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  1. Thanks so much Jim! Just in case anybody else has this issue, I copied the php.ini file that was living in the root folder of my domain and pasted it into the folder where my Invision community was living. And then all was good in the world 😎
  2. Hello everyone. So I ran the upgrader today and got this: "The upgrader uses PHP sessions to store data, however PHP sessions are currently not working correctly on your server. This is an issue you will need to contact your host about.": I contacted my webhost and they have batted it back to me: So I'm really not sure what to do now. My Invision installation is actually located in a deeper folder, https://www.[YOUR WEBSITE].co.uk/archives/board/ - I don't know if that has anything to do with it but any help would be really appreciated - currently I have a website that is inaccessible and I am stuck! Thank you all very much in advance for any help 🙂 Neuro
  3. Hello everyone. Trying to upgrade to latest version and I have this error. Been a while since I asked for technical support and I see email support has been turned off! So I resort to here hoping someone can help recover my community: It happens after this step: I then get this. Fatal error: Declaration of IPS\musicbox\_Song::getItemsWithPermission($where = [], $order = null, $limit = 10, $permissionKey = 'read', $includeHiddenItems = null, $queryFlags = 0, ?IPS\Member $member = null, $joinContainer = false, $joinComments = false, $joinReviews = false, $countOnly = false, $joins = null, $skipPermission = false, $joinTags = true, $joinAuthor = true, $joinLastCommenter = true, $showMovedLinks = false) must be compatible with IPS\Content\_Item::getItemsWithPermission($where = [], $order = null, $limit = 10, $permissionKey = 'read', $includeHiddenItems = IPS\Content\Hideable::FILTER_AUTOMATIC, $queryFlags = 0, ?IPS\Member $member = null, $joinContainer = false, $joinComments = false, $joinReviews = false, $countOnly = false, $joins = null, $skipPermission = false, $joinTags = true, $joinAuthor = true, $joinLastCommenter = true, $showMovedLinks = false, $location = null) in /home/judgeju/public_html/archives/board/applications/musicbox/sources/Song/Song.php on line 355 Any help appreciated! Thank you all for those that got this far.
  4. Wonderful update onlyME, thank you so much. Some more suggestions! * Settings > Sidebar, Add option to stipulate Genres within "Recommended" (as already possible with Playlists and Songs) * Sidebar has 4 tabs, Week - Month - Year - All..... It would be good to be able to default to a particular one (for example, All), or even better be able to select which tabs are visible. * Upload New Song - after clicking this button, can we set a default category that it autoselects to within the dropdown menu? Rather than have to manually select a category * Embed mp3? I love the built-in audio player within Musicbox. I wondered, is it possible to use that same player inside normal forum posts, so that when someone posts a URL that ends in .mp3, it embeds that player? I'm not sure that's even possible. * Top menu doesn't stay highlighted. For example, if I select the grey tabs "Forums" or "Activity" at the top of the screen (as organised per Menu Manager), then once that page loads then that tab stays highlighted, i.e. it stays visibly selected grey, and so do the grey sub-menus underneath stay shown. However, if I click the grey "Musicbox" tab, then that doesn't stay highlighted grey afterwards, and neither are the submenus underneath visible (unless you run your mouse pointer over the tab again). Can this be fixed so it is obvious on the tabs that the user is inside Musicbox? Thanks again for a superb app.
  5. Great. Whilst I'm here, I've some other suggestions which you might consider implementing (just ideas - not sure if they are even possible): Sidebar - allow option to select Genres for sidebar blocks (as above) Allow to choose default choice for "Sort By", per Category Sidebar - amend option to enable/disable tab options Week / Month / Year / All / (or just 1 of these, with tabs hidden) Allow Admin to pin songs to the top of a Category listing (regardless of Sort order) When clicking upload Song, force pop up to default to one particular category option first Allow disabling of Favourites Allow disabling of Playlists Allow choosing of default thumbnail Allow easier HTML editing of templates used Allow custom fields to display in the row of song lists (would fit before "listened to" counter on the song row?) Finally, on the screen where when you upload a song, on the right hand side above the Save button, there'sa checkbox allowing "Hidden?" - what does this do, exactly? I've played with it and not sure what effect it makes. This is a wonderful module - thank you for creating such a great application!
  6. I completely agree with this. A good handful of different default templates out of the box would help wonders for new admins to see and understand the power of Pages, and what it can do. As well as save time creating their own pages from scratch, they can cut ideas out of one and paste it into another. Without some hand-holding, it's quite an intimidating application knowing it can do everything but not knowing where to begin.
  7. Perfect! Thank you so much. Another question. In the sidebar, is it possible to narrow the data that the sidebar displays, so that it will only display the Top items from a specific Genre only?
  8. Hello How do I rename "Musicbox" in the main menu tab at the top? I'd like to call it something else. Thanks
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