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IP.Board 3.2.0: New Photo Editor

One of our main goals for IP.Board 3.2.0 is to streamline the interface and make it easier to work with. We're also taking full advantage of modern techniques to ensure that IP.Board has more of an application feel by eliminating page reloads and using rich web technologies. We've revamped the photo editor to make it easier and simpler to use. The first thing you'll notice is that if you've conn…




IP.Nexus 1.2 Dev Update: Miscellaneous Enhancements

To round up our development updates on IP.Nexus 1.2, I'd just like to mention in brief some additional features not already mentioned in previous blog entries. Go back in Checkout When going through the checkout, a progress bar at the top indicates what steps are still required. Previously, once you had completed one step, you could not go back and change the information provided. In IP.Nex…




IP.Board 3.2.0: New Text Editor, Part II

I recently introduced the new text editor in 3.2.0. This new text editor brings a robust rich text editor coupled with custom BBCode and an auto-save feature. Today, I wanted show some user interface and usability improvements we've made in this area. Firstly, where space is tight or where you don't want to be overwhelmed with the text editor, it is shown 'minimised'. The screenshot below sho…




Spam Service Update

On 13 January 2011 we posted some information on our Spam Monitoring Service that was helping to block the huge amount of spam accounts hitting communities all over the web. There's not much new to report - spam will always exist unfortunately - but we thought everyone would be interested to know that we were recently able to block huge ranges of attacking IP addresses. IPS has a hosting divis…




IP.Nexus 1.2 Dev Update: Custom Packages Improvements

IP.Nexus has always had the ability create "custom packages" - you can specify a price and renewal terms and IP.Nexus will keep a log of the purchase and generate renewal invoices. However, some options like member group promotion, custom modules, etc. are not available in this setup - and with the addition of advertisements and hosting packages, it is necessary to be able to generate custom pack…




IP.Board 3.2.0: New Text Editor

Nearly ten years ago, IP.Board shipped with a pretty advanced functional editor that allowed you to quickly format your text in a rough "WYSIWYG" format. This was an exciting technology. As the main browsers started adding better support for this functionality we updated our own code to keep up. The internet is a constantly evolving space and web browsers and technology rise and fall and keeping…




IP.Board 3.2.0 Dev Update: Calendar Improvements, Part II: Consistency

We are continuing to make improvements to Calendar to both bring it more in line with the rest of the suite of IPS products and to modernize the application and make it more functional and useful for our customers. If you haven't read our first blog entry describing improvements you can expect to see with Calendar in IP.Board 3.2.0, Part I: SEO Improvements, feel free to take a moment to read our…




IP.Nexus 1.2 Dev Update: Editing Existing Packages

Currently in IP.Nexus when a package is edited, certain factors, like the group a user is moved into when purchasing the package, only apply to new purchases. While less of an issue for traditional products there are times, particularly with advertisement and hosting packages, where you will want to apply these changes to existing purchases. Let's say for example, a user has purchased a product…




Gallery 4: Mobile Skin

As the beta process for Gallery continues, I've found the time to implement the mobile theme that can be used by any mobile handset's browser or by the iPhone app we have available for free in the App Store. The mobile theme is lightweight as expected and makes good use of the small cropped thumbs as well as the new 'small' image that is created. This saves a lot of bandwidth which will be a hug…




IP.Nexus 1.2 Dev Update: Custom Customer Fields

IP.Nexus can ask the customer for various information (like their full name, postal address and phone number) when registering purchasing an item. This information is required for shipping, some payment gateways and the anti-fraud system. Up until now, these fields were static - only the hard-coded fields were available and you could only specify all or no fields were required at registration or …




IP.Board 3.2.0 Dev Update: Calendar Improvements, Part I: SEO Improvements

Work is underway on IP.Board 3.2 so we wanted to start divulging some of the great changes you can expect to see in our next upcoming major release. One area of IP.Board that we wanted to spend some time improving was the calendar, and this blog entry is the first of several outlining changes and improvements you can expect to see in the calendar with IP.Board 3.2. We intend to post several blo…




IP.Nexus 1.2 Dev Update: Payment Improvements & Anti-Fraud Protection

IP.Nexus aims to give you the tools you need to monetize your community, and the core of that is the actual transaction process. We've made a number of changes in IP.Nexus 1.2 not only to make managing payments and gateways easier but to protect you against fraud, encourage renewals and generally make it easier for you to make more money. Authorize.Net Recurring Payments IP.Nexus has since v…




