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Posts posted by Mark

  1. hii

    sorry for writing here, i opened a newtopic in this section about an hour ago, but dont see it.

    I have purchased the software and a 3rd party hosting service. What should I do next?

    I went to my client area and I see the downloads. I believe the setup is free with the license and for that I need to put a ticket. In "your tickets" it is asking me license url. what is that?

    I am totally confused now. Please please help.


    Send in a ticket from the client area.

    It will ask you for your license URL before it allows you to submit tickets, that's just asking you where the board is installed (or in your case, where it will be installed) so that our technciains can locate your site when you send in a ticket :)

  2. You know darn well that I was saying 'this decade' for laughs, especially since this decade is nearly over. :P

    I'm not fussing about the issues not being fixed, I'm just wondering why it's taking so long to at least sort the issues into different statuses. "Unfiled" leaves a person wondering if the report has even been read. If something is at least confirmed (or 'not a bug' etc) then we as consumers know that the report has been looked at and been handled. Now whether or not it gets resolved quickly, well that's another thing entirely.

    The bug tracker statuses and severities are for our reference, and mean different things in different projects ;)

    Basically, it's pointless to "confirm" a bug in that category, as you would in say, the IPB category. If a bug is confirmed in IPB, it means a developer was able to reproduce the problem locally... in the website category, there's only one site, so we don't need to reproduce locally ;)
  3. Skins are cached to files anyway.
    While it would be technically possible, it wouldn't be all that fast as you'd have to be setting up and querying two databases on every page load instead of one.

  4. Technical support is sometimes available over the weekend and you may get a response if someone is on. However Mark is simply saying that you cannot rely on there being support on the weekend, it's not office hours.

    Especially as this sort of thing requires a member of management to deal with - otherwise I would have of course done it myself :)
  5. /index is the default page - it's not "duplicate", it's just the default page, and thus accessible from the domain as well as it's actual location.

    Much like google.com and google.com/index.html

  6. Web standards specify that no link should automatically open in a new window, as users should be able to decide how to open a window themselves using the features in their browser.

  7. No, and I do appreciate that. I should've mentioned that in my post - I think everyone would have been more upset if there had been absolutely no avenue to move aside from purchasing a whole new licence!

    I like the security that my perpetual gives me. I know that's kind of ironic as I bought a perpetual instead of a yearly licence and IPS could've folded a year in and I'd have lost money (but thankfully, that didn't happen!), but I like the fact that I can log in at any time, no matter what my current financial state is (which is currently dire - thanks recession) and I am always able to upgrade my software so that my board is as secure as it can possibly be.

    I understand that the spam service is a subscription type service, so once your support ended, so would the service? So I understand that if my financial situation decreased further and I was unable to renew the service, it would leave me open to being unprotected by the service - but I do see the spam service as an added benefit and therefore, not quite as important as having access to the latest software.

    I'm not sure I'm saying it clearly (I've had a very long day, sorry) but if push came to shove, I would hold the software in higher regard than the extra services - so risking my access to the software in return for the services concerns me. I know I'm looking on the bleak side - as it shouldn't be a risk, and it'd be great if I could be completely sure that I could afford the service renewal year in, year out - but just in case I can't, it would worry me to move.

    From another slightly pessimistic point of view, what if I don't get on with the service? In that scenario, I will have given up my already-paid-for updates to the software for a few months with a service that I would no longer use.

    I will think on, but those are my knee-jerk concerns. :)

    While I can certainly appreciate that (we all want the best deal we can have) - can you not also appreciate our point?
    I mean, we stopped offering the perpetual licenses 3 years ago, and the lifetime license a few years before that. If you want to hold on to the security that they provide, then that's all well and good; but do you really think it's reasonable to demand that we make special arrangements to accommodate that, beyond offering you a trade for a current license?

  8. I know that 9 pages in, nearly everyone else will have covered the points I'm about to make, but I do wish to explain how this has come across to me. I am a perpetual licence holder, which I bought in 2005.

    What worries me is that I feel that there is an effort going on to force me out of my perpetual licence. The biggest issue in this is that we are not at all eligible to purchase the service - nor, it appears, any future service.

    It concerns me that there will be many other things released in the future which will be classed as a service, as a way of excluding perpetual and lifetime licence holders from useful extras to the software (thereby convincing people to relinquish their licences).

    I am also concerned that not being able to buy such services might somehow compromise my board. I know it's an extra to the software, but spam is a very serious issue and I find it worrying that I won't be able to have any sort of access at all to a module that could prevent a significant spam attack.

    I will stress that I don't think that IPS are unscrupulous at all, but I imagine some people might also be worrying that if a spam module provides enough robust protection against spam but there is a problem in the standard software and people are getting heavily attacked (like what happened in the later 2.3 series), IPS won't be as swift to respond to patching the software.

    I stress, I'm not saying that *will* happen, but you can understand how that might cross people's minds. After all, four years ago, it would've been unthinkable that IPS wouldd be launching extra services in the manner they are now.

    Overall, I feel that I'm being forced out of my perpetual licence. If we'd been able to pay an extra cost to obtain the service, then I understand that there might have been complaints but I can understand the difference between lifetime, perpetual and standard and if you wanted to make an offer to standard holders, that's understandable (honestly, I've been waiting for this for months because I could see where you were going with some of your forum posts last year).

    But the crux is that we can't get the spam service at all without relinquishing what we currently own and have paid for...and I find that slightly odd. It also concerns me that this won't be the first service released, nor the only effort to make us give up our licences.

    I bought the licence that was available to me at the time. I didn't buy a perpetual licence to screw IPS out of money or to upset IPS or to make IPS hate me. I also didn't force IPS to sell perpetual licences - I bought what IPS offered.

