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IP.Nexus 1.2 Dev Update: Custom Customer Fields

IP.Nexus can ask the customer for various information (like their full name, postal address and phone number) when registering purchasing an item. This information is required for shipping, some payment gateways and the anti-fraud system.
Up until now, these fields were static - only the hard-coded fields were available and you could only specify all or no fields were required at registration or checkout.

In IP.Nexus 1.2, we've made these fields customisable - you can choose which should show where, which should be required and add and reorder fields as you see fit.

This means, that you could, for example, add a "Company" field, which would show alongside the others:

Of course, users can also edit custom fields in the client area, and administrators can edit them from the customer page.
Whenever the details is changed, it is logged to the customer history page as one would expect:

Administrators can also search by custom fields both from the quick-search in the menu, and the main customer search form:

This also means that since existing fields can be edited, you can now reorder or remove options from the "Country" field. You can also specify if "State" should be required or not.

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