Sonya* reacted to a comment: 4.5: Club Improvements Roundup
JoshB84 reacted to a comment: 4.5: One More Thing...
JoshB84 reacted to a comment: 4.5: One More Thing...
JoshB84 reacted to a comment: 4.5: One More Thing...
JoshB84 reacted to a blog entry: 4.5: One More Thing...
JoshB84 reacted to a comment: 4.5: Two feature additions
wohali reacted to a comment: 4.5: Club Improvements Roundup
I understand. Thank you for the reply. In the future I should be able to upload the videos to my own server after getting permission from the creator of the videos. I just have finish forming a Non-Profit company to gain access to them. I will just continue using the videos they have uploaded on youtube for now.
Feature request: A option to make it so parts of videos will autoplay when finished. So if I have a video with 5 parts. After Part 1 is finished Part 2 will play automatically.
JoshB84 reacted to a comment: 4.5: Everything else
Please add Categories to Clubs
I noticed that but hopefully someone will come out with a plugin that solves that problem after it is released.
Chris Anderson reacted to a comment: 4.5: Club Improvements Roundup
Please add Categories to Clubs
I am hoping this re-engineering carried over to Clubs too.
Please add Categories to Clubs
I know not everyone will have so many Clubs they will require categories. Still some of us would find it useful to be able to categorize our Clubs. [edit] Before someone suggest making a custom page using Pages. I would say then could we atleast have tags added to Clubs then?
Improved Clubs Enhancements
Would you consider adding Categories to the Clubs index? So we can seperate the Clubs? I wish this was something that was already coded into Clubs. I know not everyone would need the option but it could be useful for some of us. Some of my clubs I would categorize as "educational" and then others as "member clubs".
Night Mode Theme
These 3 Gallery edits I figured out on my own. 🙂 When you go add an image. The DropZone border is white. This will change it to match the skin. /* Gallery Add Image DropZone Border */ .cGallerySubmit_uploadImages .ipsAttachment_dropZone:not( .ipsDragging ) { border-color: #121418; } When you go to add an Gallery image. The background is white. This will change the color to match the skin. /* Gallery Image Submit Background */ #elGallerySubmit_imageUploader .ipsAttachment_fileList .ipsImageAttach { background-color: #121418; border: 5px solid; border-color: #121418; } After submitting the Gallery image. This changes the highlight color when you hover over the image from solid white to match the skin. /* Gallery Image Submit Background Hover */ #elGallerySubmit_imageUploader .ipsAttachment_fileList .ipsImageAttach:hover { background-color: #25262a; border-color: #25262a; }
Night Mode Theme
I am trying to figure out how to get the commenting area black when using the Pages CMS with this theme. This happens with the commenting section under an article. I tried adding: .ipsTabs_panel { background: #000; } but that did not work. [edited] Here it the code to fix this issue. /* Pages Comment Background for Articles */ .ipsWidget.ipsWidget_horizontal .ipsTabs_panel { background: #121418; }
Clubs Enhancements
I also had this plugin when it was a one time purchase. I can still download this version but it seems to be no longer supported. I see there is a new version. Can I be added to the new one?
AlexJ reacted to a comment: Test drive Invision Community 4.4 now!
[IPS4] Tutorials
I would like to be pm'ed with details about this also please.
Different Sidebar Blocks for Pages Categories and Records
Ok thank you. I just purchased your application.
Different Sidebar Blocks for Pages Categories and Records
Does this only work with your blocks and not system blocks? With this work with other 3rd party blocks?
Calendar Enhancements
Thank you very much!
Calendar Enhancements
Oh, sorry about my misunderstanding. Next to the Calendar name would be great.
Calendar Enhancements
I mean would it be possible to add an option to choose a different color for each event. Where instead of pulling the Calendar color. You would have an option to pick an event color. Currently using IPB Calendar we have to create a whole separate calendar just to make an event color change. I am making a calendar full of Jewish Hollidays but I would like them to be color coded. I think it would be a lot simpler to just create one Calendar and change the event colors on it. Versus having to create multiple Calendars and then adding the events to one Calendar.