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Everything posted by IceCore

  1. I can't get to the ACP, when I try, the same error page appears. I posted a screen shot of the error, I went to the uploads -> logs but there's nothing inside except the empty index.html file.
  2. Hey all, I moved to another server that has installed Plesk. Since I moved and restored the files and the SQL with the new credentials in the conf_global.php, I have Error 500 without any log, or correctly explained what the issue is. Here's the page: Tried the suggested with the .htaccess file, which exists and via SQL to turn off the Friendly URLs, but nothing helps. When I try a new installation, it works. Should I try the new installation and then push the files from the backup?
  3. @doc , any news? I can't edit any CSS or design mode since this issue exist. As it looks like, the JS file is gone from the theme...
  4. I have an issue with a JS when all themes re-built. I turned on the designer mode, did some not related to your theme changes, and turned it off. Here's the ruined staff there: User profile was gone, and icons positions moved: Scroll to top stuck at right bottom: Tried to disable all plugins, the issue still there. Also, when publishing "our picks" the details below the image, isn't looking good:
  5. Hey all, I want to ask if there's any option to modify this built-in feature, for example: Change the links as titles to actual links Additional description Automatic tagging Prefix with the feed site domain or other options Links to the feed but with link redirection And more... In the link for the next version update, it's not enough options:
  6. What can be the differences in the Theme level that may not fit to the version 4.4?
  7. I mean for marked in yellow below: i tried to change what you suggested withour success
  8. Thanks for the update! I'm looking for editing the simple view of link that added by option "Display original link" to something that looks better with adding border or other CSS work, and i cannot find where it is. can you help me with it?
  9. Hey, Can you make it collapsible and leaving floating arrow?(Mobile) Would be great addition
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