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Everything posted by emeric73

  1. Hello, Thanks for your feedback. This type of request is not possible to be directly to the model? When I use it directly in the field parameter it works but keeps the line breaks on the display. {{if $formValue}}<span class="ipsBadge ipsBadge_large ipsBadge_style12"><i class="fa fa-arrows-h" aria-hidden="true"></i> {$label} :</span><span class="ipsBadge_large"> {$value}</span>{{endif}} I'm stupid I must delete but line break and add them directly to the field parameter. Thanks again for your help.
  2. Hello, On a personalize display, what is the solution so that empty fields without data are not displayed on the page? My current code which even displays the fields when there is no data <article class='ipsContained ipsResponsive_pull'> <div class='ipsClearfix'> <h1 class="ipsType_pageTitle ipsContained_container"><i class="fa fa-info-circle" aria-hidden="true"></i> Présentation</h1> <hr class="ipsHr"> {$record->customFieldDisplayByKey('date-fabrication', 'display')|raw}<br><br> {$record->customFieldDisplayByKey('propriétaire', 'display')|raw}<br> {$record->customFieldDisplayByKey('statut', 'display')|raw}<br> {$record->customFieldDisplayByKey('constructeur', 'display')|raw}<br> {$record->customFieldDisplayByKey('Peintre', 'display')|raw}<br> {$record->customFieldDisplayByKey('modèle', 'display')|raw}<br><br> {$record->customFieldDisplayByKey('sitewebpb', 'display')|raw}<br> {$record->customFieldDisplayByKey('réseau-socialpb', 'display')|raw} <hr class="ipsHr"> </div> </article> Thank you for your help.
  3. Bonjour, - Merci pour votre retour d'expérience, la même option que sur la base de données pour modifier l'image d'illustration. image en ex : - Too bad it is not possible to have a different marker per database - @ Steve Bullman Comment avez-vous réussi à utiliser Google Maps? Merci pour vos réponses
  4. Hello; I am looking for a solution to display the tags under each title. I tried to make some changes, but it doesn’t work.Thank you for your help.
  5. Bonnjour, I have a small bug, the title of the email field is missing on the form Idea for addition: - The possibility with the field sends of image, that it resizes the images to avoid a big display on the part visitor Merci
  6. Hello, Can the system support attachments? cordially
  7. Thanks for your help. By account with the module activated I have the network icons which turn red, and without the module they are normal at the bottom of the page. There must be a confluence with the original IPS theme Thanks for your help
  8. Hello, The last update completely crashes. Which solution ? Thank you
  9. Hello, I may wish to use your system but I have a question first. Can we use your map only to create markers and deactivate the "My location" system ? Thank you
  10. Hello, Since the update I have a small CSS bug. The ribbons of the metailles that overlap. With you the CSS code to modify. Thank you Best regards
  11. Hello, I have some display problem: - On the first 3 of the list there are the 3 the same color cut - On the block we have visible cutting boards https://jaimelafeteforaine.fr/competition/2-concours-photos-facebook/ Merci 😉
  12. Bonjour, avez vous trouvée une solution. Cordialement
  13. Hello, How is it possible to add the promote button? Thank you
  14. Hello, Normal that the "Like" function at the bottom right is not displayed with this template? Thank you
  15. Hello; We use your module which is great. Except we have a bug. The title of the page unfortunately is in transparent background. http://www.powerbase.fr/data/major-attractions/twister-maxi-jump-r618/ Thank you for your help.
  16. Hello, No reputation function is not displayed. Using "dispersion" of "IPBFocus" cordially
  17. Hello, No reputation function is not displayed. Using "dispersion" of "IPBFocus" cordially
  18. Hello, It's been quite some time I use your app. It is really very good. When will the reputation system on the videos? I have the same display problem on the videos Brenden Scifleet http://www.power-max.fr/forums/videos/view-235-intoxx/ cordially
  19. Hello, Too bad this is an important function. I join you capture. cordially
  20. Hello, - Unfortunately it is not possible to add a video link with .mp4, is there a solution. - The videos will be displayed in double cordially
  21. Hello, I have a problem with your module. The photos do not appear in the carousel. She referred to a broken link. ex : http://www.power-max.fr/ Thanks for your help.
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