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IP.Nexus features an advertisement system which allows administrators not only to set up circulating advertisements on their community, but sell advertising space too.
Currently in IP.Nexus, advertisements are purchased through a special location in the client area. In IP.Nexus 1.2 we will be removing this area and moving advertisements into the store.

When adding a package to the store, you will be shown a screen which asks you what type of package to add:

Then, when filling in the settings, there will be a contextual tab which shows settings for that package type. For products you'll see options about shipping and license keys, and for advertisements you'll see the usual advertisement package settings:

Users can then purchase advertisements through the store just like a normal product. They will be asked to provide their advertisement link and image on the same screen that custom package fields appear:

And view information about the advertisement on the normal purchase screen:

Not only does this make the process of purchasing advertisements easier, but all of the options available to packages are now also available to advertisements, including:

  • Only make certain advertisement packages appear to certain groups.
  • Give discounts on advertisements to certain members, for example, members who have purchased advertisements in the past.
  • For time-base advertisements, use renewal price settings to allow members to continuously pay for advertisement space.
  • Move users who purchase an advertisement into a different usergroup.
  • Allow users to upgrade to a higher package (for example, with more clicks) from within the client area.

Finally, this change opens the door for us to add more types of packages all of which display in the store. Like, for example, hosting packages...