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Joy Rex

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Posts posted by Joy Rex

  1. The biggest issue with using FA5 is which method to use - SVG+JS will render (in my opinion) cleaner icons than the other (older) method, which is using the webfont. One important thing to consider when using the SVG+JS method is performance - if you have dozens of icons on screen, the JS has to find all the <i> elements and replace them, and using ::before and ::after pseudo elements can degrade performance even further.

  2. So... your plugin basically gives a control panel for the icons that are (presumably) hard-coded in the default IPS template? I'm surprised IPS doesn't have a control panel in the ACP to do that already!

    One thing to note - some of the icon classes have changed with FA5, as does the main FA class - it's no longer just "fa" but now can be "fas" (font awesome solid), "far" (font awesome solid), and "fab" (font awesome brands). Does your plugin change all the classes inside the 


    element to account for this?

  3. 4 hours ago, media said:

    I have a question.

    My board is on 3.4.9 and I am planning to upgrade to 4.2.3. It is a high traffic board.

    My question is while upgrading how can I stop public access to the board?

    I do not want any problem?

    Well, you can turn your forum off and display a message for maintenance.

    You really should consider setting up a development site, getting a copy of your current forum up and running in that development environment, then upgrading the development version to see what breaks in going from 3.4.9 to 4.2.x - the post conversion as well as the database conversion alone can take a long time depending on how big your forum is.

    Once you've got everything ironed out in the development environment, you now have an idea what to watch out for when converting your live site.

    I'd also recommend communicating this change well in advance to your community so they are prepared for any downtime.

  4. Issues like this (where features are removed) should be better documented by IPS, especially for those considering upgrading to their latest products (either willingly or unwillingly due to EOL on the 3.x series of products).

    Apologies if it is documented somewhere, but if not, this should be a high-priority item, especially with 3.x being EOL and a lot of customers having to consider upgrading to keep in line with support.

  5. On 9/3/2016 at 3:59 AM, leonovich_J said:

    Hello, help to solve the problem on my test forum.

    After running the task, the conversion takes less than 2 seconds and crashesee91f4fd93934a83b4ce832f1480ad15.png

    You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 'IS NULL ORDER BY msg_id DESC LIMIT 0,50' at line 1
    SELECT * FROM `ibf_core_message_posts` AS `core_message_posts` WHERE msg_id < IS NULL ORDER BY msg_id DESC LIMIT 0,50
     | File                                                                       | Function                                                                      | Line No.          |
     | /system/Db/Db.php                                                          | [IPS\Db\_Exception].__construct                                               | 388               |
     | /system/Db/Select.php                                                      | [IPS\_Db].preparedQuery                                                       | 346               |
     | /system/Db/Select.php                                                      | [IPS\Db\_Select].runQuery                                                     | 408               |
     |                                                                            | [IPS\Db\_Select].rewind                                                       |                   |
     | /applications/core/extensions/core/Queue/RebuildPosts.php                  | [IteratorIterator].rewind                                                     | 98                |
     | /system/Task/Task.php                                                      | [IPS\core\extensions\core\Queue\_RebuildPosts].run                            | 48                |
     | /applications/core/modules/admin/system/background.php                     | [IPS\_Task].runQueue                                                          | 76                |
     |                                                                            | [IPS\core\modules\admin\system\_background].IPS\core\modules\admin\system\{closure}|                   |
     | /system/Helpers/MultipleRedirect/MultipleRedirect.php                      | [].call_user_func                                                             | 93                |
     | /applications/core/modules/admin/system/background.php                     | [IPS\Helpers\_MultipleRedirect].__construct                                   | 122               |
     |                                                                            | [IPS\core\modules\admin\system\_background].process                           |                   |
     | /system/Dispatcher/Controller.php                                          | [].call_user_func                                                             | 85                |
     | /applications/core/modules/admin/system/background.php                     | [IPS\Dispatcher\_Controller].execute                                          | 33                |
     | /system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php                                          | [IPS\core\modules\admin\system\_background].execute                           | 129               |
     | /admin/index.php                                                           | [IPS\_Dispatcher].run                                                         | 13                |


    I would open a ticket with Support if you haven't already as it appears there is incompatible syntax in the upgrader related to your use of MariaDB.

  6. So if I understand what this addon does, it allows you to "extend" IPB by building custom forms, allowing user content to be consumed into a database table(s)?

    Would this be possible with this addon:

    If I wanted my users to be able to add entries into a Discography, and then display their entered content say in a Pages display, would this be suitable for this, or would using strictly Pages for that be more appropriate?

    An example of what this could be used for might help in understanding the potential of the addon. 

  7. You've probably got some " in your group prefix or suffix, you can safely change them to ' and the map will work.

    It turned out to be a Flash avatar (that happens to be interactive) that caused the issue - I did check the group colors, and all the quotes were single quotes, so it wasn't that (as far as I can tell).

  8. The map installed fine for me, worked fine (few users added pins, etc.) but then when I checked it later, I get just a large gray square, no map - unless - I click "show friends" and then it shows just me and the person(s) who are my friends.

    Any ideas? I'm thinking it might be a pin someone added that's causing it to bomb...

    I turned Firebug on in Firefox, and here was the error it gave me:

    And the resulting script that caused the error:

    missing ) after argument list 

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