point me in the right direction when it comes to server configuration, especially db server. If I didn't spent like 2-3 days constantly trying to figure out why that db was performing so poorly, while having my community offline, my community would take a significant hit and I would have probably given up on IPS software by now. I think that it is reasonable to expect that IPS support is able and willing to share advices on what are the common settings which can significantly affect the server performance since from what I can see, IPS4.X requires significantly more hardware resources than IP.Board 3.4.x. 

    In any case, I hope that my experience can help someone still holding on to the v3.4 and planning to upgrade to v4.x. :)






  12. On 4/29/2017 at 8:24 PM, Ant__ said:

    upgraded my test board from 3.4 to 4 last night

    the postrebuild etc took over 12hours which is ridiculous for a 2m post forum


    is there any guide for what files can be removed after the upgrade to do a cleanup of the redundant 3.4 files?

    There is a guide for that and I can confirm that it worked for me:


  13. Thank you Alex for this nice hook.

    I've changed it a little so that it shows upcoming events for next 14 days. Also, I've deleted the 'by Author' part in the event title and changed the second line of each event, to show 'Starting At:... Ending At' information instead of 'Created On', which isn't that useful.

    Alex, please take a look at the hook and figure out for yourself if its worthwhile and please use it if it is. :)

    For others, you can see it in action on my motorcycle forum:

    It's located on the sidebar, under the banner.

  14. Yes, one called 'membermap'.

    You can either try adding that manually, or try reinstalling an app

    Great. I've added the module manually as you said (typed in IP.Board Member Map as a module name and description, with 'membermap' for the Module Key, since I do have the folder 'membermap' next to the 'ajax' folder on my server) and now it all works!

    Thanks for your support! :thumbsup:
  15. Thank you for your quick reply. :)

    After I clicked on the 'IP.Board Member Map' link within the 'Third Party Add Ons' on the Applications page, I see only the 'Ajax Management' link. Here's the screenshot.
    post-173425-047998300 1287321314_thumb.p

    If I understood you correctly, there should have been one more module besides Ajax Management, right?

  16. First of all, thank you for this wonderful app. :thumbsup:

    I've installed it and it works, but for some reason I can't open the 'IP.Board. Member Map' item in IP.Board ACP, under the 'My Apps' menu. I get just a blank page with 'nopermission' response...

    What am I doing wrong?


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