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403 - Forbiddeen

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Everything posted by 403 - Forbiddeen

  1. Hello, how i can fix the problem with new account? https://ggames.com.br/cadastro/ i already tried to update to the last version, clean the cache and create a new custom link for this page... but nothing work. i'm using the php 8.1
  2. Hello everyone, I want to make my posts more professional, I would like to know how I create a carousel of images to present as a slideshow inside a post? So I can talk about something and instead of having several single images, I would like to put them all in a carousel for the member, when viewing the post, to be able to browse the images in a more natural way. Is there any way to do this, even if it's html?
  3. I found the error. applications/watermarks/hooks/C_File.php:19 i will contact the autor. Thanks a lot.
  4. I did it, only left the php 8, but when i active don't load... i get error 500. I already disable all plugins to test. don't work.
  5. Hello, i tried to active the php8 and don't work, i get the error 500. https://prnt.sc/fhFIosQl5GSu What more i need to to do to avoid this error?
  6. Great job with this new update. But i have a question, it's possible to allow two style to widget? I prefer the old version, without the bank information. Only show the title (GCoins) and the options to buy more gcoins.
  7. How i can export the language? Any example?
  8. Hello, i have a question. I've buy my pt-br translate from @Adriano Faria, but after the new ips update, i have two languages. I want to move some strings from 4.6.12 to 4.7.0, because i translate a lot of plugins... arroud 20 plugins and extras. How i can do that?
  9. The function was not clear. Can my user link their TWITCH account using their forum account? If he is ONLINE, will LIVE be displayed on his profile?
  10. Hello! It's possible to add Ads between <p>? I have a longs topics and this will help me a lot to earn more with ads. I remember a js code was working fine... but now don't work more.
  11. How i can fix this problem? If i run my forum on php 8.1 work fine, but i receive this notification on admin. but, if i run on php 8, broken my forum, with error 500. How can fix it and see which plugin/module/addon broken my site?
  12. I want a fixed ads, when i scroll down, the ads follow the page. I knew how to create ads, but i want the code to fixed on footer.
  13. Wow!!! I will test this ♥ I prefer to create my own system to publish my news. Nobody more use blogs, just me and i can't limit or setup any rules.
  14. I will search about that, thanks a lot. Only blog are POOR. You need to update this tools ASAP. I prefer to paid for this new function using PAGES.
  15. Hello, i need help with this new feature. I want to create a better system to publish news and tricks from games, i'm using blogs but i don't like this system, it's very poor and limited. I want to create 3 systems. 1. Publish news, with tags and category, The link patch will be /noticia/category/news-link-patch 2. Publish tricks and codes from games, The link patch will be /detonado/game-name AND /dicas/game-name/tricks-name [This pages need to have a options to filter by plataform (ps5/seriesx/pc) and filter by game name. 3. Publish review from games/products/softwares. With same functions from item number 2, with filter. The link patch will be /review/jogo/game-name or /review/software/windows11 etc etc. If you have skill to create this, i can pay for your. Or if you already sell this on mktplace, send me url, i will buy your app. Another very important point... i want to display all of this information on TOP.
  16. Hello @opentype, this is a pre order question. 1. It's possible to allow filter by TAG or CATEGORY? I want to create a section to share cheats and tutorials about game, and i want to allow the possible to filter by CONSOLE/PLATAFORM and filter by GAME.
  17. Hello, i have a good suggestion for a great plugin or addon. Allow a redirect page with a ADS. But with one RULE, If i setup which link on IPS to receive DO FOLLOW from by site, the domain not receive the redirect. Example: whatsfacil.com/bruno [Only 15 seg] With this page i receive a lot of money by they only with one banner. I can pay for you create this function to my forum.
  18. Done! 1. First i create the ads and set to display a custom space. 2. Go to Pages and create a custom widget as HTML. 3. And finally i go to home and insert a widget. Work fine 🙂
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