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Fluid mode : slow display on my board

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  • SecondSight changed the title to Fluid mode : slow display on my board

Do you have a lot of forums? Fluid mode combines all forums in the first view so if you have a lot of forums and there are a lot of items to inspect, this could cause a performance issue.

Disabling third party applications/plugins and switching to an unmodified language pack will help start troubleshooting of the issue. Next I would go to ACP -> Support and see if you have any database issues. 

If you do have a lot of forums, you can then enable slow query logging on your MySQL server and then see what queries come back. That may provide us some suggestions if there are improvements we can make.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hello 🙂

I had to fix a few problems and now I'm back. 🙂

Yes, I have many forums. I've disabled one third party application and checked that I have no database problems. Tihngs appear to be ok.

Here is the slow_query line corresponding (I believe) to my problem :


# Time: 2024-07-09T05:57:28.021734Z
# User@Host: myforums_forums[myforums_forums] @ localhost []  Id: 2168847
# Query_time: 11.102086  Lock_time: 0.000001 Rows_sent: 15  Rows_examined: 702983
SET timestamp=1720504636;
/*myforums_forums::myforums_forums::IPS\Helpers\Table\_Content::getRows:504*/ SELECT forums_topics.*, author.*, last_commenter.*, core_tags_cache.tag_cache_text FROM `ips_forums_topics` AS `forums_topics`  LEFT JOIN `ips_forums_forums` AS `forums_forums` ON forums_topics.forum_id=forums_forums.id  LEFT JOIN `ibf_core_tags_cache` AS `core_tags_cache` ON tag_cache_key=MD5(CONCAT('forums;forums;',forums_topics.tid))  LEFT JOIN `ibf_core_members` AS `author` ON author.member_id = forums_topics.starter_id  LEFT JOIN `ibf_core_members` AS `last_commenter` ON last_commenter.member_id = forums_topics.last_poster_id WHERE forums_forums.club_id IS NULL AND ( forums_forums.id IN(3,147,92,146,214,141,144,223,145,143,142,220,2,139,185,140,29,138,137,148,154,149,175,150,151,152,153,48,35,4,19,158,43,21,44,165,163,222,176,219,241,242,173,5,212,162,213,216,159,6,171,41,64,202,126,172,217,70,15,1,71,67,51,66,130,132,135,14,237,240,243) ) AND forums_forums.min_posts_view<=10243 AND forums_topics.approved < 2 AND forums_topics.approved!=-2 AND forums_topics.approved!=-3 AND ( NULLIF(forums_topics.moved_to, '') IS NULL ) AND forums_topics.forum_id NOT IN (2,3,6,48,51,71,172,212) ORDER BY forums_topics.last_post desc LIMIT 0,15;

Each time I use fluid mode, I get a line like this one.

Hoping it will help. 🙂

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There doesnt appear to be anything obvious there unfortunately, so it would be a case of optimising your sql instance to ensure it can cope with the heavier loads of pulling that much information

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On 7/9/2024 at 8:27 AM, Marc St said:

There doesnt appear to be anything obvious there unfortunately, so it would be a case of optimising your sql instance to ensure it can cope with the heavier loads of pulling that much information

To be fair, it's not a very efficient query at all. We've been looking at ways to improve it by adding additional indexes, but ideally it would be nice to see it improved - this thread isn't the only one I've seen with people having issues with both the fluid view and combined fluid view. 

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8 minutes ago, Dll said:

To be fair, it's not a very efficient query at all. We've been looking at ways to improve it by adding additional indexes, but ideally it would be nice to see it improved - this thread isn't the only one I've seen with people having issues with both the fluid view and combined fluid view. 

There are many optimisations which are being worked on within the platform. Its worth noting however, that indexes added for your specific site may not work for everyone, and we have to bear that in mind when adding them to the core platform 

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On 7/9/2024 at 2:18 AM, SecondSight said:

Rows_sent: 15  Rows_examined: 702983

This would be very concerning to me. Examining over 700k rows will take a lot of time in the db. 

It might be very hard to optimize this query and your solution might be to disable fluid view on your forum. 

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