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Posts posted by TrixieTang

  1. Currently if you go to someone's profile and try to send them a PM, if you decide you need all the editor options you don't have them, and there isn't a way to get to them short of copying what you typed so far, going to your messenger, typing in the name of the member, and pasting what you had written...

    There really needs to be a link on the "Quick PM" popup like their is on the fast reply, "Use Full Editor" which keeps what you'd written, who you're sending it to, and takes you to your messenger to send a PM with access to all the editor options.

  2. SO, we'll get two months of testing for the RC release? I think I'm going to wait until the final is released before I renew my license. I want to be sure that the final will be released before the next license renewal is due.

    No way it will take 2 months, they've said they're trying to get it released before June, and it looks to me like it's very likely it will be final before June.
  3. The options you would like to see won't make it in, but I'm happy to change the info on that page to be member title instead, and add the online indicator :)

    I take it you mean won't make it into 3.0. Any chance of them coming in 3.1 though?
  4. Someone may be watching a second time or already saw enough.

    I don't get why it's so hard to look at the elapsed time on the vid, remember it, and find where you were again, I was watching anime on YouTube all day today and restarted some of the vids a couple times, but when I did it I remembered the point where I was, it's really not that hard.

    Is an obsession with videos really so important it's worth breaking the back function? Dumb question, I know. :lol: :P
  5. Now that I have video BBcode on the forums I can see the use. Maybe others will since media BBcodes will come with IPB soon.

    If the problem is losing your place in a video, wouldn't watching it all the way through before commenting be more logical than commenting half way through? And wouldn't that get more quality replies?
  6. Allow/disallow image tags and use of emoticons per user group. (My old modification no longer works for this and I've been waiting for years for this to be included in the software.)

    I see little reason to add this other than preventing porn spammers from posting pics, honestly, this should be a mod.

    Bad word filters per forum (haven't found a modification yet)

    I can see uses for this, but I can't see enough people using this to warrant having it as a feature.

    Delete Member PMs per user (haven't found a modification, but I need something with over 14000 members, some of which disappear for months and have full boxes with silly messages dating back to 2003!)

    Ever think they keep them because they WANT to keep them? I'm for this feature in the case of spammers, but I'm not for using it for such blatant abuse.

    Anonymous Log-in Permissions like the SE23-Anonymous Login Permissions v1.0 Sean Ellis

    I don't see why only certain groups should be given a right to privacy, either give it to everyone or no one.

    Skins Group Permissions like the D22-Skin Group Permissions v1.2 Dean Logan

    Already in IPB3.

    Signature Limitations like the (iNV23)-Signature Limitation v1.0.6 Pete Treanor

    I agree that more control over signatures is needed.

    Sig And Avatar Per Group like the Sig And Avatar Per Group v1.0.0 -Calypso-

    I had wanted to see this default for a long time, but since switching to IPB from vB, I rather like not having that option anymore, I say leave it as a mod.

    Group Title Persmissions like the Group Title Permissions v2.0.0 -Calypso-

    Same as the above.

    Report Post Permissions like the (FSY22) Report Post Permissions v1.0 Michael

    Everyone should be able to report posts, if they abuse it they should be banned, simple as that.

    Report as Topics like the (OV22) Reports as Topics v1.1 Chelsove

    With the built in report center this isn't needed.
  7. Go take a look at TAZ

    (The Admin Zone)

    Most of the groups don't give you access to any additional forums, they just show your interest in a specific topic (in their case different forum software) in your member profile (eg:

    My profile there

    and also as a tag under your username in posts.

    This is all done by the user, save for a select few groups that need a group leader approval to join, and requires no interaction from the admin.

    +1 from me as well.

    Aside from the Launch Team, Exchange, and Big-Boards groups they're all just aesthetic, while that idea works for TAZ, most forums wouldn't have a use for groups that are solely aesthetic.

    That's social groups, which is different. The OP is specifically stating they aren't looking for this sort of thing.

