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Ocean West

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Everything posted by Ocean West

  1. yes I had uploaded that file. but I am unsure what is preventing it from being reached
  2. tried to make an announcement that we are having issues with our current beta, but couldn't because announcements doesn't have an editor to add content.
  3. ok this is new can't download any attached files. goes to a sorry we couldn't find that page.
  4. all the php files seem to be 644. I tried to manually resend the request in stripe it still gave 404 error.
  5. they match but that path doesn't seem to be reachable. What should the permissions be?
  6. The more I play with this I can see my hook receiver is going to be much more complex than it needs to be. Each even that triggers needs to have more 'filters' in place: forumsTopic_create for example blasts out anytime a post is made anywhere in any forum. I would have to receive all this noise (which could exceed a web hook limits) and then test to see if it happens to match something I want. Seems like an awful waste of bandwidth if I only wish to focus on one parent forum and its sub-forum. I would envision to for each of these hooks some wizard of options to restrict the content (pre-filter) before it is considered a viable action to send off to the url. Adds even more complexity if you send multiple events to same url as the payloads are vastly different and would first need to process logic based on the event being sent. I would almost have specific web hook for each event.
  7. I understand the concept of oAuth for signups but in current offerings it seems that I would need to be the one in control of all the keys and setup of such Identity Provider. Since I host forums for several affiliates as first line of tech support for their services most of their employees monitor the forms and provide assistance. Whenever they have a change in staff I have to add them to their group. I was wondering if there was a way i could allow the lead person at that company a way to Setup their oAuth for managing their staff and all users who sign up that way are already granted the right permissions. I am on great terms with my affiliates and could possibly reach out and we could probably get the credentials setup but it would be nice if once I granted a user to manage their users it would be on them to add their oAuth info. Perhaps stored in a hash in the db so I it would be safe. Curious if this is something others have done or considered.
  8. thanks. all my ads are just gifs no JS there and only have Google Analytics. from the screen shot he sent me he didn't seem to be running any browser extensions. - suspect it just could be underpowered Mac not plugged in to power? but could who knows.
  9. just upgraded to beta 2 and no the editor code and dragging blocks did not resolve.
  10. the ability to drag blocks from block manager doesn't work in beta
  11. Same issue here - had to do this the other day because the updater didn't work server to server And nothing on the server was changed in the last dozen updates.
  12. on my site. after install I had to reset the editor back to basic had one custom button.
  13. Anyone have insight why safari is reporting significant energy usage.
  14. https://fmforums.com/blogs/entry/2924-filemaker-reporting-fundamentals/
  15. it just spins and never allows for entry.
  16. I use Mandrill / And SparkPost and when they send web hook for read/clicks etc the send an array { "mandrill_events" : [ ] } This could be one object or many objects based on the cash they have in x minutes your receiver would iterate thru the array to handle each action. https://mailchimp.com/developer/transactional/docs/webhooks/ (yes it is easier to handle one at a time instead of bulk actions) - There are no permissions applied to the webhook so everything is visible including email / ip / personal information; most of the data is entirely not necessary in the payload when sending off to a third party service. In addition to being a glaring breach of privacy policy and terms of services, GDPR. I my current use case I am sending it to myself but if ever wanted to employ some third party service this would be a non-starter. - While this is being actively developed sending proper payload is critical sending as JSON would be really helpful I can't move forward with my project because the payload I receive is escaped and become invalid JSON. - It would be nice to see some more configurations to selected the web hook perhaps being able to have a web hook log to see the data being sent and if you can visualize the payload with a JSON editor that would allow you to disable keys arrays that don't need to be sent to a given web hook.
  17. Would love to hear feedback 😉 @Daniel F
  18. I can confirm this issue spent some time with postman and reqestbin and send several tests: Ideally the method you send should just be application/json and not form-url-encoded if you must add a key to the that so that it can be properly parsed. But I would rather just receive JSON and not have to do extra decoding.
  19. playing with this web hook it contains invalid JSON IPS\forums\Topic Something with the tags and missing the firstPost object key Update: it may be my receiver that is borking the code. - trying to convert from form-url-encoded to clean json.
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