    I would be happy to pay additional costs for services - if I felt that they would be a benefit to my site - and it seems a shame that they're not available to purchase as add-on modules at all.

    I love IPS's software and I always have done, and I don't ever want to have to change from using Invision...but I am being increasingly upset at the way I'm being treated by the company - a company who I've never hassled via the support, who I've only ever said good things about and have always strongly recommended to people.

    Lifetime and perpetual owners are still your customers - we run your software (and probably have done for years, so our users are used to your product and we probably don't wish to switch), so we're the best people to try and sell things to because we're a captive market. Excluding us entirely just makes me feel unwanted and it feels like you're trying to trick us out of what we already own. I respect you guys more than that, and it's horrible that that's how it's coming across. You can't mean it to be like this, surely? :(

    Very well articulated :)

    I'm interested - if you are willing to pay for the service, why you are not willing to transfer to the standard license?
    After all, if we offered the service for say $25 per 6 months (not saying we will) what benefit would paying for that have over switching to a standard license?

    After all, we have said we will trade your license at no charge, it's not like we're demanding you shell out $150 for a new license to take advantage of the service ;)

  9. It had no special name... is was only a license...

    --> New Order --> 10/07/04 --> $69.95

    Renewal: Invision Power Board Yearly License --> 10/07/05 --> $69.95

    It was a yearly license...

    But, better wait one or two days as Matt says... :thumbsup:

    Ah, the yearly license was not the Standard license.
    We did away with the yearly license in 2006 - although, if you had an active license at the time, we gave you a free Standard license, because, despite what people seem to think: we're actually quite nice :)

  10. I think that's not true at all...

    When Perpetual licenses were offered you said there were identically to standard ones and the only difference was in the price of the yearly support...

    That's the reason it was justified to pay the amount it costed to have it... because paying every year the support you should have 6 years of support standard license ($120/$20=6 years)...

    When the Perpetual licenses were offered, there was no Standard license. So no, we never said they were identical to the Standard ones because the Standard ones didn't exist back then.

  11. Integrate the calls to IPS into the Converge registration.

    If registration is not done through IPB or an Application itself, then surely registration through Converge, then logging into IPB will bypass the spam check?

    I also think if it could also be added to non-IPS applications via Converge would be a good idea, but is that a bit out of scope?

    Ah, I get what you mean.
    Interesting idea :)

  12. I don't like that. Yes I'm a little biased since I have a Lifetime license, but I think that the Lifetime license shouldn't be excluded because the terms of it are the same as a standard license except that it's "forever" instead of limited to 6 month windows.

    With Perpetual, the license holder should be allowed to get it when they are in +Active status (ie, paid $30/year).

    I know that IPS wants to convert those into standard licenses, but I think that's a bit shameful to try to reword or reclassify things just to do it.

    You were promised lifetime support and upgrades and that promise has been kept.
    This service is not support - it is new service that we never promised or announced or even mentioned before.
    There are of course costs involved with maintaining this service and so it has been made available only to holders of a current, active license.
    You are of course welcome to remain on the license you purchased, with the terms that were promised to you at the time, or pay for this new service :)

    Is there a possible view to integrate this with Converge in the future? I could see that also being a good idea

    Integrate how? :)
  13. It is true that the current ticket response times are below average.

    This is due to the recent release of IP.Board 3.0 - not only are we flooded with requests to upgrade, we are having much more tickets from people who have questions about the new system.
    Today, the number of open tickets was about 50 times the average.

    We are working to bring this back up to par - we have brought on additional staff, and have most recently added a "Tier 2" technical support department so that technicians can escalate complex issues and address the more plentiful general inquiries quicker.

    We apologise for the delays, and I assure you we are doing everything we can to restore the ticket system to it's usual state.

    If your ticket is of an urgent nature, please feel free to PM me the ticket number and I will make sure it is addressed as soon as possible.

  14. :wub:

    Glad that we can provide you with products and a standard of service you're so happy about.

    It really makes my day when someone sends in a ticket, mentions on the phone, or creates a topic like this to say they're so pleased with how we do things. Fortunately... it's most days ;)

  15. Would so rock if they did though. :lol: Hey, if it was taken over by the community, they might.. They use the tracker, for example.

    Ah, but you see Tracker was written by IPS to start with.
    In fact, that's kind of how the Community Projects were born... IPS wrote the Tracker - and people from the community wanted to use it - so it was just sort of handed over to them.
  16. 1) You *could* create your database user with limited permissions (I don't know the maximum required off hand)... however, if someone gets hold of your SQL username and password (or otherwise finds a way to execute arbitrary SQL commands), I think it's safe to say you're pretty screwed even with those permissions. Amongst what you list is DELETE and DROP - that's everything that's needed to destroy a database.
    That one sounds just like a way to make people feel more secure.

    2) That won't prevent injection threats. I believe the thinking is if someone has found an injection vulnerability, it will limit the damage they can do, but, as I said before, if someone has found a way to execute arbitrary SQL commands - it's kind of beyond the point of help. All they need to do is run "SHOW TABLES;" and they'll see a list of your tables, thus showing your prefix.

    3) Not totally sure what those keys are for...

    4) Yes, a secure password is always good :)

    5) All those are good ideas, and there are features in IPB for doing them.

    6) The option is in 3.0, although, for many people, it's probably not worth the expense ;)

    7) I agree with Wolfie, that just seems annoying to me: "Hey, you just signed in to the ACP!"

  17. There are companies that act as resellers. Technically though, they don't sell licenses; they just buy hundreds of licenses from us at a time and then sell people the rights to one of those licenses.
    I don't think we'll publish a list, as that would be somewhat a conflict of interest ;) If you come across a site that is selling IP.Board licenses and would like to check it's validity, please contact us.

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