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Counters not working

Go to solution Solved by Marc,

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10 minutes ago, Marafa said:

number of topic reads is not increasing after a new read

That number is updating frequently by the task, not live. Wait a little or run task called viewupdates.

11 minutes ago, Marafa said:

Total number of members not updated after new registration

You mean that number displaying in the widget? 🙂

It's cached, so wait a little or refresh them from a Support tab in the ACP by using a Clear System Caches button at the right of it.


Everything is fine in the end.

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6 minutes ago, DawPi said:

run task called viewupdates

i did run the task, but still not updated


6 minutes ago, DawPi said:

ou mean that number displaying in the widget?

yes , and i did clear the cash few minutes back , but still no update

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23 minutes ago, Marafa said:

For example, a topic that was added by someone else and i opened myself many times, still shows 0 views


View count updates are handled by background tasks every 5 minutes. Your background tasks currently are driven by traffic. If you do not have a lot of traffic, these will not update nearly as soon as they should. 

I just ran the task manually on your site and it is indeed running without error. 

If you have any caching through CloudFlare, your server, etc... This may lead to inaccurate counts as well.


If you continue to see this even with valid traffic running across several days, please provide us with an example topic URLs and we can take a look.

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Posted (edited)


I do empty the cash from ACP after each upgrade, and I run most upgrades/patches once issued

here is a topic as an example that has replies and 0 reads


you can see the same case for many other topics in the main forum page



Will also check with server support regarding server cash


Edited by Marafa
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  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Still waiting for the server support team's reply, The ticket status is still a work in progress, but now suddenly counters are working, not sure what happened

will add the update once done

Edited by Marafa
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the answer was that they just cleared the server cash

now every thing seems fine, thanks

should i ask them to do that periodically?

i do clear cash from ACP after each upgrade or batch


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3 minutes ago, Marafa said:

the answer was that they just cleared the server cash

now every thing seems fine, thanks

should i ask them to do that periodically?

You would need to investigate with your hosting provider what is happening as they should not be caching full pages or what it is that they are here that is causing this. This is not normal.

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This was the server team's reply :

Dear Client,
we have disabled the cache for the required domain


but today I noticed again lack of counter updates, but will wait for a while as you said earlier it is a scheduled task. can I increase the frequency of running this task?


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