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Import Member List option?

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This is silly, but I can't seem to find where the option is to import a CSV member list in AdminCP. I've tried searching the Help Guides, and nothing is coming up. I know I'm just missing it, because I've done it before. 🙂

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19 minutes ago, Randy Calvert said:

Yes, it should.  But there should be more buttons up there as well.

Could contain: File, Text, WebpageAre you using an account that has full admin permissions?


Yes, actually. The account is assigned two member groups right now, both Administrator and Technical Administrator. I just checked in there, and both those groups are listed as unrestricted:

Could contain: Page, Text, File


We are running three plug-ins, and I just disabled them and cleared the system cache to see if something was messing up that way. It didn't change anything.

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Would apply the patches which are present in ACP -> Support. Then also save the Administrator permissions that you are a part of as that is really odd that those are gone. Unless someone has manually modified your files to remove those buttons, I do not believe we have an option to remove those.

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8 minutes ago, Jim M said:

Would apply the patches which are present in ACP -> Support. Then also save the Administrator permissions that you are a part of as that is really odd that those are gone. Unless someone has manually modified your files to remove those buttons, I do not believe we have an option to remove those.

Thanks for the suggestion. I hadn't noticed the patch. Just installed that and cleared the cache. Didn't change anything or add the missing button, but I'm glad to have realized it needed doing!

Not sure what you mean by "save the Administrator permissions". Do you mean just to go into the member group permissions and hit the "save" button?

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3 minutes ago, PinPics said:

Not sure what you mean by "save the Administrator permissions". Do you mean just to go into the member group permissions and hit the "save" button?

That is correct. You would go in and edit the Administrator permissions for your account and save. This should, hopefully, tell the system to resave with full permissions.

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Figured it out!

Currently, we are using oAuth for accounts to sign-in using the info from the main part of our site (not IPS right now but working on changing that). New registrations were disabled. Once I enable all of that, the buttons returned!

Thanks for trouble-shooting with me. I was really confused. 🙂

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