    Actually TAZ uses joinable groups for what nzeroesc mentioned, each has it's own color and represents a forum software, IPB is blue, phpBB is yellow, vBulletin is a dark purple/blue and so on, they serve no functions other than allowing users to show what software they use, there's no real social aspect about it, it just says that this member uses this software.

    Let me just state right now that while we have discussed internally group enhancements (along the lines of both joinable and social groups) it takes a lot of effort to "get it right". There have to be proper administrator controls, proper front-end moderation controls for group managers, ability to make new users group managers, and then there has to be functionality useful enough for this sort of thing.

    This functionality will not be in 3.0, however it is something on drawing board that we come back to and are still discussing. That is to say, it may make it into a future release, it just won't be in the next release.

    Yeah, I actually agree, it's better to add a thought out feature than just tack crap on like some software does. :rolleyes:

    Good to hear it may be added eventually.
  8. ipb already has the feature to "promote" and "demote" members based on how many posts they have made. Also joinable groups imo don't seem like a good idea i just can't see a point in them and believe this control shouldn't be given to the members anyway.

    They have a purpose, and that purpose is to maker things easier on the admin, for example, if you have a section for members above a certain age, currently you'd have to manually add that usergroup to their account, and ONLY admins could do such, with joinable groups any group leader can add them, making it easier on admins.

    Joinable groups would be a good thing, but only if the admin had the option to turn it on or off on a per usergroup basis.

    I think you're also thinking of social groups... because of course joinable groups would have such a setting.

    You don't actually know that.

    With all the +1s in this thread I think it's pretty clear. ;)

    TBH I'm not sure of my feelings on all this social networking + forums stuff... on one hand I don't think user join-able groups is a terrible idea as it allows members of the community to meet others with similar interests... but on the other hand it encourages segregation throughout the community based on what groups people are in and results in people being content with not going out of their little shells to interact with others.

    I'm so indecisive =o

    Once again, it's not social groups, it's joinable user groups, the idea isn't like clubs at all and segregation isn't at all a part of it, it's about allowing users an easier way to be put in to certain groups, given access to certain forums, and given certain permissions. It's not social networking at all, and it's a feature on almost all the other major forum software already.
  9. According to Matts blog entry about IP.Board not trying to be a social-networking script, but a forum means I don't think this is in IP.Board 3

    Yeah, I think it's clear social groups aren't a feature (Matt made that pretty clear), but joinable usergroups are a completely different thing, and really they have a major purpose, and that's making it so members can access restricted forums and get permissions without pestering an admin. :rolleyes:
  10. Why people want this is beyond me...

    Uh, everyone....

    Do you not realize we already offer support for 2 different third party chat clients (and I've seen freely available modifications that support FlashChat as well)?

    I think this sums up my thoughts nicely. <_<
  11. Currently no moderation options at are are available when searching threads and posts, this can be pretty annoying considering that if you were to search for a spammer's threads to delete them you'd have to go into each and delete them separately, same goes for spammer's posts.

    I think it would be useful to show mass moderation options on search pages since it would make it a lot easier to get rid of multiple spam posts and threads.

  12. I use 3.7.2 PL1 and it seems to work fine for me. Perhaps you were using an older version of vBulletin?

    I wouldn't mind AJAX Fast Reply to be added to IPB 3, but make it an option that is not enabled by default.

    Try using the back button on your browser and looking at the postcount on your post after you make a quick reply.

    And personally I don't want this even as an optional feature, if you want it get a mod that can do it, it's not as great a feature as people act like it is, just like bfarber pointed out... in fact it's a pretty glitchy and useless feature that just means more work put into IPB 3 for no real reason...
  13. AJAX quick reply vB has is crap, I'd rather have the current quick reply, in fact I would be pretty damn pissed if they added one like vB's... FYI, vB's is glitchy as hell, doesn't update postcounts, causes issues when trying to go back to the last page, etc.

  14. I've been requesting this since 2002... a BUMP topics feature (I know there is a 'bump me up' modification)

    ... and of course, a Moderating/Reporting panel (currently I have to use the Moderator's Center modification)

    Did IPB 1 have that? I know the old invisionfree board I ran has a bump topic feature.
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