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Everything posted by abobader

  1. I know about this already, thanks tho. I thought they are new one coming up.
  2. @Matt What the new premium support system? I am really interested in this, thanks.
  3. I wish you said that from the start, so you saved me all these typing. 🙂
  4. Ok Matt, sound fair enough, let give it try, I will not rush thing, I will renew on Dec, and see how support go. BTW, I see some talk regarding support forum, yes everybody and anybody have support forum for everything, as for forum software, many times you can provide private data for your forum if for example want to explain with screenshot or provide error data in general, that about it. But let give it a chance to see how thing goes after Dec.
  5. I learn by the years when IPS setup something, they never change it, only Matt here to explain their view that all, then Charles will reply later 🙂 Which is a good thing tho. Also Matt offer to help with customers to pay 6 month, that also good thing as well. I am not here regarding the price, support is the most important, since that gone, software gone as well (Please Matt do not reply and explain more about forum support, since I reject that "simply that me"). Good thing this happens now and my renew still 2 months away, that give me time see what best software to switch too. All in all, it was a good run for more than 20 years 🙂
  6. I think you forgetting I am old time member/customer, and I know these support forums well. I think I give up here, and indeed will not pay that over $1000 just to get support, sure it very clear that you care/after about "business" customers, and the license fee you just rise it up, just to use the software, btw, forum support normally for "free" software as we all know it. The only thing I could not understand it very well, why you rise the price when you want to drop the email support? Why not rise the price for whom want the email support.
  7. Not many as I am one of them will post in the open forum about "our forum issue" for support, as I said, this not a license support term, we need the email support as well, sorry if you disagree, but I think IPS making a mistake here.
  8. Strange, after more than 21 years now using IPB forums, now I have to consider switching to another forum platform.
  9. What strange email I got today from @Matt First the subject was somehow give the idea my account license had problem, then they are good news to start with as price rise? Good news for whom? Yes for IPS indeed not for customers. I and other whom been with IPS from start been with this, no problem, if that will lead for better support, but: Now with this price rise you drop the support (no matters how you explain it, it very clear you drop your support) and force me to use the community for it, or of Couse pay as well for support. My records show I always goes and supporting IPS, but this time, the term for support is not acceptable at all. I hope you reconsider you support term again, thanks.
  10. Hi @DawPi I still see it as plugin with latest build, do we need to uninstall it then install it back? Thanks.
  11. He is indeed, great dev as well supported personal.
  12. @Matt Any hope to see support for best answer for discussion type forums for this:
  13. I jus login to the ACP and find a patch, so I update, maybe it take time or something for location (ISP update as example).
  14. Sorry, my last post that regarding my "test site" not the live one.
  15. I just update from beta 2 to beta 3, with some problem after it done: 1 - When click "visit site" from ACP, it take me to the site alright, but when I login, it took me back to the ACP. 2 - I saw notification about "reported content" that strange indeed, as this a test site, and we do not use that, the report about March the 5th, that indeed not true. Also when I try to see the report, it just sit there on the main page, refresh the browser (Chrome), then it take me there. Really the modcp from the site it completely not working, select any option will no take you any where.
  16. Nice easy upgrade, well done. Can you please consider any plan for the future for this: https://invisioncommunity.com/forums/topic/461893-invision-community-460-beta-1-is-live/?do=findComment&comment=2856010 Thanks
  17. I had big hope for the "ACHIEVEMENTS" and mainly for this: As for giving user whom help in our support forums, we do not use "questions" type forum, we use "discussions" type, with enable best answer. For doing a rule to give the user whom giving best answer, you can not select the forums you want, so it will not work in our case. Now the hope is gone indeed.
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