The modification has been updated to version 2.1.0, here you go the changelog: Added new readme files for the new versions of the IPS addons: IP.Blog 2.1.0, IP.Downloads 2.1.0, IP.Gallery 3.1.0
Fixed a display error in the status updates hook, warn panel and member list if the group suffix/prefix had an image
Fixed a typo in the Unreal Portal readme causing a bug in the latest posts block
Updated the (IM) Tutorials version to 1.0.2 (edits are still the same anyway)
A file is included with the upgrade steps from 2.0.0 to 2.1.0 for IP.Board, for the addons simply re-apply from scratch all the edits as they are different for the new versions.
About Unreal Portal I have fixed an error in the readme (as the changelog says), the edit in question is the second one that should have been "s.member_group_id," instead of "m.member_group_id,".