IP.Nexus 1.2 Dev Update: cPanel Integration

As was hinted in the blog entry last week, IP.Nexus 1.2 shall bring support for selling hosting packages. Right away I'd like to mention that this at the moment will work with any server using cPanel and WHM - we will of course gauge interest for other control panels for future versions. Hosting Packages You set up hosting packages just like regular products and advertisement packages. There …




IP.Nexus 1.2 Dev Update: Advertisements In Store

IP.Nexus features an advertisement system which allows administrators not only to set up circulating advertisements on their community, but sell advertising space too. Currently in IP.Nexus, advertisements are purchased through a special location in the client area. In IP.Nexus 1.2 we will be removing this area and moving advertisements into the store. When adding a package to the store, you wi…




Spam Monitoring Service Statistics

We thought everyone might find a few statistics from our Spam Monitoring Service interesting. Since the rate of spam registrations has greatly increased since the first of the year we are of course seeing greater activity on the service. All stats are since 1 January 2011 to 13 January 2011. The spam service has processed 300,000 requests and the rate is accelerating as more people are activati…




IPS Staff Opening

IPS is currently seeking a self-motivated individual to join our general support team. Requirements: Excellent communication skills Advanced knowledge of IP.Board and related applications Ability to work in a fast-paced, team-oriented environment and be self-starter Linux, cPanel/WHM experience strongly preferred, but not required You must be 18 years or older to apply for this position. …




IP.Nexus 1.2 Dev Update: License Keys

IP.Nexus 1.1 was released at the beginning of this month bringing a number of new features such as product options, reporting tools, advertisement system improvements and more. Already we have started work on IP.Nexus 1.2 - while release is still a while away, we'll be posting blog entries during development to show you the upcoming new features. The first new feature in IP.Nexus 1.2 that we w…




IP.Board 3.2 Development Expectations

We are into the development process for IP.Board 3.2 and wanted to share some general expectations for this release. First of all it won't be out for several months so don't start asking about release dates now :) In addition to the obvious enhancements to make the software work better, faster, and smarter we are focusing our development toward three key goals: Community Promotion Front-end U…




IP.SEO Update

When we released IP.SEO 1.0, we said that we were going to start small and regularly update with new features based on user feedback and SEO trends. We've been staggered by the response to the first release, and have read all of the feedback topics posted so far. So in the spirit of those regular updates, we're now releasing IP.SEO 1.1 to cover some of the most requested features. Here's what's…




IP.Nexus 1.1 Dev Update: Miscellaneous Enhancements - Part 2

For our final entry on IP.Nexus 1.1, I'd like to sum up some of the additional general tweaks and enhancements since our last blog entry. Marking an invoice unpaid In IP.Nexus 1.0, once an invoice has been paid, there is no way to mark it "unpaid". While for most circumstances this makes sense, in the event a check bounces or something similar, you may want to undo everything done when the inv…




Welcome to IP.Gallery 4.0

IP.Gallery 4.0 is now available to use on our forums! Please keep in mind that this is beta software and still very much work in progress so expect to come across bugs and such. As there is bound to be a lot of feedback, I'll close this blog for comments and kindly ask that you post any feedback in the Gallery forum Please report all bugs in the tracker as usual Please let us know your thoug…




IP.Nexus 1.1 Dev Update: Miscellaneous Enhancements

Email on new order You can now set packages to send an email when a member purchases that package. Usergroup Discounts You can now provide discounts to users in a particular group. Auto-resolve Support Requests You can now set support requests to automatically be set to resolved after a given time of inactivity. Group Name Limit We've increased the length package group names ca…




IP.Nexus 1.1 Dev Update: Advertisement Enhancements

IP.Nexus has an advertisements feature, allowing administrators to display advertisements on their community and sell advertising space to third parties. We've spent some time going over some of the suggestions we've received for the advertisements system and have made the following enhancements for IP.Nexus 1.1. Start/End Time Advertisements can now be specified with start and end times fo…




IP.Nexus 1.1 Dev Update: Guest Support Requests

IP.Nexus 1.0 has the ability for users to send in support requests via Email. Nexus handles these internally as "Guest" support requests and the users can reply by responding to the Email notifications Nexus sends when a staff member replies. In IP.Nexus 1.1, we've added a web-based interface for guests to create support requests too. This makes it easier for users to submit pre-sales questions …



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