Do you any apps stating with letters F and S? Probably Fsomething System.
It seems a hook extends the core groups to use the cache but it is required to “remove” the app columns when copying a group.
Please provide URL and an admin account via private message. I need to make some tests in your install/server as I can’t see any slowness in two boards I use this: one with 1,000,000 posts and the other with almost 5,000,000.
That would have to use the registration IP which may be pretty outdated for the vast majority of users.
EDIT: I can add a tool, anyway. Late this month.
See what I asked you yesterday:
Your image:
So, the user HAS NOT responded yet, so it isn't an ADMIN validation yet!
This plugin shows pending ADMIN validations only.
To choose who can view the application in the front end, go to ACP -> Members -> Members Tab -> Settings and choose the groups in Who Can Use The Member Tab Module. (#1 in the image below).
To choose which users groups will appear in the list, choose the groups in Groups To Include in same page. (#2 in the image below).
Undo the groups deselection you did in ACP -> System -> Applications.
The issue happens because the Invite cache is deleted on app install/upgrade, so if you don't want to wait for the marketplace version, replace the following file: applications / invite / extensions / core / GroupForm / Invite.php
The fix will load the Invite cache if it isn't in the Groups form.
Also upload the following file: applications / invite / sources / Member / Group.php
Is this a test site or your live board? If it's your live board, you shouldn't update until you make sure all resources you use are compatible. I didn't test Invite System yet:
I got the following error when I click in Manage:
This app was installed to test it on 4.7 and then uninstalled:
So I checked the achievementRules data store file and didn't find any mention to this app there but found another app that was also installed/uninstalled to test:
Thank you.