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Joy Rex

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  1. Thanks for everyone's replies - I guess I didn't make it clear that I wanted a way of knowing which applications and plugins are compatible with 4.6 BEFORE upgrading, so when I do upgrade, I'll know which apps and plugins aren't yet tested against 4.6 or aren't compatible at all due to version compatibility.
  2. I think it is pretty common for users of IPS to have Applications and Plugins from the Marketplace - it would be helpful if the ACP had a built-in version check against the currently installed applications and plugins and what is compatible with the upgrade, rather than having to manually check each one (which for some could mean quite a bit of back and forth). Has anyone found a more efficient/automated way of doing this?
  3. And right there is why this suggestion is problematic for several reasons: No active license - you realize you are putting you and your user's data at risk by not maintaining the latest version of the IPS software? I would be very surprised if you are patching bugs and keeping up with changes to PHP versions, etc. While plugins and apps are useful, unless they are maintained and managed via IPS and the developers you run the risk of breaking your community software if an addon doesn't keep up with any changes to the main suite (and any bugs) Using unsupported apps outside of IPS again underscores the above risks, and potentially opens you up to liability if someone decides it is your fault, and not some developer you hired to create an addon that has leaked their personal data or made it vulnerable to exposure.
  4. Joy Rex replied to Adriano Faria's post in a topic in Marketplace
    Also, if a person ignores their own thread (I know, just hear me out), will it stop sending them notifications?
  5. Joy Rex replied to Adriano Faria's post in a topic in Marketplace
    Okay, so to be clear - until 4.6 comes out if someone ignores a topic that they have posted in and someone quotes or reacts to their posts, they WILL get notified of said quote/reaction?
  6. Joy Rex replied to Adriano Faria's post in a topic in Marketplace
    I just purchased the plugin, and my users who have posted in a thread they now ignore will get notifications from the ignored thread if a user quotes or reacts to their posts in the ignored thread. Any ideas?
  7. I cannot get AdSense to detect the code I pasted into the box in the Advertisements section - Google AdSense keeps giving me the message: But in the Advertisements section, it says the ad I created that has the AdSense code in it has gotten 78747 impressions - how is this possible?
  8. I just purchased this, and everywhere it is showing "1 viewing" (on the forums that actually have activity), but when I click on it shows many more users - is there a problem? And yes, this is in Table view - I thought this was similar to VBulletin's "users viewing topic".
  9. I'm currently using SendGrid's Free tier, which allows 100 emails to be sent - has anyone tried using their Google for Business (e.g., your own custom domain email address) for this?
  10. IPS would have to update their default theme (as would any theme developer) to incorporate the @media prefers-color-scheme selector. Also, you would want users to be able to decide if they want the theme for the site to honor their system preferences or not.
  11. As a matter of fact, how it is implemented on Mobile is perfect - just make the Forum filter modal window available on Desktop as it is in Mobile!
  12. I experienced this too (the inability to switch skins) and it does not show on the user menu (for me or anybody else). I think the idea behind this is users are supposed to choose two themes (one for bright, one for dark) and maybe that's why it doesn't allow theme switching (as that would conflict with the user's choices) to switch between for the light and dark modes.
  13. I really like the Fluid view, but it would be great if there was a way to hide the forum selection sidebar once you've made your selections so the other sidebar items aren't pushed down because of it being at the top, or maybe move it to a modal when you activate Fluid view?
  14. @Anawa - thanks, that helped me too. Is there any better way to display this? As a sidebar, it eats up 25% of the horizontal screen real estate, and as a box under the first post it also fills a lot of space. Is there any way to make it a collapsible sidebar? The information is useful, but not at the cost of screen real estate.