Hello everyone.
Trying to upgrade to latest version and I have this error. Been a while since I asked for technical support and I see email support has been turned off! So I resort to here hoping someone can help recover my community:
It happens after this step:
I then get this.
Fatal error: Declaration of IPS\musicbox\_Song::getItemsWithPermission($where = [], $order = null, $limit = 10, $permissionKey = 'read', $includeHiddenItems = null, $queryFlags = 0, ?IPS\Member $member = null, $joinContainer = false, $joinComments = false, $joinReviews = false, $countOnly = false, $joins = null, $skipPermission = false, $joinTags = true, $joinAuthor = true, $joinLastCommenter = true, $showMovedLinks = false) must be compatible with IPS\Content\_Item::getItemsWithPermission($where = [], $order = null, $limit = 10, $permissionKey = 'read', $includeHiddenItems = IPS\Content\Hideable::FILTER_AUTOMATIC, $queryFlags = 0, ?IPS\Member $member = null, $joinContainer = false, $joinComments = false, $joinReviews = false, $countOnly = false, $joins = null, $skipPermission = false, $joinTags = true, $joinAuthor = true, $joinLastCommenter = true, $showMovedLinks = false, $location = null) in /home/judgeju/public_html/archives/board/applications/musicbox/sources/Song/Song.php on line 355
Any help appreciated! Thank you all for those that got this far.